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「Imperial command」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/188件中)

in obedience to (an) Imperial command...
an Imperial order [command, mandate]勅命を以てby Imperial order勅命に従ってin obedience to (an) Imperial comman...
an Imperial order [command, mandate]勅命を以てby Imperial order勅命に従ってin obedience to (an) Imperial comman...
読み方 ちょうめい名詞An Imperial command用例朝明を奉じてin obedience to the Imperial command...
読み方 ちょうめい名詞An Imperial command用例朝明を奉じてin obedience to the Imperial command...
読み方 たいめい名詞An Imperial command; an Imperial mandate用例内閣組織の大命を拝すto receive an Imperial command to form...
読み方 たいめい名詞An Imperial command; an Imperial mandate用例内閣組織の大命を拝すto receive an Imperial command to form...
読み方:せいし文法情報(名詞)対訳 imperial command...
読み方:せいし文法情報(名詞)対訳 imperial command...
読み方 ちょくせん形容詞相当語句、名詞(A book) compiled by Imperial command...
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