英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 くちやくそく名詞A verbal promise; one's word:(=する) to make a verbal promise; to give one's word; to pass...
読み方 くちやくそく名詞A verbal promise; one's word:(=する) to make a verbal promise; to give one's word; to pass...
読み方 がいかん名詞Outward appearance; show; effect用例外観を飾るto strive after effect―show off外観は当てにならぬAppearances...
読み方 がいかん名詞Outward appearance; show; effect用例外観を飾るto strive after effect―show off外観は当てにならぬAppearances...
読み方 てんきよほう名詞The weather forecast用例今日の天気予報は雨だThe weather forecast for today is rain.天気予報によれば台風の襲来があるら...
読み方 てんきよほう名詞The weather forecast用例今日の天気予報は雨だThe weather forecast for today is rain.天気予報によれば台風の襲来があるら...
1見えません例文Can't see2観察されない例文not observed3目先がちらついてよく見えないこと例文the state of not being able to see well bec...
読み方 あて名詞1(=期待)expectation; calculation; hope; trust; reliance用例当てにする(約束なら)to rely upon one or one's ...
読み方 あて名詞1(=期待)expectation; calculation; hope; trust; reliance用例当てにする(約束なら)to rely upon one or one's ...
読み方 これぎり副詞1No more; never again; once for all用例これきりあんなところへは行かないI will go there no moreI will not go ...

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