
<前へ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 次へ>
  • Festival cars can have a role similar to portable shrines as an object to which a spirit is drawn, or are elegantly decorated for dedication, and shishimai and dancing, which can be categorized as Shinji mai (shinji dance) and hono-mai (Shinto dance for dedication), are both carried out mainly by shrine parishioners, and in the case of hono, towns of shrine parishioners often compete against one another by elaborating on elegance and style of execution.
    山車には神輿に近い依り代の役割を持ったものと奉納の風流があり、獅子舞や舞踏にも神事舞と奉納舞があるが、どちらの場合も氏子が中心に運行されており、特に奉納の場合は氏子各町が華やかさや運行形態に趣向を凝らし、競い合いっていることが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Chiang Mai Initiative has been positioned as a regional effort to supplement the international arrangement of the IMF. As the IMF works to improve its financing and advising roles in light of experiences in the crisis, it is time to consider how to strengthen cooperation between the framework of the Chiang Mai Initiative and the IMF.
    チェンマイ・イニシアティブは元々グローバルな IMFの機能を補完する地域的取組みとして位置付けられてきたが、IMFが危機の経験を経て融資のあり方や、経済政策のアドバイスについて改善の努力を行っている中、今後、チェンマイ・イニシアティブと IMFがどのように連携を強化していけるのかについて、議論を深めていきたいと考えている。 - 財務省
  • Regarding the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM), the regional safety net under the framework of the ASEAN+3, Japan, in cooperation with other ASEAN+3 countries, aims to further strengthen it through such measures as increasing its total size and introducing crisis prevention function at the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting to be held early next month.
    ASEAN+3の枠組みのもとで現在進められているチェンマイ・イニシアティブ(CMIM: Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization)の強化について、我が国はASEAN+3の各国との協調の下、来月初の財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議において、資金融通枠の拡大、危機予防機能の導入等、セーフティネットの更なる強化を目指しています。 - 財務省
  • Thus, the negotiation on the MAI was not concluded. However, ever since its early days, the OECD has been tackling the issue of international arrangements regarding investment. Although the Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements enacted in 1961 covers a wide range of investment types and provides for the liberalization of transactions except in certain cases, its enforceability is weak as it lacks dispute settlement provisions.
    このためMAI は成立しなかったが、OECD では早期から投資に係る国際取り決めに取り組んでおり、1961年に成立した資本移動自由化規約(Code of Liberalizationof Capital Movements)では幅広い投資形態を対象とし、特定の留保以外は原則取引を自由化することが定められたが、紛争処理規定がないため強制力の弱いものとなっている。 - 経済産業省
  • Subsequently, discussions in the WTO on possible negotiations regarding “trade and investment” were led primarily by developed countries while they closely watched the progress of the discussions on the MAI at the OECD (which failed in 1998). It was agreed at the fourth ministerial meeting in 2001 to subsequently initiate negotiations if a clear consensus on negotiation modality on “trade and investment” could be obtained at the fifth ministerial meeting.
    その後、OECD におけるMAI の議論の進捗をにらみつつ(98年に挫折)、先進国などを中心にWTOにおいて「貿易と投資」の交渉化に向けた議論が行われ、第5回閣僚会議において「貿易と投資」の交渉モダリティについて明確なコンセンサスを得れば、その後交渉を開始する旨、2001年の第4回閣僚会議において合意した。 - 経済産業省
  • The Member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) began negotiating a "Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)" in 1995. Negotiations ceased in 1998 because of a lack of developing country participation and difficulties involving excessive liberalization obligations, the treatment of general exceptions, considerations on environmental and labour issues, etc.
    1995年より、OECD(経済協力開発機構)において、加盟国間での多国間投資協定(MAI:Multilateral Agreement on Investment)策定の交渉が開始されたが、途上国から広い参加が得られなかったこと、過度な自由化義務、一般例外の扱い、環境・労働等の配慮等について議論が紛糾したこと等の理由から1998年に交渉が中止された。 - 経済産業省
  • A waka poem (s: No. 37 of Aikoku Hyakunin Isshu (One Hundred Patriotic Poems by One Hundred Poets)) was made by Kokaku Zenshi around the time Mongol invasion attempts against Japan took place and was converted to Yukyu-no-mai Dance as O no Tadatomo added music and dance to the waka poem in 1940 using the kuniburi no utamai (Japanese traditional dance executed in the ceremonies of the court) method.
