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  • というのは、デイジーも若かったし、彼女の人工的な世界は蘭の香り立つ世界で、心地よくて陽気な気取りが溢れ、オーケストラはその年の流行曲を奏でては日々のしさや期待を真新しい響きで要約してみせるような、そんな世界だったからだ。
    For Daisy was young and her artificial world was redolent of orchids and pleasant, cheerful snobbery and orchestras which set the rhythm of the year, summing up the sadness and suggestiveness of life in new tunes.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』
  • そして今夜、彼女がアメリカで100年にわたって見てきた全てのものについて考えています。嘆や希望、もがきや前進、出来やしないと言われた回数、そしてあのアメリカ的信条を掲げて前進した人々、そう我々はできる、という。
    And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America — the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can. - Tatoeba例文
  • この他にも、謙信の侍女として仕えていた直江景綱の長女や、近衛前久の妹・絶姫との間にほぼ同様の逸話があり、このような痛な経験が謙信を独身主義へと導く一端になったと仄めかしている。
    In addition to the above, there are almost similar anecdotes of falling in love with the first daughter of Kagetsuna NAOE who served as a waiting woman of Kenshin, and with Taehime who was a younger sister of Sakihisa KONOE, and it is suggested that such heartbreaking experiences were a contributing factor which led Kenshin to become a celibate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その為、不平両班や被差別階級、困窮した農民、盗賊による反乱、蜂起、及び朝鮮軍によるその鎮圧、また朝鮮王朝内部の政争による粛正や処刑などが行われ、混乱は戦災を更に惨なものとした。
    Therefore, revolts and uprising of discontented yangban (traditional ruling class or nobles of dynastic Korea), discriminated classes, impoverished farmers, and thieves occurred and got suppression by the Korean army during their cleanup and executions occurred out of struggles for power in the Korean court were conducted and the such turmoil created further misery in the midst of the war damage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この映画のイ・ジェハン監督は,「愛する人に忘れ去られることは愛する人の死よりもしいと思う。この映画を見る人たちが, この映画のおかげで,日常生活の一瞬一瞬を大切にし,楽しんでくれればうれしい。」と語る。
    John H. Lee, the director of this movie, says, "I think being forgotten by a loved one is sadder than the death of a loved one. I'll be happy if this movie helps the people who see it to appreciate and enjoy each moment of their everyday lives."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • うつ病という、場合によっては、自殺という劇的な状況に至るのを未然に回避する為に精神が安定せず、スムースに眠りにつけない人にとって、安らかな眠りに入ることを促進する飲料、低アルコール飲料を提供する。
    To provide a beverage or low alcoholic beverage promoting quiet sleep for those who cannot smoothly sleep due to unstable mind in order to avoid beforehand depression which comes to a tragic condition of a suicide in some situations. - 特許庁
  • 統計的タイミング解析でのLSI歩留まり予測計算結果における観的方向への誤差の上限を求める、あるいは、また計算誤差がない場合のLSI歩留まり予測値(実際のLSI歩留まり)の範囲を特定することができる方法を提供する。
    To provide a method which is capable of obtaining an upper limit of errors in a bearish direction in LSI yield prediction calculation results of statistical timing analysis or specifying a range of a LSI yield predictive value (actual LSI yield) in the case of the absence of calculation error. - 特許庁
  • アメリカFOMC の公表議事録要旨では、震災直後の3 月15 日の会合において、「例えば世界的なサプライチェーン(供給連鎖)に対する影響など、我が国の劇が経済的にもたらす意味あいがまだ明確にはなっていない。」と言及している点が典型的である。
    According to the published summary of minutes of a meeting of the US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) on March 15, which said, "for instance, meaning of impact caused by the Japan's tragedy on the world supply chain has not yet been clear". This is a typical viewpoint of the economic community. - 経済産業省
  • というのは、少年の腕が犬をしっかりと抱きしめていて、手荒に扱わなければ引き離すことができないことが分かった時、小さな村の人々は後悔し、恥じ入って、神様の格別のお慈を願い、彼らのために一つのお墓を作ったのです。
    for when they were found the arms of the boy were folded too closely around the dog to be severed without violence, and the people of their little village, contrite and ashamed, implored a special grace for them, and, making them one grave,  - Ouida『フランダースの犬』
  • ライオンは、こわがってはいましたが、ふりむいてカリダと対決し、ものすごく大きくておっかない吠え声をたてましたので、ドロシーは鳴をあげて、かかしも背中からひっくりかえってしまいましたが、おそろしい獣たちもその場で立ち止まり、びっくりしてライオンを見ています。
    The Lion, although he was certainly afraid, turned to face the Kalidahs, and then he gave so loud and terrible a roar that Dorothy screamed and the Scarecrow fell over backward, while even the fierce beasts stopped short and looked at him in surprise.  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』
