英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


発音.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}語源You can help Wiktionary by providin...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/09/04 14:47 UTC 版)発音IPA(key): /bɹaʊnd/韻: -aʊnd動詞brownedsimple past tense and p...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/05/21 09:16 UTC 版) 語源Supposedly eaten by Napoleon after the Battle of Marengo....
brown褐色のbrownsun‐tanned (日に焼けた)日に焼けた褐色の肌skin browned by the sun.褐色人種a brown race....
brown褐色のbrownsun‐tanned (日に焼けた)日に焼けた褐色の肌skin browned by the sun.褐色人種a brown race....
【形容詞】1茶色のパン粉(時々チーズと共に)でまぶされて調理される(cooked while covered with browned breadcrumbs (and sometimes chees...
【名詞】1アイスクリームとメレンゲで覆われたケーキを、素早くオーブンで焼き茶色に焼いたもの(cake covered with ice cream and meringue browned quick...
【名詞】1火を加え、ゆっくり茶褐色にし、酢かレモン汁とケーパーで調味した透明バター(clarified butter browned slowly and seasoned with vinegar ...
【名詞】1火を加え、ゆっくり茶褐色にし、酢かレモン汁とケーパーで調味した透明バター(clarified butter browned slowly and seasoned with vinegar ...
【名詞】1ゆっくり茶褐色にし、レモン汁・パセリで調味した透明バター(clarified butter browned slowly and seasoned with lemon juice and ...

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