英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


【仏教】 the Pure Land; Paradise ⇒ごくらく西方浄土the Pure Land in the WestWestern Paradise.浄土宗the Jodo [Pure La...
読み方:しょうじょうごう文法情報(名詞)対訳 correct meditative activity (in Jodo, saying the name of Amitabha)...
読み方:しょうじょうごう文法情報(名詞)対訳 correct meditative activity (in Jodo, saying the name of Amitabha)...
読み方:しょうぎょう文法情報(名詞)対訳 correct practices (esp. in Jodo, the path to rebirth in paradise)...
読み方:しょうぎょう文法情報(名詞)対訳 correct practices (esp. in Jodo, the path to rebirth in paradise)...
読み方:じょうどしゅう文法情報(名詞)対訳 Pure Land sect (of Buddhism); Jodo (sect)...
語源 1A borrowing of Japanese 杖道 (jōdō, literally “way of the staff”).名詞jodo (uncountable)A Japanese m...
読み方:じょごう文法情報(名詞)対訳 auxiliary actions (in Jodo: recitation, observation, worship, praise and offering...
読み方:じょごう文法情報(名詞)対訳 auxiliary actions (in Jodo: recitation, observation, worship, praise and offering...

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