  • 仏教上における餓鬼は、生前嘘を他言した罪で燃える舌を持っており、口に入れた飲食物は炎を上げて燃え尽き飲み食いすることは出来ないが、地蔵菩薩の慈を通した水は餓鬼の喉にも届き、暫くの間苦しみがとぎれると言われている(その間に供養を捧げたり得の高い経文を聞かせたりして成仏を願うのが施餓鬼の法要の一端でもある)。
    It is said that although Gaki in Buddhism has a burning tongue because of the sin of having told a lie in life so that he cannot drink or eat because everything in his mouth is burned away, the water through Jizo Bosatsu's mercy can reach Gaki's throat and he can interrupt suffering for a while (during which people pray for Gaki to become Buddha by reading mass and reciting sutras with great virtue as part of the Hungry Ghosts' Feeding Festival).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 藤原通憲(信西)が記した『大山峰定寺縁起』によれば、この寺は平安時代末の久寿元年(1154年)、鳥羽天皇の勅願により観空西念(三滝上人)が創建したもので、鳥羽上皇の念持仏の十一面千手観音像を本尊として安置し、本堂や仁王門の造営には藤原通憲と平清盛が当たったという。
    According to "Daihizan Bujo-ji Engi" (Legend of Bujo-ji Temple on Mt. Daihi) written by FUJIWARA no Michinori (also known as Shinzei), the temple was founded in 1154 at the end of the Heian period by Kanku Sainen (also known as Mitaki Shonin) under the order of Emperor Toba, with the Retired Emperor Toba's private Eleven-faced Thousand-armed Kannon statue installed as the principal image, and the Niomon gate and main hall constructed by FUJIWARA no Michinori and TAIRA no Kiyomori.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ビデオカメラなどの撮影装置は、撮影者の生体情報検出手段と、検出された生体情報によって撮影者の感じている感動、興奮、喜び、しみなどの感情の種類や感情の強度を導き出す手段と、導き出された感情パラメータを基に手振れ補正を行なう感情反映手段を備える。
    The photographing device such as a video camera is equipped with a means for detecting the biological information of a photographer, a means for deriving the kind or strength of emotion such as strong impression, excitement, joy and sadness felt by a photographer according to the detected biological information, and an emotion reflecting means for performing camera shake correction on the basis of derived emotion parameters. - 特許庁
  • とはいえ、最澄自身が法華経を基盤とした戒律や禅、念仏、そして密教の融合による総合仏教としての教義確立を目指していたのは紛れもない事実であり、円仁・円珍などの弟子たちは最澄自身の意志を引継ぎ密教を学び直して、最澄の願である天台教学の確立を見たのである。
    However, there is no doubt about the fact that Saicho intended to establish the doctrine of comprehensive Buddhism by integrating Buddhist precepts based on Hokke-kyo sutra, Zen, Nenbutsu (Buddhist prayer) and Esoteric Buddhism and his disciples, including Ennin and Enchin, succeeded Saicho's will, restudied Esoteric Buddhism and completed Tendai kyogaku which had been the earnest desire of Saicho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 地獄に堕す15の相のいくつかを挙げると自らの夫妻・男女・眷属において悪眼を以って瞻視(せんし、見上げること)す、その両手を挙げ虚空を捫模(もんぼ、ボの元字は、莫の下に手、探り求めること)す、善智識の教えに相い随順せず、号啼泣嗚咽(ひごうていきゅうおえつ)して涙を流す、大小便利を覚えず知らず、目を閉じて開かず、常に頭面を覆すなどがある。
    The 15 states that lead one to Hell include giving an evil stare at one's husband/wife, men/women, and kenzoku (one's family and relations), groping in empty space by raising one's both hands, crying in tears without following the teachings of the kalyaana-mitra (one who offers spiritual friendship and guidance that is non-directive, non-denominational, and non-religious), not learning and knowing how to defecate and urinate, keeping one's eyes shut, and constantly covering one's head.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このことで軍事面に於いてその無能振りを全国に示した秀忠及び自分の死後の徳川家の将来を観した家康が、もともとは秀吉の遺言に従い、徳川・豊臣両家共存の意向だったのを取り止めて、後顧の憂いを絶つべく豊臣家廃絶の道を選んだのではないか。
    By that incident, Hidetada exposed throughout the country his incompetence in the military affairs, which made Ieyasu grow pessimistic about the future of the Tokugawa family after his death, and although Ieyasu originally intended to make Tokugawa and Toyotomi families coexist in accordance with the last wishes of Hideyoshi, he abandoned that intention and chose to abolish the Toyotomi family so that he could be freed from anxiety about the future.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、神風によって日本が救われたという出来事は「神国思想」(=日本は神国なのだから負けるはずがないという考え)を日本人に広く浸透させ、それが太平洋戦争末期の日本軍や国民思想の非合理性の温床となり、神風特別攻撃隊をはじめ数々の劇を生んだとも言われている。
