

Francis Oliver Green-Wilkinson

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/10/16 15:32 UTC 版)



The Most Rev Francis Oliver Green-Weston MC was an eminent Anglican Archbishop in the third quarter of the 20th century. He was born on 7 May 1913 into a clerical family and educated at Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford . After distinguished service with the King's Royal Rifle Corps he was ordained Deacon in 1946 and Priest a year later. His first post was as a Curate at St Mary, Southampton after which he was on the staff of St Alban’s Cathedral, Pretoria until his elevation to the Episcopate as the 4th Bishop of Northern Rhodesia in 1951. After eleven years years he was additionally elected Archbishop of Central Africa. A fierce opponent of apartheid and naturalized Zambian he was killed in a car crash on 26 August 1970.

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