英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


【名詞】1高い背もたれの両側に袖がある安楽椅子(easy chair having wings on each side of a high back)...
【名詞】wing chair高い背もたれの両側に袖がある安楽椅子(easy chair having wings on each side of a high back)...
Armchair detective安楽椅子探偵(あんらくいすたんてい、アームチェア・ディテクティブ、Armchair Detective)とは、ミステリ用語。
easecomfort安楽なcomfortableeasy安楽に暮らすlive in (ease and) comfortlive in easy circumstanceslive comforta...
easecomfort安楽なcomfortableeasy安楽に暮らすlive in (ease and) comfortlive in easy circumstanceslive comforta...
【形容詞】1感情移入の不足を示している(showing lack of emotional involvement)adopted a degage pose on the arm of the ea...
【形容詞】detached, uninvolved, degage感情移入の不足を示している(showing lack of emotional involvement)adopted a degag...
1〈ある場所に収納される〉go in 《a box, a drawer》(物が)納まるべきところに納まるfall into place(食物が)胃に納まるstay in the stomach安楽椅子...
1〈ある場所に収納される〉go in 《a box, a drawer》(物が)納まるべきところに納まるfall into place(食物が)胃に納まるstay in the stomach安楽椅子...
1〈ある場所に収納される〉go in 《a box, a drawer》(物が)納まるべきところに納まるfall into place(食物が)胃に納まるstay in the stomach安楽椅子...
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