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  • この時代の文化を金閣に代表される3代義満時代の華やかな北山文化と対照的に、銀閣に代表されるわび・さびに重きをおいた「東山文化」と呼ばれる。
    In contrast to the lavish Kitayama culture represented by Kinkaku from the 3rd Shogun Yoshimitsu's era, the culture of this period is called "Higashiyama culture" that emphasizes wabi-sabi (simplicity and quietude) as represented by Ginkaku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東京駿河台の本邸の他に、静岡県御殿場町の便船塚別荘、同じく静岡県興津の坐漁荘、京都の清風荘の各別荘に隠棲し、元老として重きをなした。
    Aside from his main residence in Suruga-dai, Tokyo, he retired to his villas of Binsenzuka-besso in Gotenba-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture, Zagyo-so in Okitsu, also in Shizuoka Prefecture, and in Seifu-so in Kyoto, and he occupied an important position as a Genro.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 忯子は天皇の寵愛を受け、父親である為光も内給所を任されるなど、外戚で為光の義弟・婿でもある藤原義懐と並んで重きをなした。
    Because Yoshiko won the favor of the emperor, her father Tamemitsu held equal weight in the court as compared to FUJIWARA no Yoshichika (the emperor's relative on its mother's side and Tamemitsu's younger brother-in-law & Tamemitsu's son-in-law), and Tanemitsu's influence is exemplified by his appointment to Naikyusho (the office entrusted by the emperor in exchange for some rewards).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後三条天皇崩御後も、引き続きその息子の白河天皇の近習として重用され、退位後の上皇後院の別当としても厚く信頼され、また剛直な人柄は廟堂に重きをなした。
    After the death of Emperor Gosanjo, he continued his service as kinshu (an attendant) to Gosanjo's son, Emperor Shirakawa, and after Shirakawa abdicated, Toshiaki also enjoyed the confidence of the retired Emperor as Betto (chief administrator) of the Retired Emperor, and played an important role at the Imperial court with his sober character.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長男宗長の子孫は難波家、次男雅経の子孫は飛鳥井家として後世に続き、蹴鞠・和歌の道において重きをなしている。
    The descendants of Munenaga, the eldest son, continued as the Nanba family, and those of Masatsune, the second son, continued as the Asukai family into the later generations, and they both played central roles in the ways of kemari (a game played by aristocrats in the Heian period) and waka (a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以降遠山氏は後北条氏家中に於いて、御由緒家の六家および伊豆衆二十家の一つと数えられ、中でも松田氏・大道寺氏と並ぶ重きを成した(三家老家とも言われる)。
    Since then, the Toyama clan had been regarded as one of Goyuishoke no rokke (the six families of sworn friends who supported Soun HOJO), as well as, one of Izushu nijukke (the twenty groups of families under the power of the Hojo clan), and enjoyed an important position together with the Matsuda clan and the Daidoji clan (they are also called Sankaroke (the big three chief retainer families of the Hojo clan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子孫は代々譜代の重鎮として重きをなし、嫡流は出羽庄内藩14万石(幕末期に17万石に加増)という譜代屈指の大身となった。
    His descendants played important roles as prominent figures among hereditary vassals for generations and his direct descendant became an outstanding wealthy hereditary vassal of the Dewa Shonai Clan with 140,000 koku (increased to 170,000 koku at the end of Edo period).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼らは、譜代大名の筆頭として幕政に重きをなし、江戸時代264年間を通じて井伊直弼など5名の大老を輩出した(直孝が大老になったかどうかは賛否両論ある)。
    They wielded influence in the politics of the Shogunate as heads of the fudai daimyo (a daimyo in hereditary vassal to the Tokugawa family), producing five Tairo (chief ministers), including Naosuke II, during the 264 years of the Edo period (there are arguments for and against whether Naotaka became Tairo or not).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元老としても重きをなし、陸軍では山縣有朋と並ぶ大実力者となったが、政治的野心や権力欲は乏しく、元老の中では西郷従道と並んで総理候補に擬せられることを終始避け続けた。
