英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「mortal combat」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~29/34件中)

名詞frislet (複数形 frislets)A kind of small ruffle.1907 March 2, “Old Clo'”, in Living Age Company (Seve...
発音(米国発音) IPA(key): /æɡˈnæθɪk/語源From Ancient Greek ἀ- (a-, “without”) + γνάθος (gnáthos, “jaw”) +‎ -i...
語源a- +‎ rouse.発音IPA(key): /əˈɹaʊz/.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hi...
A crossroads in France名詞crossroadsplural of crossroad名詞crossroadsA place where one road crosses anot...
読み方 いのち名詞1Life; existence用例人の命は露よりももろし“Life is a bubble.”【イディオム・格言的】命は風前の灯Life is a candle flickerin...
読み方 いのち名詞1Life; existence用例人の命は露よりももろし“Life is a bubble.”【イディオム・格言的】命は風前の灯Life is a candle flickerin...
動詞take down (三人称単数 現在形 takes down, 現在分詞 taking down, 過去形 took down, 過去分詞 taken down)To remove someth...
名詞circussesplural of circus1590, Philippe Sidnei [i.e., Philip Sidney], “[The Second Booke] ...
WOTD – 27 April 2022語源A version of the proverb as graffiti under a railway bridge across the Wea...
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