「wounded」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






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ast 26 others, civilians among them, had been wounded, a statement said.
ughters, who, she informed me, had been badly wounded a few minutes before.
annery in his book, A Gap In Nature, shot and wounded a bird he was stalking, before it escaped wit
Although wounded a second time, he remained steadfast and main
One day while hunting for deer he wounded a buck.
He was wounded a second time at the Battle of the Wilderness
it partially decapitated a woman and severely wounded a girl, who ran screaming to the village for
-gun fire, Petty Officer Sephton was mortally wounded, a bullet actually passing through his body a
again ordered to withdraw when Sfc. Duke was wounded a third time in both legs and was unable to w
nd Basra in June left two protesters dead and wounded a number of police and civilians.
attle, the regiment suffered 17 killed and 74 wounded, a total of 91 casualties.
They wounded a policeman and escaped, abandoning three pac
He was then wounded a third time as he tried to move amongst his
ory, the 2/18th lost 256 men with another 400 wounded, a casualty rate of 50%.
He was wounded a second time, but continued firing his Bren
nical engineering, killed four colleagues and wounded a staff member at Concordia University in Mon
City section of Baghdad killed 215 people and wounded a further 250.
storian puts French losses at 77 dead and 246 wounded, a total of 323, while stating Austrians casu
Wounded a second time, he steadfastly refused evacuat
Class Dias again moved into the open and was wounded a third time by sniper fire.
rning to command the 2nd Brigade, Leasure was wounded a few days later and never returned to field
When wounded a third time and final time, he lay shouting
f at a shot, and the bullet, having deviated, wounded a horse of a Russian accompanying crew court.
in flooded fields behind Utah Beach, and was wounded a few days later.
and other civilians were rushing to help the wounded, a suicide bomber blew himself up.
and McGuinness killed two of the Chinese and wounded a third before the remaining workers stabbed
was that, as a Filipino rifleman fell dead or wounded, a large number of bolomen were ready to take
iana in the battles of Second Manassas (being wounded a second time), Antietam, and Fredericksburg.
e reconquest of French Indochina where he was wounded a second time.
mp, destroyed much of the contents, killed or wounded a large number of men, and captured numerous
revolver and shot and wounded a young woman before shooting bar manager Leo
From Hurt to Healing: A Theology of the Wounded, Abingdon Press, 2004, ISBN 0-687-03881-2
ina, with the loss of four men killed and one wounded aboard Fox.
, she struck her colors out of regard for the wounded aboard, and all aboard were taken prisoners.
anded in the Zone throughout the siege, which wounded about 40 refugees.
an officer was lying out in the open severely wounded about 150 yards from cover.
One man was killed and 3 wounded about 20 meters from the bunker complex.
n the base that left a man dead and two women wounded, according to base spokesman Dieter Jester.
Wounded action before Zutphen on 22 September 1586, h
ushed his detachment to the assistance of the wounded, administering first aid and evacuating the w
rushed to nearby Bagram Air Base with the two wounded Afghans, all of whom were treated and eventua
s reported that two rebels were killed and 15 wounded after coming under sniper fire in the village
Jordanian soldier was killed and another was wounded after two rockets hit nearby docks.
He was seriously wounded after having downed his 12th plane."
soon after returning to duty, Wilson severely wounded after being shot three times during the Battl
nd King Snake working from the shadows, badly wounded after his first encounter with Robin.
A young woman's husband returns wounded after the First World War.
o Canadians and one American-and 27 more were wounded, after the militant seized the steering wheel
Korea, there was difficulty in evacuating the wounded after a position had been captured, until Maj
He was severely wounded afterwards at the capture of the Shah Nujjif.
Although wounded again many times, he remained at his gun, tra
Resuming his command, he was dangerously wounded again at the Battle of Totopotomoy Creek.
Now commanding a King Tiger he was wounded again with first degree burns.
explosion at the Battle of Groix in 1795 and wounded again at the Action of 6 April 1809.
ad his men and on the following day, although wounded again he still led and encouraged them.
His career ended when he was wounded again in the Battle of Stony Point on July 14
of the 8th Hussars (his parent unit) and was wounded again when his Stuart tank was hit during the
Wounded again when an enemy grenade shattered his lef
He was wounded again during the charge, and died soon after.
He was wounded again through the right hand and taken prison
He was wounded again while searching enemy dug-outs and agai
campaign to the crossing of the Mincio he was wounded again in pushing the enemy out of the village
He was severely wounded again on 24 December 1814 at New Orleans and
g the Battle of Stones River, in which he was wounded again, hit in a shoulder on December 31.
General Brooke was critically wounded, again, at Cold Harbor in June.
He was wounded again, and fell, but picked himself up and co
He was wounded again, but reached the objective and consolid
1863 Chancellorsville Campaign, where he was wounded again, this time in a foot, on May 3.
rt to the fighting in Champagne, where he was wounded again.
