英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方:ジュウイチ、じゅういち文法情報(名詞)(かな表記が多い)対訳(name derived from its call) rufous hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx hyper...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/08/07 16:19 UTC 版)The Sulawesi Cuckoo (Cuculus crassirostris) is a species of c...
読み方:じひ(1)文法情報(名詞、形容詞相当語句/ノ形容詞)対訳 mercy; compassion; clemency; pity; charity; benevolence (2)文法情報(名詞)...
読み方:じひ(1)文法情報(名詞、形容詞相当語句/ノ形容詞)対訳 mercy; compassion; clemency; pity; charity; benevolence (2)文法情報(名詞)...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/05 21:56 UTC 版)The African Cuckoo-Hawk (Aviceda cuculoides) is a medium-size...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/01/12 09:21 UTC 版)The Moustached Hawk-Cuckoo (Cuculus vagans) is a species of c...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/04 06:17 UTC 版)The Asian Drongo-cuckoo Surniculus lugubris is a species of c...
Sense: an animal that is warm-blooded, and has feathers and wings同意語avianbirdbirdie (diminutive)feat...
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