    He was highly esteemed as the elder statesman and became a person of great influence in the army as well as Aritomo YAMAGATA, but lacked in political ambitions and a desire for power, and thereby kept declining to be a candidate of the prime minister together with Tsugumichi SAIGO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国粋主義、農本主義的立場から、薩長藩閥とも板垣退助ら自由民権運動とも異なる保守的な中正主義で、土佐派の重鎮として重きをなしていた。
    From the standpoints of nationalism and agricultural fundamentalism, he took a conservative moderate policy that was different from the Satsuma-Choshu domain clique and the Freedom and People's Rights Movement led by Taisuke ITAGAKI, and he was thought highly as a leading figure of the Tosa School.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太田道灌が誅殺された後に氏頼は第一の重臣として家中において重きをなしたが、古河公方足利成氏と和議を結びながらすぐにこれを破棄するなど定正の政治手法は家臣の離反を招くようになる。
    After the death of Dokan OTA Ujiyori became the chief vassal with tremendous influence; however, Sadamasa's political style, such as tying a peace accord with Kogakubo Shigeuji ASHIKAGA only to immediately revoke it, began to invite estrangement from his vassals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、恕庵の本草学はそれまでの薬学に重きを置くものに収まらず、積極的に多種多様の動植物、鉱物を収集し博物学的なものに発展していた。
    However, Joan's study in herbalism could not be contained within the conventional herbalism to focus on pharmacy, and he developed his study toward natural history by actively collecting a wide range of sample animals, plants and minerals for further investigation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後に公望は内閣総理大臣・財務大臣・外務大臣(日本)などの要職を歴任し、明治・大正・昭和に至るまで政界の重鎮として重きをなした。
    Later Kinmochi assumed some important positions in the government of Japan, such as Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs; He played a role of the prominent political leader of Japan whole through the periods of Meiji, Taisho, and Showa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亀岡市及び旧船井郡園部町、八木町を除き都道府県庁所在地から遠くはなれ、両府県および国の施策からは重きを置かれずにいたので、高度経済成長にいっそうの過疎が強まった。
    Except Kameoka city, the former Sonobe-cho and Yagi-cho in the Funai District, these areas were far from the capitals of each prefecture, and were not considered important by the national government, and the population grew smaller and smaller during the period of high economic growth.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大学別曹は元々一族の学生に対する学問及びその生活の支援に重きを置いていたことから、これを奨励する意図から学問料が支給された。
    As Daigaku-besso focused on supporting the study and living of the students of their families, Gakumonryo was granted in order to encourage these students.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それまで西欧列強が中華思想的に見て夷狄と断定されていたのは、礼や徳よりも力や利を追求することに重きをおき、無秩序に争いをしかけるというイメージが先験的にあったためである。
    Until then powerful western countries were recognized as iteki because they seemed to put weight on power and profit rather than the proprieties and virtue and disorderly attack others by prior experiences.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • つまり、僧ひとりひとりが貴族など権力者と結びついて加持祈祷、呪詛を行い、各人が所属する僧坊での私生活に重きが置かれるようになったのだ。
    In other words, the monks individually performed incantations and offered fervent prayers under close relationships with nobles and other persons in authority, which resulted in focusing on private lives in the residential facilities, to which they belonged.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのため、その性格は多分に実権よりも名誉や権威に重きがおかれた役職であったが、熊野別当家の没落につれ、14世紀中頃以降、熊野に対する実権を掌握するようになっていった(歴史)。
    Therefore, characteristically the position emphasized honor and authority rather than the real power; however, as Kumano betto family's power had declined, Kumano Sanzan Kengyo came to seize the power in Kumano after the middle of the 14th century.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幕末に同じ閑院流の徳大寺家から西園寺公望が養子に入り、明治維新を経て政治家として活躍、内閣総理大臣などを歴任し、元老として大正・昭和の政界に重きをなした。
