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「nickel coin」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/25件中)

読み方 はくどう名詞Nickel用例白銅貨a nickel (coin)...
読み方 はくどう名詞Nickel用例白銅貨a nickel (coin)...
読み方 はくどうか名詞A nickel (coin)...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/08 00:24 UTC 版)A geocoin is a metal or wooden coin minted in similar fashion...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/08/21 08:18 UTC 版)名詞nickel-in-the-slot(historical, attributive) Operated by a ...
【名詞】nickel12分の1ドルに価する米国硬貨(a United States coin worth one twentieth of a dollar)...
別の表記plugged nickel語源Some early United States coins (minted in the 18th かつ 19th centuries) were made ...
【動詞】1ニッケルの食器(plate with nickel)nickel the plate プレートにニッケルをかぶせる【名詞】112分の1ドルに価する米国硬貨(a United States c...
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