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he has appeared in Italian films such as La mia vita a stelle e strisce and Un maresciallo in gondol
Fangio - Una vita a 300 all'ora (1981)
Vita activa e vita contemplativa nel pensiero umanis
h translation of an Old Testament Midrash text, Vita Adae (et Evae).
Voces a mi Alrededor, Franco De Vita album
According to the Vita Aldegundis, he and his probable brother Gundola
La Dolce Vita also earned the Palme d'Or (Golden Palm) at the
The Kongolese Saint Anthony: Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and the Antonian Movement, 1684-1706,, Cambridg
Walter Veltroni (Veltroniani), notably Vincenzo Vita, and supporters of Massimo D'Alema (Dalemiani),
from his youth to good works, according to his Vita and to the study of Holy Scripture.
asta" by Venezuelan singer-songwriter Franco De Vita and being succeeded six weeks later by "Todo, T
ich have analog buttons such as the PlayStation Vita and Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, the controls are
ing, she was later able to write St. Winibald's vita and an account in Latin of St. Willibald's trav
as revealed that it will be for the PlayStation Vita and 3DS
Vita Ansgari is the biography of Ansgar, written by
until the mid-9th century, when - as Rimbert's Vita Ansgari relates - Olof (I) of Sweden gathered a
uthor known as "Pseudo-Bonaventura" and Rimbert Vita Ansgari.
He also wrote a biography about Ansgar, Vita Ansgari.
whose existence can be proven historically, the Vita Ansgarii ("The Life of Ansgar") aims above all
There is a brief Vita Antiqua perhaps of the 6th century, which has b
Helen Vita as Lore Schulz
with king Arthur, who is mentioned twice in the vita, as great and bold but willful.
Albert Eichhorn, Athanasii De vita ascetica testimonia collecta.
Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts Programme ( VITA) at the Royal College of Art in 1984.
f print advertisement including the Maven: "Get Vita at your favorite supermarket, grocery or delica
The game was announced for PlayStation Vita at E3 2011, and will feature Cole from Infamous
wards - the 2000 Laurence Olivier Award the FNB VITA Award in South Africa, and the Elliot Norton Aw
Grant's Vita Axchami in Ascham's Works, ed.
vith giya, ayith kiyannam, methe budun buduwana vita ayith kiyannam,” which translates as: “Came and
radition of architectural figures: a search for Vita Beata” in Body and Building: Essays on the Chan
ary source that mentions Saint Severinus is the Vita beati Antonii by Magnus Felix Ennodius, bishop
The Vita Beati Gerlaci Eremytae, written around 1227, de
Gocce di vita, Benedettine di Priscilla, 1966
Vita Bergen (lit.
et down in writing by his student, Thangmar, in Vita Bernwardi.
ay 1, 2002), and a daughter, Bella (born Bardot Vita Boreanaz on August 31, 2009, her name was later
ay 1, 2002), and a daughter, Bella (born Bardot Vita Boreanaz on August 31, 2009, her name was later
"Ars Longa Vita Brevis" - 19:20
He first joined Amore e Vita but changed, the following year to Team Cologne
There is a Vita by Otloh of St. Emmeram of c.
ilian's chorus, & verses by Murder Inc. artists Vita, Caddillac Tah, & Black Child.
The date of Lifris' Vita Cadoci, shortly before 1086, makes it a testimo
Upon arriving in the city, the Vita Caesarii claims that Caesarius discovered, comp
Vita Carboy Water
According to the Vita Carileffi, Childebert I granted him lands, afte
Vita Cha T Din - Icy Lemon, Icy Green Tea, Iced Pass
Quam misera esset vita chistianorum sub Turca (1529).
Vita Christinae virginis mirabilis dictae
up of Love Lane, the house band at the La Dolce Vita club Birmingham,specifically Robert Young (born
"), many former GDR products were brought back, Vita Cola being one of the most popular.
