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Rabbi Shleifer escaped suspicion by writing a personal appeal to Stalin.
In December 2007 she began writing a blog, €urocentric, for CNBC.com.
sh teacher, who claims he is passionate about writing a novel.
ly pursuing a bachelors degree in philosophy, writing a non-fiction book and is working on his solo
He went back to writing a column for The Cincinnati Post three times
DeKlerk himself committed suicide after writing a confession implicating himself as the maste
niversity, and worked for the Stanford Daily, writing a biweekly column.
About this time he began writing a regular column on music.
Slate is currently writing a "Marcel" themed children's book that will b
Collins is writing a book on the anthropic principle, tentativel
Snicket is currently writing a new children's series that is due out somet
Tuchscherer is currently writing a book entitled Black Scribes that explores t
After graduating he began writing a column for Hong Kong newspapers.
Her third attempt at writing a novel won a prize in a Romance Writers of A
He is currently writing a book on George F. Kennan, to be released so
Tanya has been writing a collection of short stories and is currentl
founded the Free Enterprise Press, and began writing a series of highly acclaimed books on the env
He is writing a second book about leadership, and CBS News
Since 1990, he has been writing a regular column for the Warsaw daily Gazeta
ost every summer since then, and is presently writing a book about the state's corruption problems.
The propriety of one judge writing a judgment under the name of another has neve
When writing A Fury of Motion: Poems for Boys (2003) Ghign
Currently he is writing a book on the works of Amartya Sen which is e
In the same building, two young men are writing a movie script.
Keith Edwards began writing a weblog, "Keith Edwards' View," in January,
In 1954, he started writing a column on wine for Country Life, the first
Blackwood likened the task to writing a "sequel" to The Well-Tempered Clavier.
ohann Sebastian Bach made the piece famous by writing a transcription of the piece in C minor for h
ted in science and Buddhism which resulted in writing a book 'Buddhism and Its Relation to Religion
She is also writing a feature film.
including Jiw Jiw Jeifin Jenkins, as well as writing a film for the Welsh language TV station S4C.
The movie begins with Barbie and Teresa writing a song together on their guitars when Barbie'
He is currently writing a history of the world peace movement.
Georgia is currently writing a script for a television sitcom with comedia
He planned on writing a series of biographies on early settlers in
At the time of his death he was writing a musical with the Brazilian performer Valuch
Now, he gets even greater satisfaction from writing a part that augments and grounds the music of
Anyone up for writing a few more sentences?
She is currently writing a commentary on Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus
He dedicated himself to teaching, writing a number of manuscripts on teaching and learn
ccording to commentator Tim McCarver, Paul is writing a book about pitch selection.
ng misplaced his papers, which delayed him in writing a book about the American Civil War.
He devoted the latter part of his life to writing a history of Europe from the year 1900.
In the early 1970s, Weiner began writing a series of journals that were partly the res
aborated with Bradley Efron, in particular on writing a paper on maximizing the conditional likelih
At the same time, she began writing a column for the local African-American newsp
lso a prominent national newspaper columnist, writing a personal column in the Financial Times from
He also began writing a sports column for the Chicago Sun-Times.
Wilson is in private life now, writing a new book, Saving New Jersey from Liberalism
pecialized in the area of administrative law, writing a number of influential text books that remai
In August 2009, Green confirmed he was writing a new book, titled The Sequel, with an expect
he became a contributing editor for Newsweek, writing a biweekly backpage column.
In late 2008, Jendrick began writing a weekly fitness question and answer column o
n H. Kidd was Orson Scott Card's co-author in writing a novel named Lovelock.
He is currently writing a tell-all book entitled X Factor Nightmares:
Joanne Harris is currently writing a sequel, titled RUNELIGHT..
He is currently writing a book on new wave cinema, due for publicatio
Currently writing a book on the steps to be taken to make India
"At present, I am writing a reply to the Divan of a Western poet (i.e.
One of the novel's protagonists is writing a book entitled The Train to Cockfosters.
Des Grieux is writing a letter to his father but Manon interrupts b
se publishers has said Michelle Obama will be writing a book on her White House garden, and her fam
In 1971 Gibbard earned his Ph.D., writing a dissertation under the direction of John Ra
In 2005, she took part in writing a book entitled Sans compromis : Conversation
Gales was suspected of writing a letter offering to sell pikes to the London
Around that time, Buryl was writing a new musical with Ragan Courtney titled Cele
Byrne had been writing a tune in his head that day, and used the tit
Since 2010 he has been writing a weekly blog, "Spotlight on Russia", for Wor
Drayton responded by writing a letter to the House, claiming to be unable
main characters in order to have a chance at writing a popular and successful novel.
