英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「畳の上の水練 」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~8/8件中)

用例それは畳の上の水練だ. It is like practicing swimming on dry land....
読み方 すいれん名詞Practice in swimming用例畠水練、畳の上の水練to practise swimming on land―a theoretic argument―an acade...
読み方 すいれん名詞Practice in swimming用例畠水練、畳の上の水練to practise swimming on land―a theoretic argument―an acade...
(a) tatamia tatami mat畳を敷くlay tatamicover 《a room》 with tatami畳を替えるrenew [reface, re‐cover] the tata...
(a) tatamia tatami mat畳を敷くlay tatamicover 《a room》 with tatami畳を替えるrenew [reface, re‐cover] the tata...
読み方 まさかのときに副詞In case of need; in time of need; at need; in the day of trouble; in the hour of danger...
読み方 まさかのときに副詞In case of need; in time of need; at need; in the day of trouble; in the hour of danger...
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