    It is also said that the event in which Kamikaze saved Japan led Japanese to widely believe in "Shinkoku Shiso" (the idea that Japan will never lose because it is a country protected by the gods), which became the grounds for the irrational idea held by the Japanese army and people at the end of the Pacific War, causing many tragedies, including Kamikaze Special Attack Units.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宝暦4年(1754年)から5年(1755年)にかけて、薩摩藩は美濃国木曽三川の治水工事を命ぜられたが、幕府側による再三の工事変更命令、地元名士の非協力などに苦しめられ、完成までに切腹51名、病死33名を出し、総指揮者の家老平田靱負も全責任を負って自決するという劇を生んだ(宝暦治水事件)。
    From 1754 to 1755 the Satsuma Domain was ordered to do flood prevention works of Kiso-sansen (Kiso Three Rivers) in Mino Province, but the bakufu changed the order repeatedly and the Satsuma Domain suffered from no cooperation of the local prominent figures, and until the completion the fifty-one committed Seppuku and the thirty-three died of sickness and the chief retainer and general manager, Yukie HIRATA tragically committed suicide to take his responsibility (the Horeki flood control Incident).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • パーネルは死んだ残忍な偽善者どもの手にかかり僕らの無冠の王は死んだ嘆く、嘆く、しみのエリン泥沼から引き上げてやった臆病な犬どもに彼は殺されたエリンの希望もエリンの夢もその君主の積みまきの上に滅びた御殿にあろうとも、小屋にあろうともしみにひしがれるアイルランドの心その運命をもたらすはずの彼が逝ってしまったから彼あらば世界にエリンの名を知らしめ栄光の緑の旗をはためかせ政治家たち、詩人たち、戦士たちの立ち上がったものを彼は自由を夢見たしいかな、夢にすぎなかった偶像をつかもうとしたその時裏切りが彼と愛するものを引き離した恥を知れ、臆病者彼らの君主を襲い媚を売る聖職者衆に売り渡した卑劣漢ども永遠の恥辱よ、焼き尽くせ誇りをもって彼らをはねつけた人の高貴の名を汚し傷つけた者どもの記憶を最後まで気高く屈せずに倒れた強き人死が彼を今は亡きエリンの英雄たちと一つにした彼の眠りを乱す争いはなし!静かに彼は休む彼を栄光へと駆り立てる人としての苦悩も大望も今はない彼らは思い通り彼を殺したしかしエリンは望む、彼の魂よ炎から不死鳥のように舞い上がれとその日の夜の明ける時自由の御代が僕らにもたらされるその日、エリンよ、挙げよ喜びの杯をしみのためにパーネルの思い出のために
    O, Erin, mourn with grief and woeFor he lies dead whom the fell gangOf modern hypocrites laid low.He lies slain by the coward houndsHe raised to glory from the mire;And Erin's hopes and Erin's dreamsPerish upon her monarch's pyre.In palace, cabin or in cotThe Irish heart where'er it beIs bowed with woe--for he is goneWho would have wrought her destiny.He would have had his Erin famed,The green flag gloriously unfurled,Her statesmen, bards and warriors raisedBefore the nations of the World.He dreamed (alas, 'twas but a dream!)Of Liberty: but as he stroveTo clutch that idol, treacherySundered him from the thing he loved.Shame on the coward, caitiff handsThat smote their Lord or with a kissBetrayed him to the rabble-routOf fawning priests--no friends of his.May everlasting shame consumeThe memory of those who triedTo befoul and smear the exalted nameOf one who spurned them in his pride.He fell as fall the mighty ones,Nobly undaunted to the last,And death has now united himWith Erin's heroes of the past.No sound of strife disturb his sleep!Calmly he rests: no human painOr high ambition spurs him nowThe peaks of glory to attain.They had their way: they laid him low.But Erin, list, his spirit mayRise, like the Phoenix from the flames,When breaks the dawning of the day,The day that brings us Freedom's reign.And on that day may Erin wellPledge in the cup she lifts to JoyOne grief--the memory of Parnell.  - James Joyce『アイビーデイの委員会室』
  • さらに私は今晩、アメリカで生きた100年以上の間にクーパーさんが目にした、ありとあらゆる出来事を思っています。心を破られるほどのしみ、そして希望。困難と、そして進歩。そんなことはできないと言われ続けたこと。にもかかわらず、ひたむきに前進し続けた人たちのこと。あのいかにもアメリカ的な信条を掲げて。Yes we can。私たちにはできる、と。
    And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America. The heartache and the hope, the struggle and the progress. The times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes, we can. - Tatoeba例文
  • 阿闍世という名の太子が、悪友の提婆達多にそそのかされて、父の頻婆娑羅王を幽閉し餓死させようとした「王舎城の劇」を導入部として、王の后である韋提希夫人の願いにより釈迦が、極楽世界や阿弥陀仏、観音菩薩・勢至菩薩の二菩薩を観想する13の観法を説かれる。
    Buddha (Gotama Siddhattha), owing to the request from Vaidehi, the wife of Bimbisara, preached 13 sermons by meditating on Amida Buddha, the Land of Utmost Bliss, and the bodhisattvas Kannon and Seishi Bosatsu with the introductory part describing 'Oshajo no higeki' (Tragedy in Osahjo), in which a prince called Ajase (a king of Magadha, in India, during the time of Shakyamuni Buddha) was tempted by his bad companion Devadatta to have his own father Bimbisara confined and starved to death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「王将(楽曲)」「皆の衆」「潮来笠」「三百六十五歩のマーチ」「北帰行」「港町ブルース」「池袋の夜」「柔(楽曲)」「しい酒」「函館の女」「兄弟仁義」「帰ろかな」「柳ヶ瀬ブルース」「伊勢佐木町ブルース」「星影のワルツ」などがヒットし、老若男女から支持され演歌は空前の全盛期を迎える。
