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「catch air」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/686件中)

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/05 22:24 UTC 版)A chimney sweep is a worker who clears ash and soot from chim...
1撃ち返す例文return fire2飛び散る.例文fly asunder3飛行機攻撃例文an air raid4飛行機の襲撃例文an air raid5空襲例文an air raid6火を付ける例文...
1そんな薄着で寝たら風邪引くよ。例文If you sleep with so little on, you'll catch a cold.2そんな格好で寝たら風邪引くよ。例文If you go to...
1熱病にかかる例文to sicken of a fever―catch a fever2熱病にかかっている例文I have a fever―I am suffering from a fever―il...
1そんな格好で寝たら風邪引くよ。例文If you go to bed dressed like that, you'll catch a cold.2そんな格好で寝たら風邪引くよ。例文If you s...
1小休止を取る例文catch one's breath2一息入れる; 生きている.例文draw breath3息が苦しくてあえぐ.例文gasp for breath4息を吸う例文to draw bre...
1息を吸う例文breathe in2吸い入れる例文to suck something3一息入れる; 生きている.例文draw breath4呼吸例文breath5呼吸をする例文to breathe6息...
語源 1ski +‎ -er発音IPA(key): /ˈskiːə(ɹ)/.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility...
読み方 つかむ他動詞To grasp; to grip; to clutch; to seize用例つかもうとするto grasp at―catch at―clutch at―grab at―snat...
読み方 つかむ他動詞To grasp; to grip; to clutch; to seize用例つかもうとするto grasp at―catch at―clutch at―grab at―snat...

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