




該当件数 : 124

chool districts should not be immune from civil tort action.
ourt's civil jurisdiction includes contract and tort actions; cases remanded from the Massachusetts
ator may be guilty of committing an intentional tort along with a criminal act of assault and batter
r a seduced woman to sue for herself with this tort., although damages were capped at 100 pounds.
dered three situations where a party can sue in tort and contract.
the specialist editors for Butterworths, Law of Tort and writes (with Donal Nolan) the annual review
w limitation period; six years for all cases in tort and contract.
cademic and leader in the fields of labour law, tort and discrimination.
ategory and so BG Checo was able to sue in both tort and contract.
ruled that it had jurisdiction over the tribal tort and federal civil rights claims and the Tribal
of a statute as evidence towards an established tort and should not be trying to determine whether t
gislature, Kirk also sedrved as a member of the Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, 1993;
the duty in contract and the common law duty in tort are co-extensive."
xt friend of), [1978] 2 S.C.R. 287 is a leading tort case from the Supreme Court of Canada.
f contract stemming from his resignation, and a tort case against the owner of the Los Angeles Laker
Insurance Coverage in a Toxic Tort Case, A Guide to Toxic Torts (1987)
She was involved in the landmark tort case, Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. v. United Stat
agon Mound (No 2) [1967] 1 AC 617 is a landmark tort case, concerning the test for breach of duty of
iability, Fraud and Securities Cases, and Toxic Tort Cases.
der the Torture Victim Protection Act and Alien Tort Claims Act for the abusing parties.
ed spur the passage of the long-pending Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946, as well as the insertion of
th Carolina homeowner who had brought a Federal Tort Claims Act action against the United States for
can be held legally responsible under the Alien Tort Claims Act for violations of international huma
He has chapters on tort, contract, corporations, labor law, but also cr
Civil Tort Counterclaim.
But these were old and the tort duty ‘is comparable to the duty of reasonable c
His special fields were tort, family law, inheritance and aerial law, and he
In it Lord Denning MR invented a new economic tort for interference with a contract.
Generally speaking, in determining where a tort has been committed, it is unnecessary, and unwi
turned to England several Jamaicans sued him in tort in the Courts of England.
briefly employed the troubadour Peire Bremon lo Tort in the Holy Land.
aim of the legislation is to reform the law of tort in respect of the National Health Service in Wa
The tort is abolished in "most states".
Tort Law (6th ed.).
Sports' tort law extends into other less obvious areas.
ye [1853] EWHC QB J73 is a foundational English tort law case, heard in 1853, in the field of econom
v Downton [1897] 2 Q.B. 57, is a famous English tort law decision in which the Common Law first reco
Byrne v Boadle (1863) is an English tort law case that first applied the doctrine of res
vor Law Group are often cited in discussions of tort law abuse in articles and California talk radio
Rose v Plenty [1976] 1 WLR 141 is an English tort law case, on the issue of where an employee is
ices Pte Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 1821 is an English tort law case, concerning an employer's liability fo
Council [2003] UKHL 61 is an important English tort law case, concerning the rule in Rylands v. Fle
It is a general principle in tort law that a defendant is not liable for damages
Law School since 1973 where he teaches courses tort law and jurisprudence.
Gregg v Scott [2005] UKHL 2 is an English tort law case, on the issue of loss of a chance, in
a and nationally for their alleged heavy-handed tort law abuse.
rville v Stampe (1697) 91 ER 1072 is an English tort law case concerning vicarious liability, also k
dence, ethics, the philosophical foundations of tort law and criminal law, as well as on the philoso
03 ER 1127 is a famous English property law and tort law case about rights to wild animals.
ractice would likely be one of several areas of tort law that House Republicans are planning to revi
He co-authors the popular tort law casebook Tort and Accident Law: Cases and M
hool, as well as a former Dean and professor of tort law at Hofstra University School of Law.
gement Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582 is an English tort law case that lays down the typical rule for as
milar to the doctrine of respondeat superior in tort law where a superior is held liable for the act
attis v Pollock [2003] 1 WLR 2158 is an English tort law case, establishing an employer's vicarious
ert on negligence, he is a leading advocate of ' tort law reform' policy, that would replace the law
ain articles: Hong Kong contract law, Hong Kong tort law, and Hong Kong unjust enrichment law
He was co-author of the most-cited work in Tort law, Prosser & Keeton on Torts.