    Osho (music)' (King), 'Mina no Shu' (Everyone), 'Itako Gasa,' '365 Ho no March' (The March of 365 Steps), 'Hokkiko' (Return to the North), 'Minatomachi Blues' (Harbourtown Blues), 'Ikebukuro no Yoru' (One Night at Ikebukuro), 'Yawara (music)' (Judo), 'Kanashii Sake,' 'Hakodate no Onna' (Lady of Hakodate), 'Kyodai Jingi,' 'Kaerokana,' 'Yanagase Blues,' 'Isezakicho Blues,' 'Hoshikage no Waltz' (Waltz of Starry Night), and other songs became hits, and enka music, supported by young and old, reached an unprecedented peak.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 年末12月31日公開の正月映画として、金森万象監督の『青春の歌』を「成子不二館」に、おなじく金森監督の『祇園情話蕾のまゝ』と後藤秋声監督の『男が妻を選ぶ時』の2本立て番組を復興後の浅草に建った「浅草オペラ館」にきっちり供給した。
    As New Year's movies to be released on the New Year's Eve, the company distributed "Seishun no Hika"(Elegy of Adolescence) directed by Bansho KANAMORI to the Narukofuji-kan theater and also went as far as to distribute a double feature of "Gion Jowa Tsubomi no Mama"(Love story in Gion, a budding woman) also directed by Kanamori and "Otoko ga Tsuma wo Erabutoki" (When a man choose his wife) directed by Shusei GOTO to the 'Asakusa Opera-kan Theater' which had been built after reconstruction of Asakusa area.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸の日本橋(東京都中央区)日本橋(橋梁)は「二本ぶし(2本の鰹節)」、大磯宿は「(獲物が)重いぞ」、見附宿は「寝つき」、御油宿は「恋」、桑名宿は「食わぬ」、石薬師宿は「いちゃつき」、土山宿は「ぶち邪魔」、草津宿は「炬燵」、そして、捕まった鼠の鳴「ぎやう」を京に掛けて締めとしている。
    In this play-on-word picture, Nihonbashi Bridge (chuo Ward, Tokyo) is changed into 'Nihon bushi' (two dried bonitos), Oiso-juku into 'Omoi zo' (it's too heavy), Mistuke-juku into 'Netsuki' (to fall asleep), Goyu-shuku into 'Koi' (romance), Kuwana-juku into 'Kuwanu' (not to eat), Ishiyakushi-juku into 'Ichatsuki' (to flirt), Tsuchiyama-juku into 'Buchi Jama' (very bothersome), Kusatsu-juku into 'Kotatsu' (table with heater) and a squeak of a mouse Gyau is changed into Kyo (Kyoto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第二次世界大戦後はマルクス主義的な歴史認識により、武士を支配階級、農民を被支配階級と定義し、農民生活の惨さとそれに由来する階級闘争の存在が強調され、商人は財産(資本)を蓄積したブルジョワ階級であり、近代への幕を開く歴史的存在として捉えられるようになった。
    After World War II, Marxian history began to define samurai as the ruling class and the peasants as the ruled class, emphasizing the misery of the peasants' life and the existence of a class struggle derived from this misery, with merchants as the bourgeoisies who accumulated property (capital) which ushered in the modern age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 防火、防犯に鑑みなされたものであって、日頃の小さな不注意や油断から生じる、大きな災害の劇から守るためのものであり、とりわけ外出する時、あるいは就寝の時、今一度火の元の安全確認、施錠の確認等を日常的に促し、安全確認の意識を喚起するための装置を提供する。
    To provide a device for evoking a care for safety confirmation urging confirmation of safety of source of fire and a lock of a door again in particular when leaving or going to bed, which is provided in consideration of fire protection and crime prevention for protecting from a tragedy due to a great disaster caused by tiny carelessness in daily life. - 特許庁
  • 2011 年 3 月の福島第一原子力発電所の劇的な事故にもかかわらず、APEC地域は平和的原子力エネルギーの安全かつ確実な利用の重要性と、地域におけるエネルギーミックスを多様化し、増大するエネルギー需要を満たし、温室効果ガスの排出を削減する可能性を認識している。
    The APEC region recognizes the importance of the safe and secure uses of peaceful nuclear energy, and its potential in diversifying our energy mix, meeting the growing energy demand, and in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the region despite the tragic accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in March 2011. - 経済産業省
  • しかしながら、自由について今流布している考えは、自分にだけ関わることがらでの個人の自由にたいする現実の侵害には、容易に屈伏するのに、耽溺した結果、その行動の影響が多少なりとも及ぶ範囲の人たちに様々な害悪をなして、子孫の生活が惨で堕落したものとなるときに、その性癖に制限を加えようという試みには反発するのです。
    Yet the current ideas of liberty, which bend so easily to real infringements of the freedom of the individual in things which concern only himself, would repel the attempt to put any restraint upon his inclinations when the consequence of their indulgence is a life or lives of wretchedness and depravity to the offspring, with manifold evils to those sufficiently within reach to be in any way affected by their actions.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • バサーニオは愛する妻をそんなふうに怒らせてしまったことをとてもしみ、非常に熱心にこう言った。「違うよ。私の名誉に賭けて言うが、受け取ったのは女じゃない、法律博士なんだ。その人は、私が差し出した3000ドュカートを断って、指輪を望んだんだ。それを断ったら、その人は機嫌を損ねて出ていってしまったんだ。