Vita Cola is a cola beverage produced in Germany.
For some time, Vita Cola sponsored FC Hansa Rostock, a football clu
Vita Cola's flavor is described as cola-like with a
ll of the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain in 1989, Vita Cola's business quickly collapsed as Western co
pany) also produce cola beverage and branded as Vita Cola.
ricus: cujus Gradus, Educatio, Tonsura, Chorus, Vita Communis, Hierarchia exponuntur, 1686.
t via the work, "On the Contemplative Life" (De vita contemplativa) of Julian Pomerius (†498).
, which he later treated as a capital of sorts ( Vita Corbiniani).
Vita d'attore.
A Dog's Life (Italian: Vita da cani) is a 1950 Italian comedy film directed
Vita De Vie - ClubJ, MTV Live WINNER
La vita degli altri (2001)
(c) "De scientia, ideis, veritate ac vita Dei" (Paris, 1629);
Solomon's introduction was published by Samuel Vita della Volta in 1819, and republished by A. Jell
La Vita della Regina Elizabetta.
Condivi's Vita denies that Michelangelo was indebted to any ot
s entitled Joseph e Chico: Un gatto racconta la vita di Papa Benedetto XVI.
In 1553 he published Vita di Michelagnolo [sic] Buonarroti, an authorised
Vita di Michelangiolo nella vita del suo tempo (1949
According to the Historia e vita di Sant'Evasio Vescovo e Martire by the Augusti
Vita di San Giovanni di Matera (Italian)
Historia overo Vita di Elisabetta, Regina d'Inghilterra.
"Ignazio Silone, La Doppia Vita di un Italiano", Rizzoli 2005;
In 1972, he narrated the television special La vita di Leonardo Da Vinci.
Vita di Suor Maria Crocifissa Satellico Monaca franc
A Difficult Life (Italian: Una vita difficile) is a Commedia all'italiana or Italia
2) of Girolamo de Ghetti's Breve Racconto della Vita e Miracoli della B. Rita da Cascia is dedicated
e of Palestrina (Memorie storico-critiche della vita e delle opere di Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestri
igazione politica in ID., Geometrie del potere, Vita e Pensiero, Milan, 2005.
Vita e azione pastorale di un vescovo riformatore, L
l., Bib., Laurent., 8 vols (1767-1778), and the Vita e Lettere d'Amerigo Vespucci, 1745.
ariantz, Bedros Turian, poeta armeno: dalla sua vita e dalle sue pagine migliori, con cenno sull'art
versum, contradictio, prefazione di A. Bausola, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1997;
Vita Edburgae, MS.
is publications was an edition of the chronicle Vita Edwardi Secundi.
The Vita Edwardi says that he was "most suitably and exc
tractates, the most important is De H Zwinglii vita el obitu (1536), translated into English by Hen
Petri Pithoei vita, elogia, opera, bibliotheca (life and works by
nean, where she sank the Italian merchants Capo Vita, Enrico Costa, and Frederico C., and the German
Vita es Morte
rk on the life and miracles of Saint Opportuna ( Vita et miracula Sanctae Opportunae).
Vita et apologia Scoti
The accounts in Henry of Huntingdon and the Vita et Passio Waldevi are thought to be derived fro
eval chronicler Sigebert of Gembloux, titled De vita et scriptis Sigiberti (1841).
' Vita et Epicedion Johannis Claymondi Praesidis Coll.
