英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 いんどーる-3-かるびのーる対訳 indole-3-carbinol原文a substance that is being studied as a cancer prevention dru...
読み方 ふぇねちるいそちおしあねーと対訳 phenethyl isothiocyanate原文a substance being studied in the prevention of cancer...
読み方 ふぇねちるいそちおしあねーと対訳 phenethyl isothiocyanate原文a substance being studied in the prevention of cancer...
対訳 アブラナ属の野菜(あぶらなぞくのやさい)別名 cruciferous vegetable原文a member of the family of vegetables that includes ...
対訳 DIM別名 diindolylmethane原文a substance being studied in the treatment of prostate cancer and in the ...
読み方 あぶらなぞくのやさい対訳 Brassica vegetable原文a member of the family of vegetables that includes broccoli, br...
読み方 あぶらなぞくのやさい対訳 Brassica vegetable原文a member of the family of vegetables that includes broccoli, br...
対訳 ジインドリルメタン(じいんどりるめたん)別名 dim原文a substance being studied in the treatment of prostate cancer and in ...
読み方 じいんどりるめたん対訳 diindolylmethane原文a substance being studied in the treatment of prostate cancer and ...
読み方 じいんどりるめたん対訳 diindolylmethane原文a substance being studied in the treatment of prostate cancer and ...
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