, and in the Siege of Fort Erie, where he was wounded again.
Chinese casualties included 500 killed and wounded against 82 for the Japanese.
the Kosovo war of a Serbian soldier who saw a wounded Albanian woman, left his ranks and helped her
The gang hangs the wounded Alex from the lobby chandelier, killing him.
He stumbles upon a wounded alien soldier who tells of the Nazis yet agai
even-handed caring for Union and Confederate wounded alike, which may not have endeared her to Rad
e under steady fire from the enemy, killed or wounded all the hostile gunners with deadly accurate
Confederate losses were 4 killed and 16 wounded, all in Brigadier General James S. Rains' Eig
Five people were killed and six wounded, all police officers.
chine-gun fire at close range which killed or wounded all members of the section except the command
It tells the story of a group of wounded Allied soldiers in a mobile surgery unit at t
e of Arnhem, Hepburn's hospital received many wounded Allied soldiers.
Whiskey, a bull terrier, was found with a wounded ally in The Night of the Wolves in Commandos
he platoon leader and his radio operator were wounded almost immediately, and Sp5 McWethy rushed ac
In this attack he was wounded almost at once, but persevered in his efforts
Although severely wounded almost at once, he continued to advance and t
nd killed more than 50 Chinese protesters and wounded almost 120 more.
a New Orleans Police Officer who was mortally wounded along with two employees of a family-run Viet
ied the bodies of those killed as well as the wounded, along with the dispatches of the squadron of
ent, Wylly was reported to have been severely wounded, along with another Tasmanian officer, and 3
y reinforced, and the attackers not killed or wounded, along with members of supporting units, were
Fox was wounded along with all of the other members of the co
of Toungoo in good condition, taking all the wounded along.
reason to believe that Lieutenant Coulson was wounded also, as he fell off his horse.
d knocked off his horse, but was not mortally wounded, although he had ridden to what seemed to be
rians recorded losses of only 26 dead and 130 wounded, although it is likely that many of the wound
cial report 38 people were killed and over 58 wounded, although other sources put the death toll at
oldiers of the 43d, 21 were killed and 8 were wounded, although some scources state the number of k
en his first command here after replacing the wounded Alvinczi in 1794, while in the Hanoverian arm
77, which was fought a few miles to the west, wounded American soldiers took refuge in the meetingh
ntrance to Pier 5, waiting for debarkation of wounded American soldiers from Tunisia.
mpanying the British slaughtered 68 seriously wounded American soldiers in the Massacre of the Rive
bly two, of the three Germans who were on the wounded American's tail.
British losses were 137 killed and 304 wounded; American, 48 killed and 227 wounded.
British losses were 75 dead and 22 wounded; among the wounded were Lieutenant Colonel Ey
ele ridge of the 9th Brigade was the dead and wounded, among whom was Clarence Jeffries, who was la
Three men were wounded, amongst them Sepoy Bhandari Ram, who receive
He shot and wounded an officer and killed or wounded the remainde
e of St Albans (1455), where he was seriously wounded and his father was killed.
by a poisonous snake and returned to Guanare wounded and near death, and began to ask in order to
ter two thirds of his crew had been killed or wounded, and he having taken a total of five musket b
in this particular action, 229 killed, 1,269 wounded, and 375 missing; total, 1,873.
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded and 3 officers and 145 enlisted men who died
20-21, 1813) in Saxony, when he was mortally wounded, and died in a farmhouse near the battlefield
he Army of Portugal suffered 7,000 killed and wounded and 7,000 captured.
He served in many engagements and was wounded and captured at the Battle of Old Church, Vir
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded and 2 officers and 161 enlisted men who died
sses on both sides-48 Paratroopers dead, many wounded, and 403 dead PLAF troops.
ells were fired, 16,744 men died, 33,782 were wounded and 641,803 died of starvation.
Gen. Mott was wounded and Brig.
He was wounded and was promoted to Captain.
He found Ensign Brown severely wounded and pinned in his cockpit by metal wreckage.
He fought in the Great War, where he was wounded, and Mentioned in Dispatches.
150 enlisted men killed in action or mortally wounded and 6 officers and 244 enlisted men who died
Crook reported a loss of 32 dead and 21 wounded and 13 of the Lakota dead.
Wisconsin 8th reported 5 killed, 14 severly wounded, and 19 slightly wounded.
Marmee learns her husband has been wounded and is recuperating in a Washington, DC hospi
One German soldier was wounded and nine insurgents killed in intense fightin
n against the government, when many Jews were wounded and several were sacrificed to the rage of th
ate Peachment saw his company commander lying wounded and crawled to help him.
The Japanese lost 102 men killed, 433 wounded and 33 missing.