Another legendary account, in the Vita et Passio Waldevi, a hagiography of Osbeorn's b
er the accumulated anecdotes of St. Simon in De Vita et Morte; the fully developed aura of legend is
ions by Thomas de Villa Castin (1618), he wrote Vita et Doctrina Christi Domini in meditationes quot
to have arrived in Denmark), he wrote his Latin Vita et Passio S. Canuti (English: Life and Passion
De vita et moribus B. P. Ignatii Loiolae, qui societate
De vita et moribus P. Ioannis Cardim Luisitani, e Socie
ruary 2007) - Natural History documentary; Aqua Vita Films for Five (channel) and National Geographi
ns mangnum se moribus induit agnum, prepete pro vita fit parvulus anachorita", which translates as "
43, Hunt's was taken over by Norton Simon's Val Vita Food Products - a competing firm founded in the
he Committee Science & Life (Comitato Scienza & Vita) for law 40 and President of the Italian Societ
Ja Rule, Black Child, Tah Murdah and Vita for their 1999 rap single which is also feature
h to the mid 20th century the authorship of the Vita Fructuosi was wrongly attributed to Valerio of
Vita futurista (Futurist life), directed by Arnaldo
Sergio Gentili, Mauro Zani), Say Left (Vincenzo Vita, Giuseppe Giulietti, Augusto Battaglia) and som
Riu Dolce Vita, Golden Sands, Bulgaria, Summer 2011
They had five daughters including the artist Vita Gollancz and the musician Livia Ruth Gollancz.
They had five daughters including Vita Gollancz, an artist and Livia Ruth Gollancz, mu
Vita Griffini Filii Conani: The Medieval Latin Life
According the Vita Gudilae Pharaildis was the sister of Saint Gudu
According the Vita Gudilae, Gudula, the niece of Gertrude of Nivel
Podevijn, 'Etude critique sur la Vita Gudulae', Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoi
s abbot of Crowland, and is mentioned in Felix' Vita Guthlaci.
"Softly as I Leave You" (Antonio De Vita, Hal Sharper) - 2.27
and was a close friend of Saint Eligius, whose vita he wrote; Audoin was consecrated bishop of Roue
According to the 9th century Vita Hiudowici by Thegan, he was the son of Gotfrid
y of Hildegard is recorded in the ninth-century Vita Hiudowici by Thegan of Trier: "the duke Gotfrid
"Astronomus", Vita Hludovici imperatoris, ed.
ced Cadolah according to Thegan of Trier in his Vita Hludowici imperatoris, until 828, when he was r
KVH (Karel Vita Hudson), a large pharmaceutical company working
entombed at her monastery of Chelles (Eligius, vita, II.37).
hino da Fiore (Gioacchino da Fiore: i tempi, la vita, il messaggio) and Martin Luther (Lutero e la r
Media vita in morte sumus is the title and first line of a
They released one album, Dolce Vita, in 1997, and had moderate success in Slovakia
and Fate killed the Wolkenritter, finishing off Vita in front of Hayate.
Media vita in morte sumus ; quem quaerimus adjutorem, nisi
sidential building, the Communist councilman Da Vita initiates an inquiry on Nottola's possible conn
Vita intrepida di Ettore Muti.
Aqua vitae (Latin, "water of life") or aqua vita, is an archaic name for a concentrated aqueous
al Academy for Life or Pontificia Accademia Pro Vita is a Pontifical Academy of the Roman Catholic C
This Vita is traditionally read as a part of the Matins o
Her vita is connected to Charles Martel.
Written in about 875 CE, the Vita is an important source in not only detailing An
His Vita is one of the chief sources for writing the his
The Vita is generally unhelpful for establishing dates o
La nostra vita is a 2010 Italian film directed by Daniele Luch
The oldest and best manuscript of this Vita is in the library of Einsiedeln Abbey in Switze
His works are: Vita Jesu Christi (Antwerp, 1578) and Theatrum Terra
It was continued in the Historia de vita Johannis XXIII.
Vita Karoli Magni.
The film Den vita katten directed by Hasse Ekman in 1950 was shot
son Mraz, Monte Montgomery, Orishas, Moke, Mala Vita, Kleine Jay and was headlined by Sheryl Crow.
