

Samuel H. Gruber

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/01/03 17:22 UTC 版)



Dr. Samuel H. Gruber is a shark biologist and founder of the American Elasmobranch Society. Originally from Brooklyn, NY, he moved to South Florida and received his BA in zoology from the University of Miami and an MS and Ph.D. in Marine Science. He is currently a Professor at the University of Miami's Rosential School for Marine and Atmospheric Science and is their Bimini Field Station Director. Dr. Gruber is a recognized authority on shark science, having completed 49 Atlantic research cruises and 170 scientific publications. He has specialized in shark behavior, anatomy, sensory systems and tracking. Doc is perhaps best known for his studies on habitat selection and homing behavior of lemon sharks and eagle rays around the Bimini Shark Lab.

履歴機能 過去に調べた単語を確認できる
語彙力診断 診断回数が4回に増加
マイ単語帳 便利な学習機能付き
マイ例文帳 文章で意味を理解できる

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