    At the end of the Edo period, Kinmochi SAIONJI was adopted from the Tokudaiji Family of the same kaninryu, worked as a politician after the Meiji Restoration, served as prime minister, and had great influence as a genro on the political scene during the Taisho and Showa eras.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉良氏・今川氏の祖であった吉良長氏は、足利家惣領を継いだ足利泰氏の兄にあたることから、吉良氏に次ぐ足利一門として重きをなした。
    Since Osauji KIRA who was an ancestor of the Kira and Imagawa clans was an older brother of Yasuuji ASHIKAGA who succeeded to the heir of the Ashikaga family, he played an important role as the Ashikaga clan following the Kira clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都小笠原氏の一族は将軍側近の有力武将として重きをなすとともに、幕府初期から的始めなどの幕府儀礼参加している。
    The Kyoto-Ogasawara clan played an important role as powerful military commander close to shogun and participated in ceremonies of bakufu such as Mato-hajime (first shoot in beginning of year), since the beginning of bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • プロジェクトの承認に重きを置く考え(approval culture)は排除し、プロジェクトの質により大きな注意を払う必要がありますが、それと同時に、新たなプロジェクトの組成も進めていかなくてはなりません。
    The Bank should focus on the quality of projects, and at the same time it should also promote the formulation of new projects, while the Bank should eliminate its so-called "approval culture".  - 財務省
  • 最近策定されたPRSPを見ると、貧困削減には経済成長が必要との認識の下、経済成長に重きを置いた政策が打ち出される例が増えています。
    Looking at recent PRSPs, one can observe that more PRSPs are putting emphasis on growth-oriented policies, with the recognition that economic growth is essential for poverty reduction.  - 財務省
  • 現在の撮影より前の撮影で検出されたデフォーカス量が存在しない場合は、撮像画面の所定の位置にある測光領域に重きをおいた重み付け量を決定する。
    If there is no defocus amount that has been detected in the shooting operation prior to the current one, weightings are determined to weight the photometry area at a prescribed position of the imaging field. - 特許庁
  • 重き電方式のリニアシンクロナスモータ式車両の制御装置において、各き電系統ごとに生成される速度起電力位相のうち、常に安定した速度起電力位相を選択して用いることを目的とする。
    To select and use a speed electromotive force phase at all times out of speed electromotive force phases generated in every feeder line, in a controller for a triple feeder system of linear synchronous motor of a vehicle. - 特許庁
  • 記録材に転写される転写材料の量を各色毎に検出し、各色毎の転写量に重き付けを付した値によって用紙のカール発生量を予測する。
    To detect for each color an amount of a transfer material transferred to a recording medium and to estimate an amount of the occurrence of a curl in the paper from a value obtained by weighting an amount of transfer in each color. - 特許庁
  • このうち、科学・技術の振興では、基礎研究分野における連邦研究開発投資の積極化、研究分野ごとのバランスの確保、科学者・技術者の人材育成、研究施設の近代化に重きを置いている。
    To promote science and technology, particular emphasis was placed on more active federal government R&D investment in basic research, securing a balance across the various research areas,fostering scientists and engineers, and modernizing research facilities. - 経済産業省
  • また、同社はブランド維持の観点から味千ラーメンの味の統一に重きを置いているため、味の決め手となるスープは、これまで日本からの輸出が中心であり、また定期的に日本人の指導員を派遣している。
    In order to maintain the same distinct soup taste—which is key to the success of Ajisen ramen noodles and to the company’s consistent and strong brand image—the company ships soup materials and periodically dispatches staff members from Japan to determine product taste. - 経済産業省
  • 1970年代半ば以降、産業政策がそれまでの高度成長産業の支援から、経済構造改革に転換していき、産業構造の調整施策に重きがおかれてきた。
    From the mid-1970s onward, industrial policies shifted from assistance for high-growth industries to economic structural reforms and emphasized the measures for industrial structure adjustment. - 経済産業省
  • 転輪聖王の宝馬が四方に馳駆して、これを威伏するが如く、生死の大海を跋渉して四魔を催伏する大威勢力・大精進力を表す観音であり、無明の重き障りをまさに大食の馬の如く食らい尽くすという。
    This is Kannon who ranges over the ocean of life and death, symbolizing great power of briskness and effort to conquer Four Hindrances, as if the treasure horse of Tenrinjoo (universal ruler) ranges over all around to conquer, and it is said it eats up the heavy hindrance of avidya just like a gluttonous horse.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その由来は、千利休の道具を第一とする考え方を憂い、道具の拝見を一切排除し精神を鍛錬することに重きをおき、日常生活にこそ茶の精神が生かされなければ意味がないということからだと言われている。