When he returned, Friedman began writing a weekly column for Newsweek called "Gray Mat
I am writing a history novel about Peggy Shippen.
In 2008 Pollock began writing a monthly audio book column for the Winston S
The Story of Your Life: Writing a Spiritual Autobiography, (Beacon Press), (1
irls school in Charleston, South Carolina, is writing a blog and making presentations.
try not to think about things like that when writing a novel-in fact, quite the reverse," he state
After writing a text on religious trusts, he was ordained D
and is currently writing a regular column for The Freeman.
In 2010, Schmidt is writing a book on the relationship between south Texa
He is currently writing a social history of Germany in the Second Wor
many beauty articles for top magazines and is writing a book on self development.
one of the sources used by Daniel Defoe when writing A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).
Jerry began writing a radio column for the New York Evening Graph
"Boku wa Kuma" was her first try at writing a children's song.
He was also a playwright, writing a Medea influenced by Yeats' drama and the Ja
Swafford is currently writing a biography of Beethoven.
War II she helped edit and contributed to New Writing, a periodical edited by her brother.
After writing a pamphlet that offended authorities, he was
ly Trojan by commenting on articles online or writing a letter to the editor.
As of 2009, Biterman is writing a book about her experience during the war ye
During that time, he began writing a column called "The Plagiarist" for a local
main-specific constructs without investing in writing a full compiler and editor for any new langua
He is writing a book entitled 'Canada's Excellent Future' o
at the table, smoking Marlboro cigarette and writing a letter to her lover.
George Gershwin was in the process of writing a piece of music dedicated to her when he die
Consult WP:LEAD for information about writing a strong leadin to this article.
Usually, this involves writing a computer program in some programming langua
lodge in Kochi, Balachandran had also started writing a novel, but could not go forward due to writ
Slade is adopted and is currently writing a book about the extraordinary story he has u
rreal college student side-kick, Trix, who is writing a thesis on sexual fetishes.
nds of Hepburn and Tracy, and had the idea of writing a film to showcase Hepburn's athletic abiliti
I felt ashamed writing a song that was not giving hope".
More recently, he began writing a column about business and economic issues i
“What I am doing is writing a follow up album right now for Black Country
he started lecturing to the working class and writing a wider variety of books.
he was given free accommodation in return for writing a history of the city.
The strength of his script led to Bailey writing a second story for Doctor Who in 1983.
He is currently writing a biography and edition of Lucy Hutchinson.
He began writing a column the same year that is now distribute
Cellier devoted his brief retirement to writing a book of reminiscences about Gilbert, Sulliv
Phair had said in an interview that she is writing a book and working on a new album.
obbes") lived near the Castle from 1900-1906, writing a number of her works there.
ars of his life teaching private students and writing a trumpet book, "Jake's Method".
All the text is my original writing, a short part of a small research project on
ng this same time, Cowley occupied himself in writing a history of the Civil War (which did not get
Deisler stated that he was in the process of writing a book.
eone, he met DJ Laurent Konrad, who suggested writing a song about his experiences.
e is a columnist for the Beverly Hills Times, writing a column called “Cheese Matters” that focuses
ch on October 31, 1993 in order to spend time writing a memoir.
or, which lets you create stylesheets without writing a single line of RDF.
Other interests included cricket, writing A History of Winchester Cricket, and music pe
Higson is currently writing a new zombie-horror series of books for child
Bloom, (Birch) an old Gloucester High alumna writing a video blog about teen issues.
Polyphony of the Assyrio-Babylonian Cuneiform Writing: A Letter to Professor Renouf.
ng runs into trouble later in Jiangzhou after writing a poem advocating rebellion against the gover
A reservist, who was writing a book about the Marine boot camp at Parris I
Writing a century later (circa 1088), the polymath sc
Also a man who's writing a book on Morrison's life.
Currently he is writing a book about the international music industry
Following his release from prison he began writing a novel based on the life of Spinoza.
