
  • 本名は雙松(なべまつ)、字は茂卿(しげのり)で徂徠は号である(一説では「徂」が正しいとする)。
    His real name is Nabematsu, azana (common name) is Shigenori, and Sorai ('徂徠', one theory is '徂來') is go (pen name).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 社創設者の西谷能雄は従弟である。
    Yoshio NISHITANI, who was the founder of Mirai-sha Publishers, was his cousin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • イエス振反りて、その從ひたるを見て言ひ給ふ「何を求むるか」。
    Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, "What do you want?" - Tatoeba例文
  • 初出場者にはコブクロ,山崎まさよしさん,倖(こう)田(だ)(く)未(み)さんがいる。
    They include Kobukuro, Yamazaki Masayoshi and Koda Kumi.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 悪臭有機化合物を使用する事により、殺傷する事無く、平和的に目的を達する事が出來る
    An objective is peacefully accomplished without killing or wounding by using malodor organic compound. - 特許庁
  • 春過ぎて夏ぞぬらし白妙の衣かはかすあまのかぐ山(古来風躰抄)
    In Korai futeisho (Poetic Styles from the Past), it is translated like this: Harusugite natsu zo kinurashi shirotae no koromo kawakasu Amanokagu-yama (meaning is the same)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため一部の本省人は「犬(煩いかわりに役には立つ)の代わりに豚(食べるばかりで役たたず)が来た」(狗走豬擱)と大陸からやってきた人間を揶揄し、日本の統治時代を部分的・相対的に肯定した。
    Some native-born Taiwanese made a mockery of the people from mainland China and affirmed partially and relatively the Japanese ruling, saying, "dogs (annoying but useful = Japanese) left and pigs (which did nothing but eat = mainland Chinese) came" (狗走猪擱來).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の事を考へ全て自然エネルギーで賄い、変動が起きた時だけ補助的に化石燃料系の発電に切り換る様にしないと、我が国の将は危険です。
    Considering a risk of our country in future, natural energy should be used for every purpose, and the natural energy is auxiliary switched to the power generation of fossil fuel only when variation occurs. - 特許庁
  • 蘇民将来(そみんしょうらい 蘇民將)とは近畿地方を中心に日本各地に伝わる説話、およびそれを起源とする民間信仰である。
    Somin shorai refers to a folk tale that has been told as a legend in Japan in mainly the Kinki region, referring to folk beliefs that originated in the folk tale.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 既存の乗客コンベアーを利用して、宣伝、集客等に特色あるレイアウトを印象づける事が出來る
    To make an impression on passengers regarding characteristic layout for propagation, collecting visitors, etc., utilizing an existing passenger conveyor. - 特許庁
  • イエス、ナタナエルの己が許にたるを見、これを指して言ひ給ふ「視よ、眞にイスラエル人なり、その衷に噓僞なし」。
    When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, "Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit." - Tatoeba例文
  • 国体明徴声明に対しては軍部に不信感を持ち「安心が出ぬと云ふ事になる」と言っていた(『本庄繁日記』)。
    For the government announcement, he distrusted the military and said 'peace of mind through faith or ascetic practice wouldn't be obtained' ("HONJO Shigeru Nikki" (Shigeru HONJO's Diary).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 猶追到黄泉比良坂之坂本時(逃直至現世黃泉根國之界名黃泉比良坂時とする本あり)
    Izanami chased the fleeing Izanagi as far as the sakamoto (foot of the hill) of Yomotsuhirasaka (some manuscripts record a different alternate version of this passage).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「春すぎて夏にけらし白妙の 衣ほすてふ天の香具山」小倉百人一首
