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「white flesh」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/188件中)

fish with white flesh...
I don't like fish with white flesh....
品詞 名詞訳語 white-flesh fish...
読み方:しろみざかな文法情報(名詞)対訳 white fish; fish with white flesh...
【名詞】1灰色がかった白身のヒラメ(greyish-white flesh of a flatfish)...
【名詞】1灰色がかった白身のヒラメ(greyish-white flesh of a flatfish)...
名詞Russet Burbank (複数形 Russet Burbanks)A large potato with dark brown skin, few eyes, and dry, mealy ...
読み方:しょっつるなべ文法情報(名詞)対訳 pot dish with white flesh fish and shottsuru sauce (Akita regional dish)...
読み方:しょっつるなべ文法情報(名詞)対訳 pot dish with white flesh fish and shottsuru sauce (Akita regional dish)...
1〈卵の〉the white (of an egg); an egg white卵を黄身と白身に分けるseparate an egg into yolk and whiteseparate the y...
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