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「excess control」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/44件中)

語源fluor- +‎ -osis名詞fluorosis (複数形 fluoroses)(medicine) Any adverse condition due to an excess ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/29 03:23 UTC 版)Driving under the influence (DUI) (driving while intoxicated ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/17 06:17 UTC 版)Heilind Electronics (Heilind) is a privately held business-to...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/08/03 01:12 UTC 版)Post-nasal drip (PND), also known as Upper Airway Cough Syndr...
Chemical structure of drospirenone語源From (dihy)dro- +‎ spir(or)enone.発音(General American) IPA(...
語源para- +‎ pornographic形容詞parapornographic (comparative more parapornographic, superlative mos...
語源in- +‎ temperate形容詞intemperate (comparative more intemperate, superlative most intemperate)L...
語源un- +‎ military形容詞unmilitary (comparative more unmilitary, superlative most unmilitary)Not m...
【名詞】1 mitigation, moderation厳しさや激しさを減らす行動(the action of lessening in severity or intensity)the objec...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/01/14 11:44 UTC 版)The Cornish rotten boroughs were one of the most striking ano...

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