英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 よみにくい形容詞相当語句Hard to read; illegible; undecipherable用例彼の筆跡は読みにくい筆跡だHe writes an illegible hand―a ...
前置詞句like a pakapoo ticket(Australia, informal, simile) Very messily scrawled; illegible....
読み方:はんどくしがたい判読し難い とも書く文法情報(表現、形容詞)対訳 illegible; indecipherable...
読み方:はんどくしがたい判読し難い とも書く文法情報(表現、形容詞)対訳 illegible; indecipherable...
hard [difficult] to read〈本などが〉 (almost) unreadable〈字が〉 hard to make out; illegible 《handwriting》....
【名詞】1狭苦しいまたは読みにくい筆跡(cramped or illegible handwriting)...
読み方 はんじる他動詞To solve (a puzzle); to interpret, read (a dream); to decipher (an illegible writing, etc...
読み方 はんじる他動詞To solve (a puzzle); to interpret, read (a dream); to decipher (an illegible writing, etc...
訳語 〈見づらい〉 hard [difficult] to see;〈読みにくい〉illegible;〈不鮮明な〉indistinct;hard to make out...
〈見づらい〉 hard [difficult] to see〈読みにくい〉 illegible〈不鮮明な〉 indistinct; hard to make out見にくい席a poor [bad] ...

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