    In Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, it is translated like this: Harusugite natsu kinikerashi shirotae no koromo hosucho Amanokagu-yama (It seems that spring is over and summer has come, for the white robes, so it is said, are spread to dry on Mt. Amanokagu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ですからただ売るだけで無く、乗客コンベアー周辺を基に、皆が楽しめる様に、お客様を童話の世界に誘い、良い気持で買物が出來る様にします。
    These boards provided around the passenger conveyor therefore invite passengers to the dream world and allow them to enjoy shopping with a good feeling. - 特許庁
  • いかに逆行に依るロスを無くすかと云う事で、風量、水量を受けた時に受けた力で膨み、戻る時に萎む様な可変型体の翼型に仕上ればもっと効果的で、小型のわりには大きな力を出す事が出來る
    To effectively generate high power for a small size, by forming a spanker in variable-shape aerofoil shape that inflates with received force when receiving air quantity or water quantity and deflates when returning, for eliminating loss due to reverse travel. - 特許庁
  • 王となってから後は、彼女を見た者は少なく(自爲王以少有見者)、ただ一人の男子だけが飲食を給仕するとともに、彼女のもとに出入りをしていた。
    After she became queen, there were few people who saw her, and only one boy went in and out of her room to serve her food and drink.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 故被弘誓鎧積累德本度脱一切遊諸佛國修菩薩行供養十方諸佛如開化恆沙無量衆生使立無上正眞之道
    Hence, they wear the armor of great vows, accumulate merits, deliver all beings, visit Buddha-lands to perform the Bodhisattva practices, make offerings to Buddhas, Tathagatas, throughout the ten quarters, enlighten uncountable sentient beings as numerous as the sands of the River Ganges, and establish them in the highest, perfect enlightenment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • シーラントフィルム厚みが薄い場合にも、シール強度、雑物付着シール性、及び耐ピンホール性の問題が無く、同時に長期間にわたって優れた断熱性能を有する高品質な真空断熱材を高効率に生産できるようにする。
    To efficiently produce a high quality vacuum heat insulating material having an excellent heat insulating performance for a long period of time without causing problems of sealing strength, foreign matter adhesion sealing property and pin-hole resistance even in the case that a sealant film is thin. - 特許庁
  • 『日蓮註画讃巻第五「蒙古」篇』に「二島百姓等男はあるいは殺あるいは虜、女は一所に集め、手を徹、舷に結付虜の者は一人も害さざるなし。肥前国松浦党数百人伐虜さる。この国の百姓男女等、壱岐・対馬の如し。」
    Volume 5 'Mongol Invasion' of "Nichiren Chugasan" (Illustrated Biography of Nichiren) reads 'in Futajima, men were killed or captured. Women were gathered at one place and hung on the ships' sides with their hands laced through, and all captives suffered harm. In Hizen Province, several hundred people of the Matsuura Party were killed or captured. The people of this province, whether men or women, suffered the same fate as the people in Iki and Tsushima.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • すなわち、旅の途中で宿を乞うた武塔神(むとうしん)を裕福な弟の将来(『備後国風土記』では「或本作巨旦將也」とあり、巨旦将来 こたんしょうらいとされる)は断り、貧しい兄・蘇民将来は粗末ながらもてなした。
    According to the tale, Muto shin (deity with clear roots in the Korean peninsula) had asked his wealthy younger brother, Shorai, for the place to sleep during his journey and had been refused; Muto shin asked his poor brother, Somin shorai as well, and Somin Shorai treated him even in a poor way.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第一条の「廣ク會議ヲ興シ(広く会議を起こし)」、第四条の「舊ノ陋習ヲ破リ、天地ノ公道ニ基クヘシ(旧来の陋習を破り、天地の公道に基づくべし)」の二つが木戸により全く新たに挿入された五箇条の御誓文の最重要精神である。