2007: 1º in Stage 4 Vuelta a El Salvador, Dolce Vita La Libertad (ESA)
The juxtaposition of names in the Vita Landiberto episcopi Traiectensis may imply a re
Vita Lebuini antiqua.
ate 1990s, there was a television commercial of VITA lemon tea, which is a beverage, shown on the lo
Vita Leobae Abbatissae Biscofesheimensis', a biograp
one religionis in Anglia et de Alani Cardinalis vita libellus Rome, 1608 and 1638, 8vo, dedicated to
Edition: Vita Lietberti episcopi Cameracensis auctore Rudulfo
There is in existence an ancient Vita, Life of the saint by a monk named Daniel of Ra
a suburban settlement Chapayivka (before 1920s Vita Litovska).
hor of the text which informs us about her, the Vita Liutbergae, claims to have been a personal acqu
, 1677, and in Conrad Hubert's Historia vera de vita M. Buceri, Strasburg, 1562.
Problemi di vita manicomiale, Imola: Galeati, 1916
MaryAnn Mihychuk (born February 27, 1955 in Vita, Manitoba) is a former politician from Manitoba
ey do find brief mention as the Varistae of the Vita Marci Antonini Philosophi (Chapter 22) of Juliu
Flandy Limpele / Vita Marissa
Flandy Limpele & Vita Marissa 1-2
Flandy Limpele and Vita Marissa (INA) (Semifinals, Fourth Place)
ver another Indonesian pair, Flandy Limpele and Vita Marissa to earn a bronze medal.
She often used the pseudonym Vitalis (adj. of vita, meaning life in Latin).
The Vita Meinwerci is a biography of him and his times.
The vita mentions a certain miraculous spot that had a h
The Vita Merlini presents an account of Merlin much more
Vita Merlini, or The Life of Merlin, is a work by th
William may have read Geoffrey's Vita Merlini, but otherwise does not intrude any ele
urn therefrom made explicit in Geoffrey's later Vita Merlini.
frey dealt with Merlin again in his third work, Vita Merlini.
has raced in Europe for ten years, for Amore E Vita, Mobilvetta, Mercury, Domina Vacanze and Tenax
Italian-born Moses Vita Montefiore (died 1789) was living there in 1763
Right: either Judith Augoustides or Vita Nel of South Africa.
ed at the 2008 Summer Olympics, partnering with Vita Nel.
Judged By Your Work Party (Asa Vita no Ifampitsarana, AVI) is a political party in
"Eclipse - Vita Nova" - 8:49
The Doctor and Romana find themselves at The Vita Novus Health Spa in the 32nd century.
f Dante Alighieri and immortalized by him in La Vita Nuova and The Divine Comedy.
of the textual sources, finds something of the Vita Nuova here: ‘Psychologically, the drama moves d
La Vita Nuova (English: The New Life) is a medieval tex
at Ponte Santa Trinita (1883) is inspired by La Vita Nuova, as was Dante Gabriel Rossetti's The Salu
Vita Nuova, 2008
ork for The Tale of Igor's Campaign, Dante's La Vita Nuova, Shakespeare's The Twelfth Night and The
ld become the subject of the first sonnet in La Vita Nuova.
L'arte, la scienza e la vita, nuovi saggi critici, conferenze e scritti vari
No contemporary Vita of Rasso has survived and various legends arose
the works of Euripides to win material for his vita of this great tragedian.
A form of papal crown is first mentioned in the vita of Pope Constantine (eighth century) contained
irst report of the Crimean Goths appears in the Vita of Saint Cyril, Apostle to the Slavs (Constanti
ll that we know of Zosimas' life comes from the Vita of St. Mary of Egypt, recorded by St. Sophroniu
The Vita of Severinus was written by Eugippius.
Naturally Jonas dedicated to him his vita of Saint Columbanus.
He is known to have written a now largely lost Vita of Columba.
The vita of Saint Eligius by his companion Dado reports
Lothair figures briefly in the vita of Adelaide written by Hroswitha of Gandersheim

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