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「Middle Dutch」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/1927件中)

語源Borrowed from Dutch kof (“koff”), Middle Dutch cof (“stable; barn”).名詞koff (複数形 koffs)A two-masted...
語源Holland +‎ -ic固有名詞HollandicA contemporary dialect of the Dutch language.A regional dialect o...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2012/08/19 16:36 UTC 版)Dutch edition of Wiktionary 語源From Middle English Duch ...
語源Borrowed from Dutch Eynatten, possibly from Middle Dutch *enet (“lonely place”).固有名詞EynattenA ...
語源Borrowed from Afrikaans voetganger, from Dutch voetganger, from Middle Dutch voetganger.名詞voetgang...
語源From Middle English maidekin, equivalent to maid +‎ -kin. Cognate with Middle Dutch magdeken...
語源From Middle English wantrust, equivalent to wan- +‎ trust. Compare Middle Dutch wantroost (“distru...
語源Dutch and German surname, from the root of Middle Dutch and Middle Low German cnorre, knorre (“pro...
Middle Dutch中期オランダ語(ちゅうきオランダご、英: Middle Dutch、蘭: Middelnederlands)は西ゲルマン語群の方言をいくつかまとめた言語グループである。
語源From Middle English bisyhed, equivalent to busy +‎ -head. Cognate with Dutch bezigheid (“bus...
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