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「imitation flower」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~9/9件中)

artificial flower,imitation flower...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/01 13:19 UTC 版)Crab rangoon are deep-fried dumplings served in American Chin...
【動詞】1再び言う、または模倣する(to say again or imitate)followers echoing the cries of their leaders 彼らのリーダーの叫び声を反...
【動詞】1 echo, reverberate, ring, resound音を鳴らすか反響する(ring or echo with sound)the hall resounded with lau...
WOTD – 11 June 2006語源From Middle French cardinal, from Latin cardinālis (“pertaining to a hinge,...
WOTD – 18 October 2016発音 Chintzware, pottery decorated with a chintz pattern(Received 発音, Genera...
WOTD – 30 January 2016別の表記wash ball, washball語源wash +‎ ball.発音(英国発音) IPA(key): /ˈwɒʃˌbɔːl/...
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