    Bassanio was very unhappy to have so offended his dear lady, and he said with great earnestness, "No, by my honour, no woman had it, but a civil doctor, who refused three thousand ducats of me, and begged the ring, which when I denied him, he went displeased away.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
  • 地獄道、餓鬼道、畜生道、修羅道、人道、天道の順に檀陀(だんだ)地蔵、宝珠地蔵、宝印地蔵、持地地蔵、除蓋障(じょがいしょう)地蔵、日光地蔵と称する場合と、それぞれを金剛願地蔵、金剛宝地蔵、金剛地蔵、金剛幢地蔵、放光王地蔵、預天賀地蔵と称する場合が多いが、文献によっては以上のいずれとも異なる名称を挙げている物もある。
    In many cases they are called Danda Jizo, Hoju Jizo, Hoin Jizo, Jiji Jizo, Jogaisho Jizo, Nikko Jizo or Kongogan Jizo, Kongoho Jizo, Kongohi Jizo, Kongodo Jizo, Hokoo Jizo, Yotenga Jizo in the order of Jigoku-do, Gaki-do, Chikusho-do, Shura-do, Jin-do and Ten-do, but some documents describe names other than the above.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 別格本山覚勝院(京都市右京区)、高山寺(兵庫県丹波市)、薬王寺(広島市西区(広島市))、大聖寺(岡山県美作市)、高山寺(岡山県井原市)、萩原寺(香川県観音寺市)、観音寺(香川県観音寺市)、宝珠寺(香川県観音寺市)、極楽寺(香川県さぬき市)、地蔵院(徳島市)、興願寺(愛媛県四国中央市)、大王院(福岡県前原市)、大智院(長崎県佐世保市)
    Bekkaku Honzan (special head temples): Kakusho-in Temple (Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City), Kozan-ji Temple (Tanba City, Hyogo Prefecture), Yakuo-ji Temple (Nishi Ward, Hiroshima City), Daisho-ji Temple (Mimasaka City, Okayama Prefecture), Kozan-ji Temple (Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture), Hagiwara-ji Temple (Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture), Kannon-ji Temple (Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture), Hoju-ji Temple (Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture), Gokuraku-ji Temple (Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture), Jizo-in Temple (Tokushima City), Kogan-ji Temple (Shikokuchuo City, Ehime Prefecture), Daihio-in Temple (Maebaru City, Fukuoka Prefecture), Daichi-in Temple (Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「一つには冥衆護持の益、二つには至徳具足の益、三つには転悪成善の益、四つには諸仏護念の益、五つには諸仏称讃の益、六つには心光常護の益、七つには心多歓喜の益、八つには知恩報徳の益、九つには常行大の益、十には正定聚に入る益なり。」
    They are as follows; the first benefit of being protected by unseen divinities, the second one of attaining the utmost virtue, the third one of transforming all one's evils into good, the fourth one of being protected by all Buddhas, the fifth one of being praised by all Buddhas, the sixth one of being constantly protected by Amida's spiritual light, the seventh one of having much joy in mind, the eighth one of acknowledging Amida's benevolence and responding in gratitude to his virtue, the ninth one of constant practicing great compassion, and the last one of entering 'shojoju' (those guaranteed to be born in the Pure Land).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 仏教宗派における罰の概念は様々であるため、そのすべてを網羅して説明するのは難しいが、あえてその理由を挙げると、釈迦仏をはじめとする仏如来は「一切衆生は皆我が子なり」と言われるように、そのような大いなる慈心を持つ仏が罰を与えることはない、というのが一般的な解釈である。
    Since there are various ideas of punishment in the Buddhist sects, it is difficult to explain the reason considering all ideas, but if we try to think of the reason, it is a general interpretation that the Buddha who has such a great capacity for mercy as Buddha and Nyorai including Shakyamuni buddha are said to proclaim that 'all living things are my children,' so those who are plenteous in mercy will not give punishment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 最澄の願は大乗戒壇の設立であり、大乗戒を授けた者を天台宗の菩薩僧と認め、12年間比叡山に籠って修行させるという構想によって、律宗の鑑真(688年-763年)がもたらした小乗戒の戒壇院を独占する南都仏教の既得権益との対立を深めていた。
    Saicho's earnest desire was to establish the building of Daijo-Kaidan (Mahayana ordination center) and those who received Mahayana precepts were admitted as the bodhisattva priest of Tendai sect and they secluded themselves at Mt. Hiei and underwent ascetic training there for twelve years, and due to this scheme he came into conflict with vested interests of Nanto Buddhism which dominated Kaidan-in of the commandment of Theravada Buddhism brought by Ganjin (Jianzhen) (688 – 763) in Ritsu sect.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 法要中は、釈迦が娑羅双樹の下で涅槃に入った際の、頭を北にして西を向き右脇を下にした姿で臥し、周囲に十大弟子を始め諸菩薩、天部や獣畜、虫類などまでが嘆きしむさまを描いた仏涅槃図(涅槃図)を掲げ、『仏遺教経』を読誦することとなっている。
