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「weak spot」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/81件中)

point of weakness,weak point,drawback,weak spot,shortcoming,weak area...
point of weakness,weak point,drawback,weak spot,shortcoming,weak area...
I have a mentally weak spot.;I have a mental weakness....
pinpoint [put one's finger on] a [sb's] weak point [blind spot]...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/08/18 07:28 UTC 版)名詞weak spotsplural of weak spot...
名詞weak spot (複数形 weak spots)A location where the defenses are weak or the vulnerability is great.197...
a weak [vulnerable] pointa sore spot弁慶の泣き所one's Achilles(') heel....
a weak [vulnerable] pointa sore spot弁慶の泣き所one's Achilles(') heel....
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