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「join me」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/295件中)

Do you want to join me?...
訳語 Won't you join an English conversation school with me?...
読み方 なかまいり名詞Association:(=する) to associate oneself with (a party); to join (a party); to join the ran...
読み方 なかまいり名詞Association:(=する) to associate oneself with (a party); to join (a party); to join the ran...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/20 12:05 UTC 版)"Join Me in Death" is the first single by the Finnish band HI...
動詞call to (三人称単数 現在形 calls to, 現在分詞 calling to, 過去形および過去分詞形 called to)(transitive) To tempt (someone...
〈礼拝する〉 worship; bow 《to》〈祈願する〉 pray 《to》〈拝見する〉 see; look at手を合わせて拝むjoin one's hands in prayer.用例ちょっと...
〈礼拝する〉 worship; bow 《to》〈祈願する〉 pray 《to》〈拝見する〉 see; look at手を合わせて拝むjoin one's hands in prayer.用例ちょっと...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/08 20:36 UTC 版)Numerous products exist on the market that are targeting desk...
形容詞out one's mindAlternative form of out of one's mind2023, A. C. MacDonald, Twistwood Tales (comic)...
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