    During the service, a Butsu Nehan-zu (painting of Buddha nirvana), depicting Shakamuni entering Nirvana under a sal tree, lying with his head pointing to the north, and his face facing to the west, surronded by ten great disciples, a group of Bosatsu (Bodhisattva), Tenbu (deities who reside in a heavenly realm, one of six realms in which the souls of living beings transmigrate from one to another), animals and insects all lamenting his death, is hung, and "Butsuyuikyogyo" (Mahayana Buddhist scripture) is chanted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 対ロシアの戦略上、日本海軍は日本海側へ海軍の軍事拠点を設置する事が願となっており、1889年(明治22年)に、湾口が狭く、防御に適しており、また湾内は波静かで多くの艦船が停泊できるなど軍港としては格好の地形であった舞鶴湾に白羽の矢をたて、舞鶴に鎮守府を設置する事になった。
    In its strategy against Russia, the Imperial Japanese Navy needed to set up a naval military base on the side of the Sea of Japan, and in 1889, decided to establish Chinjufu in Maizuru, singling out Maizuru Bay for its geographical features which were suitable as a naval port with its narrow entrance which could be easily defended while the calm inside of the bay could accommodate many ships.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 経済的規制緩和ということで、過去、タクシー業界の規制緩和をいたしました。この結果、10年間でタクシーの台数が非常に増えて、タクシーの従業員の方は所得が3分の2に減り、勤務時間が1.2倍になりました。それから大変しいことでございますが、タクシーの事故率が2倍になりました。これは行き過ぎた規制緩和ということで、自民党の時代に法律を直しました。
    As you know, regulatory reform can be broadly categorized into two forms: social deregulation and economic deregulation. As for economic deregulation, the taxi industry was deregulated. This resulted in the number of taxis rising sharply over a 10-year period while taxi drivers' income fell by a third and working hours increased by 20%. Very unfortunately, the accident rate for taxis has doubled. As this was caused by excessive deregulation, the relevant law was revised during the government of the Liberal Democratic Party.  - 金融庁
  • また、消費者の消費マインドを示す消費者信頼感指数は、エネルギー価格の上昇、金融・資本市場の混乱による景気・雇用の現状・先行きに対する観的な見方を背景に大きく悪化しており、6か月先の将来に対する消費マインドを示す期待指数は1973年以来の低い水準となっている(第1-2-4図)。
    The consumer confidence index, which shows consumer sentiment, worsened considerably due to the pessimistic view taken toward the present and future prospects for business and employment, based on rising energy prices and the turmoil of the financial and capital markets. The expectations index, which shows consumer sentiment for six months into the future, is at its lowest level since 1973 (see Figure 1-2-4). - 経済産業省
  • 物見高い連中があたりに一日中うろうろしていて、子どもたちといっしょに塵の中の暗点を探し、どこかのおしゃべりな男があれやこれやとその出来事について語っていたけれど、やがてその話もどんどん現実から乖離、終いにはもはや語ることすらなくなってしまい、そしてマートル・ウィルソンを襲った劇も忘れ去れていくのだろう、と。
    there'd be a curious crowd around there all day with little boys searching for dark spots in the dust, and some garrulous man telling over and over what had happened, until it became less and less real even to him and he could tell it no longer, and Myrtle Wilson's tragic achievement was forgotten.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』
  • そういったわけで、ここに書かれた金持ちの商人にふりかかった劇は、続けて起こった予期せぬ幸運のうちにすべて忘れられた。そして、指輪に関する喜劇めいた出来事や、夫たちが自分の妻を見分けられなかったことを笑うだけの余裕ができたのである。グレイシアーノは、一種の韻を踏んだ言葉でこう誓った。
    So these tragical beginnings of this rich merchant's story were all forgotten in the unexpected good fortune which ensued; and there was leisure to laugh at the comical adventure of the rings, and the husbands that did not know their own wives: Gratiano merrily swearing, in a sort of rhyming speech, that  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
  • 一方、同僚たちの妬みによって、辛い思いをした名古屋を去る時に作った端歌もの曲「捨扇」では、流麗な中に頻繁な転調や非常に凝った節付けの歌など、小品ながら侮りがたい作りで、作曲術の力量のほどが偲ばれるとともに、失意やしみがひしひしと感じられ、雅びな「千鳥の曲」や明るく華やかな「花の縁」などとはまた違った、吉沢の心の一面を垣間見ることができる。
    On the other hand, the hauta 'Suteogi' (Discarded Fan), created when leaving Nagoya and its bad memories, is a piece which should not be underestimated regardless of its small size, with frequent flowing key changes and a melody with an extremely elaborate fushizuke (where the melody is fitted to the text), which as well as recalling his compositional skills, also acutely show disappointment and sadness and, thereby, an aspect of Yoshizawa's mind different from that of the elegant 'Chidori no Kyoku' and the bright, gorgeous 'Hana no Enishi.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、通常日本に取り入れられた曼荼羅の呼称について胎蔵界曼荼羅・胎蔵曼荼羅の2つが併用されているが、密教学者・頼富本宏は『曼荼羅の美術東寺の曼荼羅を中心として』において「曼荼羅の典拠となった大日経と金剛頂経のいわゆる両部の大経を意識したものであり、空海もこの用語(注両部曼荼羅)のみを用いている」「即ち金剛頂経には、明確に金剛界曼荼羅を説くのに対して、大日経では大胎蔵曼荼羅もしくは胎蔵生曼荼羅を説くのにかかわらず、胎蔵界曼荼羅と言う表現は見られないからである」と書いている。
