英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「Strength Ring」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/98件中)

1頼むところ例文one's resort―one's resource―one's strength―one's hope―one's staff―one's prop and stay2頼りとする所...
1仲裁を頼む例文to submit a matter to arbitration2代講を頼む例文Please take my place―teach in my place.3取り次ぎを頼む例文to...
1伝言を頼まれる例文to be charged with a message2ご介錯を頼む例文I beg your last assistance.3演説を頼まれる例文to be called upo...
別の表記kiss someone's hem, kiss the hem of someone's garment, touch someone's hem, touch someone's robe...
別の表記voicely (一般的ではない用法)語源From voiced +‎ -ly.副詞voicedly (comparative more voicedly, superlative...
1アームロック.例文an arm lock2震えない手; 断固とした指導.例文a steady hand3手のサポート例文a support for the hand4腕力家例文an advocate...
1写実主義例文realism2実在論例文realism3実在性例文reality4写実的例文realistic5本当らしく聞こえる例文ring true6実際風袋例文real tare7実状例文the...
1権柄ずくに頼む例文to make an imperious request2表することを頼む例文ask to represent3口入れを頼む例文to apply for employment4頼ん...
1マッチをすりつける例文to strike a match―strike a light―light a match2ボクシングで,攻撃をかわすため上体を反らせること例文in boxing, the ...
1応援を求める例文to call in one's aid―call in some one to one's aid2応援に赴く例文to go to one's rescue3応援に来る例文to c...

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