Flight Lieutenant Reid was again wounded and the flight engineer, though hit in the fo
Kearns again played a prominent part but was wounded and had to be carried by the retreating insur
minutes, most of the officers were killed or wounded, and the horses and oxen pulling the covered
with minor injuries, but Lomax was seriously wounded and evacuated back to England, being placed i
n the aftermath, several French generals were wounded, and Louis-Nicolas Davout received a concussi
cted 634 casualties, including 80 killed, 424 wounded, and 130 captured, while losing over 600 men,
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded and 121 enlisted men who died of disease, for
ental commander, Colonel Thomas S. Kenan, was wounded and captured, and Lewis took command of the r
At The Battle of Borodino, Drizen was wounded and replaced by Major Andrey von Fitinhoff, w
ry 3 enlistedman killed in action or mortally wounded and 15 enlisted men who died of disease, for
became involved in a gunfight, leaving Selman wounded, and Outlaw dead.
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded and 167 enlisted men who died of disease, for
Three pillars giving the killed, wounded and missing of each division
An NCO was wounded and a medical officer who went to his aid was
The squad's sharpshooter, Jenkins, gets wounded and the player takes his M1 Garand.
He saw action in the Philippines where he was wounded and for which he received the Purple Heart.
t in which about 40 anarchists were killed or wounded and about 500 were imprisoned.
Pickle had suffered two men severely wounded and one man slightly wounded.
One of the crew was wounded and died on 3 May 1943.
r Grierson's Brigade were three killed, seven wounded, and nine missing.
pital was primarily used for the treatment of wounded and shell-shocked soldiers.
K. Dingwall, the Gordon Highlanders (who was wounded and unable to move), out of a heavy fire, and
cers and 137 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded, and 3 officers and 106 enlisted men by disea
Privates Chandler and Bolton were mortally wounded and Privates Lavin and Currell wounded.
Vaskov is also seriously wounded and finds the drowned soldier's clothes near
He was wounded and taken prisoner at Chancellorsville on May
Cukierman was wounded and narrowly escaped, and his two comrades we
the War of the Austrian Succession, was twice wounded, and by the end of the war was a lieutenant-c
Alcmene had one man killed and nine wounded, and Triton had one man wounded; Santa Brigid
Wounded and dying from the war were brought to Newpor
ss, but Carstairs is killed and MacRoberts is wounded and captured.
He was wounded and sent to military hospital where he was nu
to the front in Oiartzun, where Garmendia was wounded and captured on July 28, and transferred to P
jutant-General, Field Force, who was severely wounded, and on the morning of the 26th of September,
of sunstroke The British had six dead and 38 wounded and one dead of sunstroke.
Wounded and disabled in the course of the second comb
He was wounded and taken prisoner, but escaped.
height of the battle, Ragnar's son Siward was wounded and fell, causing the troops to waver.
He was wounded and awarded the Military Cross for his servic
The 12th OVI sustained a loss in killed, wounded and missing of 455 men.
it included approximately 3,000 killed, 9,000 wounded, and 17,000 sick and injured
s amounted to 18,221 men; 2,715 killed, 8,978 wounded, and 6,528 missing.
Confederate soldiers; and McDermut, mortally wounded, and six men were taken prisoner.
Paul's weak friend Franz Kemmerich is wounded, and soon dies in a crowded army hospital att
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded and 6 officers and 251 enlisted men who died
Wounded and disheveled, Princess Xionko (Beverly Wu)
of Captain E. Walsh, of the same corps, when wounded, and in danger of his life, whom he carried t
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded, and seventeen deaths of enlisted men from di
His Major was wounded and the command fell to George Munro.
Al-Samh himself was critically wounded and died shortly afterwards.
re five men killed, three officers and 15 men wounded, and one man captured.
the third convention to address the issues of wounded and sick combatants and was proceeded by the
ions concerning repatriation of the seriously wounded and seriously sick prisoners were transferred
giment and a higher estimate of 4,134 killed, wounded and missing.
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded and 1 officer and 134 enlisted men who died o
In April 1944 he was wounded and transferred to Italy.
At the Second Battle of Bull Run, Schenck was wounded and Stahel became acting commander of the div
d 2 enlisted men killed in action or mortally wounded and 24 enlisted men who died of disease, for
o Captain Gordon, Gordon Highlanders, who was wounded, and also attending to Major Robinson and oth
of Seven Pines, Virginia, in which Duncan was wounded and was subsequently remanded to the Confeder
dered to fill vacancies at guns caused by men wounded and killed in action, manned the weapon with
The bishop would treat the wounded and support Confederate soldiers throughout t
was not heavily engaged and suffered only two wounded and two killed.
ames Flaxman, who had remained on deck though wounded and had attempted to rally the crew to Alacri
force commenced to retire Trooper McCrae was wounded and his horse killed.
She evacuated 1065 wounded and 350 women and children as she departed.
f of his command; 18 men were killed, 12 were wounded, and 70 went missing.
ted men who were killed in action or mortally wounded and 4 officers and 117 enlisted men who died
His regiment lost 10 killed, 69 wounded, and another 16 men missing in the battle.
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