



  • ater be described as "gentle, affectionate, considerate above the ordinary for the welfare of other
  • In and around Natham there are considerate amount of Muslims.The Christian population
  • ossessing a number of virtues: he was kind, considerate, and honest.
  • It is the kind of mistake over which the considerate and discreet thing is to draw the veil of s
  • long-term means to promoting more cohesive, considerate and creative societies with equal opportuni
  • the right man, but she insists that "kind, considerate and handsome" Warren is the one who she wan
  • he later wrote "I could not imagine a more considerate, fair, or civilised person to serve."
  • over the divot and stomps it down, like any considerate golfer would.
  • tain he was ideal, zealous to a degree, and considerate in all things at all times".
  • s personal qualities, calling him a simple, considerate, intelligent man.
  • Ian Drew from US Magazine considerate it a "downright danceable fun".
  • ced workaholic father, Joe was a caring and considerate man and GP.
  • at of an inherently private but unfailingly considerate man, especially where fans and colleagues w
  • and in the highest degree alarming to every considerate man; that such opposition, on the part of V
  • sentence was communicated to him in a very considerate manner.
  • Other, more considerate members of the squadron suffer ignominious
  • Always be considerate of women, children, and older people.
  • ul Henze describes him as "gentle, learned, considerate of the feelings of others".
  • On the other hand, he was a very warm and considerate person, of unusual modesty, and also with a
  • neral he is depicted as a compassionate and considerate person.
  • He was very caring and considerate, Rona Raphael told Scotland's Daily Record
  • the buildings are the ideals: "Be Kind and Considerate, Sensible and Safe".
  • Rev. V. T. Koshy was considerate to his juniors and sisters of the Ashram.
  • Lord Dartmouth promises Canadians just and considerate treatment respecting their religion.