英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 ぜつび名詞Superb beauty:(=の) superb...
読み方 ぜつび名詞Superb beauty:(=の) superb...
a superb [marvelous] viewa grand sight....
a superb [marvelous] viewa grand sight....
*素晴らしい関連語fine, superb...
The atmosphere of Kyoto city is also superb....
The functions are not so great, but the design is superb....
glorious; impressive; maestoso; magnificent; sublime; superb...
文法情報(形容詞)対訳 best; perfect; superb...
an excellent [a superb] poema gem of a tanka....

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