英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


【名詞】antiquarian, archaist, antiquary古美術の専門家あるいは収集家(an expert or collector of antiquities)...
Antiquities of the Jews1466年、Antiquitates Iudaiceの紙葉、ポーランド国立図書館所蔵。
名詞torculāriumgenitive plural of torcular参照torcularium in Harry Thurston Peck, editor (1898) Harper's...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/29 03:27 UTC 版)The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known commonly as the Egy...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/28 23:27 UTC 版)The Nicholson Museum is a museum of antiquities at the Univer...
読み方 こじつ名詞Ancient practices; antiquities用例故実を調べるto inquire into ancient practices故実家an antiquarian...
読み方 こじつ名詞Ancient practices; antiquities用例故実を調べるto inquire into ancient practices故実家an antiquarian...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/13 23:26 UTC 版)Reverend Robert William Eyton (1815–1881) was author of The A...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/31 22:43 UTC 版)John Battely (also spelt 'Batteley') was an English antiquary...

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