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「quite different」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/500件中)

falsely similarshammockpseudo用例その 2 つは似て非なるものだ. They are alike in appearance but quite different in ...
falsely similarshammockpseudo用例その 2 つは似て非なるものだ. They are alike in appearance but quite different in ...
The product in the photo you sent me looks quite different from what I had imagined....
Practices are quite different from my previous workplace, and I feel a little bewildered....
I am returning an item because the actual one looks quite different from the one I expected....
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/02/28 12:43 UTC 版)I find this article confusing and plain weird in the way it t...
a different personanother [a changed] man用例彼はまったく別人のようになった. He is quite a different man now.|He is n...
a different personanother [a changed] man用例彼はまったく別人のようになった. He is quite a different man now.|He is n...
名詞another pair of shoes (複数形 not attested)(colloquial) Quite a different matter; something else enti...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/06 20:36 UTC 版)Jhaptal is one of the most famous talas of Hindustani music, ...

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