    The most important ideas of the Charter Oath of Five Articles, newly inserted by Kido, include the following two: 'An assembly widely convoked shall be established' of Article 1; and Article 4: 'Base customs of former times shall be abandoned, and all actions shall confirm to the principles of universal justice.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 歌壇の一大勢力に成長したアララギでは、斎藤茂吉の指導を受けた佐藤佐太郎(「歩道」創刊)・山口茂吉、土屋文明の指導を受けた五味保義、近藤芳美(「未」創刊)、高安国世(「塔(短歌結社)」創刊)、相澤正、樋口賢治、落合京太郎、吉田正俊、柴生田稔らが育つ。
    Araragi, which had gathered much influence within the tanka circles, produced poets, such as Sataro SATO (Founder of 'Hodo' (The Pavement)) and Mokichi YAMAGUCHI, who were pupils of Mokichi SAITO, and Yasuyoshi GOMI, Yoshimi KONDO (Founder of 'Mirai' (The Future)), Kuniyo TAKAYASU (Founder of 'To' (The Tower; magazine and tanka society)), Tadashi AIZAWA, Kenji HIGUCHI, Kyotaro OCHIAI, Masatoshi YOSHIDA and Minoru SHIBOTA, who were pupils of Bunmei TSUCHIYA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 韓国併合ニ関スル条約(1910年)韓国皇帝及び韓国皇族に相当な尊称、威厳及び名誉を享有させること等が約され、s前韓國皇帝ヲ册シテ王ト爲シ皇太子及將ノ世嗣、太皇帝及各其儷匹ノ稱呼ヲ定メ竝ニ禮遇ノ件により、前韓国皇帝に対して「王」の身分が与えられる等した(王公族制度)。
    The Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (1910): The Emperor of Korea and the imperial family were entitled to suitable honorific titles, authority and honor, and in accordance with the Act, which acknowledges the former Emperor of Korea as King, establishes titles for each prince, future successor, and the empress, and treats them with courteous reception, the status of 'king' was granted to the former emperor of Korea, a system known in Japanese as Okozoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『』(巻之一)の「」によると、批判の評論は1873年(明治6年)から1874年(明治7年)にかけて激しくなり、「明治七年の末に至りては攻撃(こうげき)罵詈(ばり)の頂上(ちやうじやう)を極め遠近(ゑんきん)より脅迫状(けふはくじやう)の到(たうらい)、友人の忠告(ちうこく)等今は殆んど身邊(しんぺん)も危(あやう)きほどの塲合(ばあい)に迫り」というほどであった。
    Critical reviews became rampant in 1873 to 1874, one account explains the situation as "a barrage of severe criticisms became abusive at the end of 1874, and he received intimidating letters from across the country, even endangered his friends who tried to give advice to Fukuzawa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第三條日本國政府ハ其代表者トシテ韓國皇帝陛下ノ闕下ニ一名ノ韓国統監府(レヂデントゼネラル)ヲ置ク統監ハ專ラ外交ニ關スル事項ヲ管理スル爲京城ニ駐在シ親シク韓國皇帝陛下ニ内謁スルノ權利ヲ有ス日本國政府ハ又韓國ノ各開港場及其他日本國政府ノ必要ト認ムル地ニ理事官(レヂデント)ヲ置クノ權利ヲ有ス理事官ハ統監ノ指揮ノ下ニ從在韓國日本領事ニ屬シタル一切ノ職權ヲ執行シ並ニ本協約ノ條款ヲ完全ニ實行スル爲必要トスヘキ一切ノ事務ヲ掌理スヘシ
    ARTICLE III. The government of Japan shall be represented at the Court of His Majesty the Emperor of Corea by a Resident General, who shall reside at Seoul, primarily for the purpose of taking charge of and directing matters relating to diplomatic affairs; He shall have the right of private and personal audience of His Majesty the Emperor of Corea; The Japanese Government shall also have the right to station Residents at the several open ports and such other places in Corea as they may deem necessary; Such Residents shall, under the direction of the Resident General, exercise the powers and functions hitherto appertaining to Japanese Consuls in Corea and shall perform such duties as may be necessary in order to carry into full effect the provisions of this Agreement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