After losing Jean, Blake finishes writing a song that he thinks is his best ever, "The
He graduated from university writing a doctorate thesis on the popular 1990s telev
He is also in the process of writing a book exploring the history of African Ameri
In 1952 Schmidt began writing a radio show, the immensely popular De Famili
g and contributing to Graphology magazine and writing a graphological thesaurus.
He is writing a biography of John Updike, for HarperCollins
Gould began writing a weekly column for the Christian Science Mon
I was writing a song; I wasn't writing literature."
y Samuel Goldwyn, Howard worked in Hollywood, writing a number of very successful screenplays.
At some time after her departure, she began writing a manuscript entitled Six Months in a Convent
He is currently writing a book on the 1815 Waterloo campaign, as well
Mr. Alfieri is currently writing a screenplay based on Tom Alibrandi's novel,
ene returns to Nadina's bedroom, where she is writing a letter to Bumerli.
At present, he is writing a biography of Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay.
He is writing a book entitled Dangerous Delusions: Why We I
In the 1950s he worked as a gardener, writing a book The tall bearded iris (1956).
He was also a literary critic, writing a play himself, and was a keen amateur archae
He was charged for writing a book that aimed at provoking feuds among th
Prior to writing a story, he'd always come to us for our side.
Thus, the most important objective in writing a compiler is that it is correct.”
was the writer Rose Macaulay, Babington Smith writing a biography of her published in 1972.
eclared that "people may well sneer at me for writing a book about class", she declared.
He is writing a memoir.
He is currently writing a book about his term as Governor of Oklahoma
Kusch is currently writing a book on Richard Nixon and the United States
He is writing a book, Standing for Something, a dissenter's
In April 2009 the band took a break from writing a new album and headed to Alaska for 3 dates.
met with U.S. President George W. Bush after writing a book titled The Aquariums of Pyongyang abou
worked with Miyazaki on Howl's Moving Castle, writing a song for it.
Another use of weak references is in writing a cache.
In 1928 she began writing a weekly column called “Music Notes” in the G
Dulany led protests against this, writing a pamphlet entitled "The Right of the Inhabit
Ito has considered writing a book about the Simpson trial, but doing so
told him that he and a friend had thought of writing a song entitled "Memories of El Monte."
She is currently writing a memoir called My Animal Life.
There were more women who tried their hand at writing a conclusion to the book, but hers was consid
He is currently writing a book detailing his account about growing up
He is also writing a regular column for the local newspaper, the
In 1972 Berrett retired and worked on writing a three-volume history of the Church Educatio
Akins said that he first thought of writing a song called "Huckleberry" after seeing an a
e released two studio albums to date, and are writing a third, as of January 2009.
He studied librarianship for several years, writing a report that led to the formation of the Nat
In May 2010 he started writing a weekly blog for The Guardian's online law p
o best showcase his "comfortably awkward song writing abilities, wry wit and acute sense of sarcasm
d Wesley, both highly regarded for their hymn writing abilities.
vince hired 650 commentators, sorted by their writing abilities.
re selected by professors and chosen based on writing ability and oral presentation skills.
His knowledge, intelligence, and writing ability were much superior to those that woul
Writing about something that is not appealing about a
in book form, it is often cited by historians writing about India and Islam.
In classical literature this refers to writing about a place or places, what is now largely
Also writing about Kagome, Kagome, SplashComics noted that
William Hutchinson, a contemporary author writing about Sir John Hussey Delaval's Ford estate w
ion of MacUser magazine, beginning his career writing about the Macintosh computer.
Brooks' public writing about the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq c
Empire began writing about music at the NME in 1995, continuing fo
bing spree, attacking the elderly and infirm, writing about his experiences in letters to himself a
Nicole Baumgarten, writing about Toepser-Ziegert's 1978 treatise, Theori
He currently is writing about electronic publishing.
In England, Bentham spent most of his time writing about naval matters, and conducting experimen
Writing about religion and Article development
His career writing about music began in New York, writing for th
ovided the life, Arlott the soul" Paul Coupar writing about the history of TMS on its 50th annivers
visit India until ten years after he started writing about it.
Writing about Kagome, Kagome, the French manga dictio
e references to airports and flying but I was writing about emotional distance rather than physical
ohibited from accepting money for speaking or writing about her case for five years.
"For a country in Depression, the writing about life in relief camps and corrupt offici
As Peter Biskind writing about the making of Reds said, "Beatty's rela
with blindness, Murray continued covering and writing about sports as long as he was able.
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