英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


語源From Middle English undoutably, equivalent to undoubtable +‎ -ly.副詞undoubtably (not comparab...
語源From Middle English certeynly; equivalent to certain +‎ -ly.発音(General American) IPA(key):&#...
WOTD – 18 September 2018語源Clipping of cybernationalist as a play on cybernaut, said to have been...
語源Possibly from an Algonquian term for skunk; compare Abenaki segôgw.[1] Alternatively, from...
1〈たぶん〉maybe; probably; if I remember right [rightly]; if I am not mistaken.用例彼が来たのは確か先月の 12 日だった. If...
1〈たぶん〉maybe; probably; if I remember right [rightly]; if I am not mistaken.用例彼が来たのは確か先月の 12 日だった. If...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2012/08/29 18:51 UTC 版)Latin edition of WiktionaryEnglish Wiktionary has Index:Lati...
語源From auctioneer +‎ -ess.名詞auctioneeress (複数形 auctioneeresses)(nonstandard) A female auctione...
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