    As for the naming of mandala, both Taizokai-mandala and Garbha-mandala are used in Japan but Motohiro YORITOMI, a researcher of Esoteric Buddhism, wrote in his book titled "Architectures of mandala-centering on mandala at To-ji Temple" as 'the name of mandala were created in consideration of both Dainichi-kyo Sutra and Kongocho-kyo Sutra, collectively called Ryobu Sutra and both are the source of mandala, and Kukai used only this name (note: Ryobu-mandala),' 'because Kongocho-kyo Sutra clearly uses Vajradhatumandala, Dainichi-kyo Sutra does not use the name of Taizokai-mandala though it uses Daihitaizosho mandala or Garbha-mandala.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 金沢の柵での戦いの終盤で冬になり、柵を包囲する義家軍も「大雪に遭い、官軍、戦うに利をうしない、軍兵多くは寒さに死し飢えて死す、或いは馬肉を切りて食し・・・」(康富記)という、前年の沼柵での惨な敗北を思い出し、自分が死んだあと、国府(多賀城)に残る妻子が、なんとか京へ帰れるようにと、手紙を書き、旅賃に変えられそうなものを送り届けるシーンがある。
    There is a description that in the end of the battle at the Kanazawa barrier the Yoshiie army which surrounded it remembered the dreadful defeat at Numanosaku in the previous year, which was written as 'Suffering from big snow, the Imperial army lost advantages for fighting and many soldiers died of coldness and hunger, or ate horse meat,' wrote a letter and sent anything which could be changed to traveling cost for their wives and children who remained at kokufu (provincial office, i.e., the Taga castle) to be able to go back to Kyoto after their death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なんとなれば、ぼくは学んだのだから。思慮のない若輩の時とちがって自然をみつめることを。けれどしばし聞こえるのは人たることの静かでしい楽の音。荒々しくはなく、軋りもせず、気を鎮め宥める力に満ちたその調べ。そしてぼくは感じた。気高き思いの喜びでぼくの心を騒がせる存在を。ますます深く染み入ってくるなにものかの崇高なる感覚を。その住まいとするは沈む日の光、丸い大洋、そよぐ大気、青い空と人の心。それは運動と精神であり、あらゆる思考するもの、あらゆる思考のあらゆる対象を駆り立てては、あらゆる事物の中を駆け抜ける。[25]
    'For I have learnedTo look on nature; not as in the hourOf thoughtless youth; but hearing oftentimesThe still, sad music of humanity,Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample powerTo chasten and subdue. And I have feltA presence that disturbs me with the joyOf elevated thoughts; a sense sublimeOf something far more deeply interfused,Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,And the round ocean, and the living air,And the blue sky, and in the mind of man:A motion and a spirit, that impelsAll thinking things, all objects of all thought,And rolls through all things.'25  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
  • 尊氏が上京して後醍醐天皇を追い、新田義貞は恒良親王らを奉じて北陸地方へ逃れ、足利軍の攻勢により1338年に越前国藤島で戦死するが、『太平記』においては、琵琶湖畔の今堅田において別れ、京にてしみの日々を送っていた勾当内侍は新田義貞に招かれ北陸へ向かうが、杣山(福井県南条町)において新田義貞の戦死を知り、獄門にかけられた新田義貞の首級を目にして落飾して比丘尼になったと描かれている。
    Takauji entered Kyoto and chased Emperor Godaigo, Yoshisada NITTA fled to the Hokuriku region with Imperial Prince Tsuneyoshi placed as Emperor and died in battle at Fujishima of the Echizen Province attacked by ASHIKAGA troops in 1338, and "Taiheiki" makes a description of Koto no naishi at around that time as in the following: Koto no naishi, who parted from Yoshisada NITTA at Imakatata beside Lake Biwa and spent days sadly in Kyoto, was invited by Yoshisada NITTA and started for Hokuriku, but at Somayama (present Najo Town, Fukui Prefecture), she knew that he had died in a battle and became a (female) priest seeing his head hung on a prison gate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • データベースに格納されるマルチメディアデータを組織する複数の多次元空間データ木構造において、重み付けが大きい多次元空間データ木構造を優先して探索し、リーフノードに関する観的距離を用いて、アクセス済みノードに関する楽観的距離を対象とした枝刈戦略を実施し、最近傍リーフノードを確定することにより、ノードアクセス数を抑えることで探索性能の向上を実現する。
    Out of a plurality of multidimensional spatial data tree structures constituting multimedia data stored in a database, a largely weighted multidimensional spatial data tree structure is searched preferentially, and with pessimistic distances about leaf nodes, a pruning strategy is executed on the basis of optimistic distances about accessed nodes to locate the nearest neighbor leaf node, so that the reduced node access enables improved search performance. - 特許庁
