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「new Cabinet」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/927件中)

1超然内閣例文a non-party cabinet2内閣の更迭例文Ministerial change.3時の内閣例文the Cabinet of the time―the then Cabinet...
1内閣を組織する例文to form a ministry―organize a cabinet2新内閣を組織する例文to form a ministry3内閣の一員例文a person who is ...
1山県系の内閣例文a Cabinet of the Yamagata coterie2超然内閣例文a non-party cabinet3内閣の瓦解例文a dissolution of the cab...
1内閣に入る例文to become a Cabinet minister―receive a portfolio2現内閣例文the present Ministry3内閣が交迭する例文The Mini...
1内閣が触れを回した。例文The Cabinet sent round an official notice.2内閣がグラついて来た例文The Ministry is tottering to its...
1内閣の更迭例文Ministerial change.2内閣を構成する大臣例文a member of a government cabinet3内閣の瓦解例文a dissolution of the ...
1超然内閣例文a non-party cabinet2内閣の瓦解例文a dissolution of the cabinet3内閣の交迭例文a ministerial change4現内閣例文the ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/27 20:23 UTC 版)The Cabinet of New Zealand functions as the policy and decisi...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/04 10:15 UTC 版)The Department of Premier and Cabinet is the New South Wales ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2009/12/23 12:19 UTC 版)This is a list of members of the New Democratic Party Shadow ...

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