    The reason of this notion comes from the idea of the way of tea defined by this school, insisting on the discipline of the mind and the emphasis on the daily life for reflecting the spirit of the way of tea; the founder of this school lamented the idea of SEN no Rikyu placing a great importance on the instruments used for tea ceremonies, thus it eliminated the formality of presenting and observing the tea instruments used for its temae.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 外様大名は一般に老中などの幕閣の要職には就けないとされていたが、対馬国の宗氏は伝統的に朝鮮との外交に重きを成し、また江戸後期になると真田氏、松前氏のように要職へ就く外様大名も現れた。
    Tozama daimyo were generally not appointed to key positions among the cabinet officials of the shogunate such as roju, apart from some exceptions including the SO clan of Tsushima Province, who had traditionally played a significant role in diplomatic relations with Korea, and the SANADA and MATSUMAE clans, who were appointed key positions in the late Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 雑訴決断所頭人や伝奏なども兼ね、建武政権でも重きをなし、建武2年(1335年)には後村上天皇(のちの後村上天皇)の元服に際し、加冠役を務めたほどであったが、南北朝分立後は北朝に属し、北朝側の重鎮として光厳天皇の院執事となる。
    He also assumed the position of Zasshoketsudansho tonin and denso (job title to relay messages of court's people to Emperor) and held an important position in the Kemmu government, in 1335, Kinkata put a crown on Emperor Gomurakami at his genpuku (ceremony of attaining manhood), but after the independence of the Southern Court and the Northern Court, he became an In no shitsushi of Emperor Kogon as a grand person of the Northern Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 加えて後妻の兄弟であった西園寺公経が九条道家を娘婿として朝廷にて重きをなし、定家と後妻の間の子である藤原為家を猶子としていたことから、嫡男として扱われるようになると、光家の立場は微妙なものとなった。
    Furthermore, by reason that Kintsune SAIONJI, a brother of Teika's second wife, began to play an important role in the Imperial Palace as the father-in-law of Michiie KUJO, and adopted FUJIWARA no Tameie, son of Teika and his second wife, Tameie came to be treated as a legitimate son of Kintsune, which put Mitsuie in a delicate position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇陛下はこのできごとを記念するおことばの中で,「国会が,国の繁栄と世界の平和のため果たすべき責務は,いよいよ重きを加えていると思います。関係者一同が,国民の期待にこたえることを切に希望します。」と述べられた。
    The Emperor said in a speech to mark the event, "The role of the Diet in working for the prosperity of Japan and world peace is becoming more important. I sincerely wish that all those involved will work to meet the public's expectations."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • そして、視線検出装置100は、選択オブジェクトとその他のオブジェクトとの関係に基づいて、複数の補正係数のうち、利用者の注視具合が高い場合に算出された仮の補正係数に重きをおき、補正係数を算出する。
    The line-of-sight detection device 100 determines a correction coefficient by putting importance on the temporary correction coefficient determined when the gaze level of the user is high, based on the relation between the selected object and the other objects, out of a plurality of correction coefficients. - 特許庁
  • 三系統の変換器に接続されたコイルセクションにおける速度起電力位相を車両位置情報として用いる3重き電方式のLSM式車両の制御装置において、変換器の異常有無を判定する機構の構成を簡易にする。
    To simplify the constitution of a mechanism for determining existence of irregularity of converters, in a controller of triple feeder system LSM type vehicle using speed electromotive force phase in a coil section connected to the converters of three systems as vehicle position information. - 特許庁
  • また、中小企業においても、長期的な視野から人材の成長に重きを置き、従業員に対して、自身の成長を促す活躍の機会や環境といった場を提供し、実務上においてキャリア形成を促していく取組も重要であると思われる。
    In addition, it is thought important that SMEs attach importance to personnel development from a long-term perspective, provide active opportunities and an environment for employees to promote their own development, and have measures to promote career creation in employees' actual work. - 経済産業省
