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「appointment method」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~16/16件中)

1〈確かなこと〉確実なcertainsure…を確実と思うbe confident [sure] of 《somebody's success》be sure [certain] that 《some...
François Marcel marcelling his wife's hair, 1922語源Apparently from the French name Marcel, but accoun...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/12 13:04 UTC 版)Wilfrid (originally spelled Wilfrith) (c. 633 – c. 709) was a...
読み方 かく他動詞1(=端をこわす)to break off (the edge)用例茶碗を欠いたI have broken off the edge of the cup.小刀のさきを欠いたI ha...
読み方 かく他動詞1(=端をこわす)to break off (the edge)用例茶碗を欠いたI have broken off the edge of the cup.小刀のさきを欠いたI ha...
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