

Snag, Yukon

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/08 10:31 UTC 版)



Snag is a village located on a small, dry-weather sideroad off the Alaska Highway 25 kilometres (16 mi) south of Beaver Creek, Yukon, Canada. The village of Snag is located in a bowl-shaped valley of the White River and its tributaries, including Snag Creek. It was first settled during the Klondike Gold Rush. An aboriginal village was also located about 8 kilometres (5 mi) away. It was the site of a military airfield, established as part of the Northwest Staging Route, which closed in 1968. In 1947, the village of Snag boasted a population of 8 to 10 natives and fur traders. An additional staff of 15-20 airport personnel — meteorologists, radio operators, aircraft maintenance menlived at the airport barracks.

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