  • 新規開拓に重きを置いている企業でも、新規開拓の成功率は非常に低く(第2-1-79図)、新規顧客を開拓するには、従来以上の時間と労力、資金の面で負担が生じることから、既存顧客を中心に営業活動が行われるのであろう。
    Even among enterprises that emphasize developing new custom, the rate of successful acquisition of new customers is extremely low (Fig. 2-1-79), and because of the greater labor and funding requirements of developing new customers, sales activities revolve around existing customers. - 経済産業省
  • スタンレー卿が公けの場で見せるような資質は、政界で重きをなす人の間では、不幸にも極めて稀だと知る人々は、彼に希望を抱いてきましたが、このやりとりでのスタンレー卿の果した役割は、その希望をさらに強めるものとなりました。
    Lord Stanley's share in this correspondence is calculated to strengthen the hopes already built on him, by those who know how rare such qualities as are manifested in some of his public appearances, unhappily are among those who figure in political life.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • なお後者は、その様子を見た定子の弟藤原隆家が「追従深き老狐かな」と罵ったというが、この逸話は内親王の機転の利く聡明な人柄を伝えると同時に、いかに世に重きをなす大斎院といえども有力な後見のない内親王としては、時の摂関との結びつきを無視できなかったことが伺える。
    In addition, the latter stated that Teishi's brother who saw that state of things, swore 'an old fox was following her,' but this anecdote revealed that the Imperial Princess had a tactful and clever personality, and how even the Great Saiin, could not ignore the bond with the regent because she did not have a dominant successor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代になると儒学の影響で人倫道徳観に重きを置かれるようになり、『大日本史』や新井白石、頼山陽などが政子を評しているが、頼朝亡き後に鎌倉幕府を主導したことは評価しつつも、子(頼家、実朝)が変死して婚家(源氏)が滅びて、実家(北条氏)がこれにとって代ったことが婦人としての人倫に欠くと批判を加えている。
    During the Edo Period, the Confucian ideals of humanity and morality were important, and Masako is given high praise in the "Dai Nihon Shi" and by scholars such as Hakuseki ARAI and Sanyo RAI for her leadership of the Kamakura government after the death of her husband Yoritomo, yet added the criticism that she lacked morality, which led to the violent death of her sons (Yoriie, Sanetomo), the decline of the family she married into (the Minamoto clan) and the rise to power of her birth family, the Hojo clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これにより晴季は朝廷内で重きをなしたが、秀吉の甥で養子の関白豊臣秀次に娘を嫁がせていたため、文禄4年(1595年)8月に秀次が謀反の疑いを懸けられ高野山で自害を強いられ、秀次の一族妻妾が殺されると、これに連座し、越後国に流罪となり失脚した。
    From this time Harusue began attaining power within the Imperial Court yet, as he had his daughter to merry kanpaku Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI, who was Hideyoshi's nephhew and his adopted son of Hideyoshi, in September 4, 1595, Hidetsugu was forced to commit suicide on Mt. Koya over suspicion of his fomenting rebellion, with his relatives, wife, and mistress being killed, and through this connection Harusue was forced to step down from his appointed office and was banished to Echigo Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして、この戦いに参加した五十三家の地侍達を「甲賀五十三家」と呼び(さらに五十三家の中で六角氏より感状を貰い重きを置かれた家を「甲賀二十一家」と称した)、甲賀の地が織田信長に席巻されるまでの間、六角氏の下で諜報活動に戦闘にと活躍していった。
    The 53 families of jizamurai (literally, soldiers of the land) that participated in this battle were called the "53 families of Koga" (among them, the families which received a letter of commendation from the Rokkaku clan for taking part in the battle and were valued were called the "21 families of Koga") and they were active in both intelligence and fighting activities under the Rokkaku clan until the Koka region was seized by Nobunaga ODA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同法によれば過料には3貫文もしくは5貫文の(一般的な)「過料」、10貫文の「重き過料」、本人の財力に応じた「身上に応じ過料」、本人の家の規模(財力に準じる)に応じた「小間に応じ過料」、地域単位で罰する場合石高に応じた「村高に応じ過料」の5つの事例に整理された。
