

Cyprus in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/07 18:34 UTC 版)



Cyprus will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 and selected their entry through a national final, organised by Cypriot broadcaster Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC). After an open call to performers to submit proposals, ten entries were shortlisted for the 7 February national final. Deep Zone and their song "Play" were disqualified after the song was found to have been unofficially released before the final, breaching the contest's rules and leaving nine to compete in the final. Welsh singer Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders were chosen as the Cypriot entry on 7 February with their song "Life Looks Better in Spring" and will compete in the second half of the second semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2010.

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