  • だが「現在この有様上方を捨てては、片岡家の先祖は言うに及ばず、何代かかって上方の芝居をここまで築き上げてきた先輩たちにこれほど申し訳ないことはないではないか。何としても上方の灯は守らなければ。」(片岡仁左衛門著「役者七十年」1976年朝日新聞社)とあるように、切実な関西歌舞伎の愛惜と先祖への思いとが「それでも駄目なら歌舞伎と心中しよう。」(同上)という壮な決心に向かったのである。
    He also wrote, however, that "If I gave up Kamigata in its present state, I would not have any excuse not only to the ancestors of the Kataoka family but also to my predecessors who had built up shibai (drama) in Kamigata up until now. By all means, I had to protect Kamigata Kabuki shibai." ("Yakusha nanajunen (literally, seventy years as an actor)" by Nizaemon KATAOKA; published by The Asahi Shimbun Company), and his heart-felt sorrow for kabuki and his thoughts for his ancestors instilled in him the tragic but brave thought that "If failed, I will die with kabuki."(ibid.).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 菊の前が自害した夜が十二夜であったという伝承があり、「十二夜御前」と呼ばれ、特に正月十二日に藁宝殿を作り、米や供物を捧げていたが、山田環往来記によれば、昔は7~8軒の民家があったが、環往来記が書かれた江戸時代後期には2軒の民家しかなくなり、現在は、1軒もなく、関根村自体が消滅したため、供養は一切行われておらず、また、地元の人でも、十二御前の場所やその劇を知らない人が多い。
    According to a legend that the night Kikunomae killed herself was the 12th night on a lunar calendar, the villagers called the day 'Juniya Gozen' (literary, the lady of 12th night) and build a shrine with straw and humbly gave offerings including rice on 12th day of January among other months in those days; Yamada Kanoraiki wrote that there were formerly seven to eight houses in the village, but in the latter half of the Edo period when the document was written, only two houses were left; and now, as the Sekine-mura village has been defunct, the memorial service is no longer carried out, and the tragedy and the site called 'Juni Gozen' have been mostly forgotten.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方では、製成酒が世に出るのが一年遅れたために日の目を得ていないが、久須美酒造が亀の尾の復活を考えていたのとまさに同時期に、山形県東田川郡余目町(あまるめまち)の酒造家である鯉川酒造の蔵元佐藤一良は、明治時代に地元余目町で誕生した亀の尾の復活と、それを使って誰にも負けない酒を造ることが先代の蔵元佐藤淳一の願であったことを受けて、1979年(昭和54年)に亀の尾の復活を決心した。
    On the other hand, in 1979, concurrently with Kusumi Shuzo considering the revival of Kameno-o brand sake, another brewer Kazuyoshi SATO of Koikawa Shuzo, a brewery at Amarume-machi, Higashi-Tagawa County, Yamagata Prefecture, made up his mind to restore Kameno-o brand, since he believed that his predecessor Junichi SATO had kept an ardent wish to revive Kameno-o that was born in this Amarume-machi in the Meiji Period and to manufacture incomparable sake using the Kameno-o rice, although he has not seen the light of day yet because he had delayed one year before the debut of his newly brewed sake.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この声明書の中で、「これまでの朝鮮の歴史の劇は自分達が招いたことであり、我が国の皇帝陛下と日本天皇陛下に懇願し、朝鮮人も日本人と同じ一等国民の待遇を享受して、政府と社会を発展させようではないか」と、大韓帝国と大日本帝国が新たに一つの政治機関を設立し、大韓帝国と大日本帝国が対等合邦して一つの大帝国を作るように求めた。
    In the statement, it says 'Tragedies in Korean history are our own fault, so we would like to plead to our Emperor and the Emperor of Japan to give Koreans the opportunity to enjoy the same treatment as the first class citizens of Japan. We ask the Japanese to develop our government and society' and suggest the Korean Empire and the Empire of Japan establish a new unified political body together and create a new empire by equal merger of both Empires.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright (C) 2003 Kojiro Araki (荒木 光二郎)

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    翻訳: 武田正代 (pokeda@kcb-net.ne.jp) + 山形浩生 (hiyori13@alum.mit.edu)
    (c) 2003-2006 武田正代+山形浩生
    プロジェクト杉田玄白 正式参加作品。詳細はhttp://www.genpaku.org/を参照のこと。
  • 原題:”The Belfast Address”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    (C) 2005 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
    この翻訳は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス(帰属 - 同一条件許諾)の下でライセンスされています。
  • 原題:”The Great Gatsby”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright (C) F. Scott Fitzgerald 1926, expired. Copyright (C) Kareha 2001-2002,waived.
  • 原題:”Ivy Day in the Committee Room”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright(C)2005 coderati
  • 原題:”On Liberty”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.
    SOGO_e-text_library責任編集。Copyright(C)2001 by SOGO_e-text_library