    According to the law of Kujigata-osadamegaki, the penalty of Karyo was organized into five cases; 'Karyo' was three kanmon (3 kanmon = 30 yen) or five kanmon (5 kanmon = 50 yen); 'A heavy Karyo' was ten kanmon (10 kanmon = 100 yen); 'Karyo adjusted by wealth (or fortune)' was dependent on a personal financial position (or wealth); 'Karyo adjusted by Koma (a small room which used as a measurement unit to calculate the scale of the house)' was dependent on the scale of the personal household (adjusted by wealth); 'A Karyo adjusted by Muradaka (total yields of a village)' was dependent on Kokudaka (a system for determining land value for tribute purposes in the Edo period) of the region when law enforcement would punish a particular region in total.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 閑院流藤原氏は、三条・西園寺・徳大寺家および西園寺家庶流の菊亭家が摂家に次ぐ家格の清華家、三条家庶流の正親町三条家および三条西家がそれに次ぐ大臣家となって公家中に重きをなし、他にも羽林家として19家があって一門繁栄した。
    In the Fujiwara clan of the Kanin-ryu, four families as Sanjo, Saionji, Tokudaiji, and Kikutei, a branch family of the Saionji family, becoming the Seiga family, the next Kakaku (family status) rank after Sekke, and two families as Ogimachisanjo and Sanjonishi, both were branch of the Sanjo family, becoming the Daijin family (the house of minister), the rank after the Seiga family, had influence among court nobles, and they were blessed with prosperity along with 19 other families such as the Urin family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義光の4男山野辺義忠は最終的には水戸藩の家老に抜擢され、子孫は代々世臣として藩政に重きをなした(テレビ時代劇「水戸黄門(パナソニックドラマシアター)」において大友柳太朗・高松英郎・丹波哲郎らが演じた、水戸藩の口うるさい国家老「山野辺兵庫」は、義忠の子の山野辺義堅をモデルにしている)。
    Yoshitada YAMANOBE, the fourth son of Yoshiaki, was finally promoted to Karo (chief retainer) of Mito Province, and his descendents served as vassals and played an important role in the domain duties ('Hyogo YAMANOBE,' the captious kunigaro [the chief retainer in charge of the fief in the absence of the lord] of Mito Province, who was played by Ryutaro OTOMO, Hideo TAKAMATSU, or Tetsuro TANBA, in the TV historical play 'Mitokomon' (Panasonic drama theater) modeled after Yoshikata YAMANOBE, a son of Yoshitada).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同時に、アジアの持続的成長をもたらす上では、当事国の自らの努力や、貿易・直接投資といったビジネスの振興に加え、それらと整合的な形でインフラ投資に重きをおいた開発支援等が我が国をはじめとする先進国から行われてきたことも有効であったと確信しております。
    At the same time, along with the self-help efforts of the Asian economies themselves and the private sectors’ initiatives in the area of trade and foreign direct investment, I am also convinced that development assistance by the developed countries, including Japan, focusing on infrastructure development provided in a coherent manner, has been effective and instrumental in bringing about sustainable growth in Asia.  - 財務省
  • こうした予算の急増を受け、1981年包括予算調停法においては、TAAプログラムの総予算を縮小すること、及び労働者に対する給付金(貿易再調整給付金:Trade Readjustment Allowances、以下TRA)の支払いから、職業訓練や転職斡旋等構造調整を促進するためのプログラムに重きが置かれた内容に変更された。
    Responding to this budget blowout, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981stipulated reduction of the total TAA program budget, and changed the focus from worker allowances (trade adjustment allowances) to job training, mediation in job-changing and other programs facilitating structural adjustment. - 経済産業省
  • カリキュラムは、当初「リベラルアーツカレッジ」にならって教養教育に重きが置かれ、大学によっては医学部への進学課程等も置かれていたが、戦後、小・中学校が整備されるとともに卒業生の進路も教員が主流となり、昭和41年に改正国立学校設置法が施行されると、ほとんどの学芸学部は教職以外の分野に進むコースを順次廃止し、その名称を「教育学部」へ変更するようになった。
    On the model of "liberal arts colleges" the curriculum at first put emphasis on liberal arts education with some universities providing a course to a medical school, however, following the upgrading of elementary/middle schools after World War II, most of the graduates chose a teaching job, and when the revised National School Establishment Law came into force in 1966, most of departments of arts and sciences sequentially abolished courses not related to school teaching and began to change their names to "Department of Education".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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