He has published scholarship on tort law, judicial decision making, and legal interp
nclude the application of economic reasoning to tort law, and a legal interpretation of the Coase th
Under tort law, when the keeper of a public eating place s
substantially with labor law, contract law and tort law.
HL 22 is a leading case on causation in English tort law.
leading case of the Supreme Court of Canada on tort law.
lows husbands and wives to sue each other under tort law.
each other, and could not sue each other under tort law.
Lubbe v Cape Plc [2000] 1 WLR 1545 tort liability for shareholders on Donaghue test
His scholarship addresses tort liability and moral hazard, criminal punishment
ued that when a contract resulted, there was no tort liability, relying on Clark v Kirby-Smith, when
First Amendment presents less of an obstacle to tort liability.
tests of public protestors at a funeral against tort liability.
cations litigation, products liability and mass tort litigation, healthcare, employee benefits and e
eral employees in common law and constitutional tort litigation.
on J held there was no contractual warranty and tort misrepresentation damages were limited to losse
The Court rejected the tort of breach of statutory duty.
The tort of seduction was a civil wrong in common law le
BG Checo sued in tort of negligent misrepresentation and in the alter
Dickson examined the tort of breach of statutory duty in both England and
a famous decision of the House of Lords on the tort of passing off.
An unmarried woman could sue with the tort of seduction to obtain damages from her seducer
While the tort of defamation protects a person's reputation, t
n the name Liberty (which in English law is the tort of passing off).
ications of and modifications to the common law tort of libel.
glish decision on the requirements for both the tort of assault and the common law criminal offence
claims against an estate arising in contract, tort or otherwise
Loss of use is the inability, due to a tort or other injury to use a body part, animal, equ
ity” basis and often consume the all or most of tort recovery secured by the ERISA participant/benef
Supports tort reform
c. Enact tort reform as exemplified by Texas.
ch, voter identification reform legislation and tort reform legislation.
reform, he supports the Republican position of tort reform and allowing insurance companies to comp
jury lawyers has spawned movements to establish tort reform in the United States in recent years.
010, Gilbert authored a chapter in Materials on Tort Reform by Professor Andrew Popper of the Washin
Business groups and tort reform supporters had lobbied for the legislati
sistently blocked medical malpractice and other tort reform in Albany.
of our civil justice system was crucial in the tort reform fight.
He also passed the most significant tort reform measures in recent decades, when he repl
Frank supports tort reform in the United States, which drew critici
lawyers and opponents of medical liability and tort reform efforts.
She is in favor of tort reform for medical malpractice lawsuits and a f
A Committee, Charlie drafted the Comprehensive Tort Reform Bill and was the leader in the Senate in
Tort reform proponents argue that such reforms are n
However, even successful tort reform might not lead to lower aggregate liabil
ho can't afford coverage, and the importance of tort reform in bringing costs down.
it's fair to mention that he is a proponent of tort reform despite earning a living as a personal i
limits for legislators, social security reform, tort reform, and welfare reform.
eas of taxation, transportation, right-to-work, tort reform, growth management, economic development
ion season of 2004, Spence, a vocal opponent of tort reform, crisscrossed his native Wyoming spearhe
This case is sometimes cited in calls for tort reform.
to Overlawyered, a legal weblog that advocates tort reform.
um industry, suburban errands, pandemic flu and tort reform.
t case, the parties are hardly likely to sue in tort, since they could not recover in tort for the h
case eventually went to trial as an intentional tort, specifically battery (tort).
civil suit filed under the United States' Alien Tort Statute, with the assistance of the American Ci
is article "The Historical Origins of the Alien Tort Statute: A Response to the Originalists" in Has
Though the right to sue in tort still exists, it is generally not practical.
pretation of jurisdiction and the location of a tort that balanced fairness between the parties.
ay seek to sue concurrently or alternatively in tort to secure some advantage peculiar to the law of
ractice include insurance, commercial, banking, tort trial and appellate practice, and mediation.
at married couples can now sue each other under tort, with two exceptions; first, where the court be
The Court allowed the widow to sue in tort within Saskatchewan despite the defendant not h
re stringent obligation than the general law of tort would impose.
e British law was designed this way so that the tort would be covered by insurance, thus easing a dr

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