    元寇襲来の頃に宏覚禅師が詠んだ和歌(s愛国百人一首の37番)は、1940年に楽家出身の多忠朝によって国風歌舞の手法で曲と振りを付けられ悠久の舞となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, when the work was expanded there was a story written about what happened afterwards, called 'The Tale of Another Old Man' (Ni no mai no okina no monogatari), which was said to have been written by 'a master of the Empress's household.'
    また、結末の後に増補された折に「二の舞の翁の物語」などと称される後日談が書かれており、これについては「皇后宮大夫」が書いたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Japanese ghost story 'A Woman Who Buys Candy' is quite similar to the ghost story 'A Woman Who Buys Rice Cakes' collected in "Yijian zhi" compiled by Hong Mai of the Southern Song, therefore it might have been adapted from the Chinese ghost story.
    日本の「飴を買う女」の怪談は、南宋の洪邁が編纂した『夷堅志』に載せる怪談「餅を買う女」と内容がそっくりであり、もともとは中国の怪談の翻案であったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mai includes kagura (sacred music and dancing performed at shrines), bugaku (music accompanying traditional Japanese Court dances), shirabyoshi (popular music with dance in Heian and Kamakura Era), ennen (ennenmai or music with dance performed in temples mainly in Kamakura and Muromachi Era), kusemai (music and dance with a fan along with a tsuzumi or music and dance with a fan along with a Japanese hand drum), kowakamai (story-telling with a simple dance), Noh play (a Noh dance) and kamigatamai (a dance developed in Kyoto and Osaka).
    神楽・舞楽・白拍子・延年・曲舞・幸若舞・能楽・上方舞などが当たる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Shinozuka school is the oldest school of "kamigata-mai dance" established by a Kamigata Kabuki (kabuki of the Kyoto and Osaka area) shosagoto (the way of dance) choreographer Bunzaburo SHINOZUKA during Bunka and Bunsei era (1804-1830) at the end of the Edo period.
    篠塚流(しのづかりゅう)とは、江戸時代の後期、文化(元号)・文政期(1804年-1830年)に、歌舞伎上方歌舞伎所作事の振付師・篠塚文三郎によって創設された上方舞最古の流派である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1963, an apprentice who learnt "kamigata-mai dance" mainly jiuta dancing under Tsurujo MIZUNO from his childhood, succeeded to the professional name of Baisen SHINOZUKA (the 4th) and the Iemoto, and revived the Shinozuka school.
    1963年(昭和38年)水野つる女に幼少から師事し、地唄を主とした上方舞を学んでいた内弟子が四世篠塚梅扇を襲名して家元を継承、篠塚流を再興した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kyomai developed as the result of integration of kamigata mai dances, which have long been performed since the Edo period, with some elements of shimai (Noh dance in plain clothes) incorporated; currently, only the style of the Inoue school is regarded as the Kyomai style.
    江戸期よりつたわる上方舞を集大成し、これに能の仕舞を加味して形成された独特の舞が「京舞」であり、現在、京舞の流儀は井上流一流のみである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Today, the Inoue school is known as the style for Ozashiki mai (dances performed in a tatami room), which is performed by geisha and apprentice geisha in the Gion Kobu district in Kyoto, and Miyako odori (dance performance held in April by geisha and maiko in Kyoto's Gion district) because the style was adopted for the choreography of Miyako odori in early Meiji period.
    現在ではむしろ京都祇園甲部の芸妓舞妓が習うお座敷舞や「都をどり」の流儀として知られるが、これは明治の始め「都をどり」の振付けに井上流が採用されたのが直接のきっかけである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For the first Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa, the singer Mai KURAKI, who was a student of the Industrial Sociology Department at Ritsumeikan University, worked as an executive member of the Executive Committee.
    第1回京都学生祭典実行委員会の実行委員に当時立命館大学産業社会学部に在籍していた倉木麻衣が所属していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kagura made in the modern era, including Urayasu no mai, are based on Kuniburi no utamai songs and dances or bugaku (traditional Japanese court music accompanied by dancing) and, in a broad sense, can be seen as a continuation of gagaku court music.
    尚、浦安の舞などの近代に作られた神楽は国風歌舞や舞楽を下地に創作されたものであり、広義では雅楽の延長線としても考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The coat has a blue pattern, called aozuri, usually of pines and cranes, but there is also a chrysanthemum pattern, called a 'Urayasu pattern', for use in the Urayasu no mai.
    千早の青摺模様は松鶴をあしらったものが多いが、浦安の舞の略装束として菊の青摺模様をあしらった「浦安柄」と称する千早も用意されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Usually, the Kosagi odori dance is performed in the Omukae Chochin on the 10th, the Yoimiya Shinshin hono shinji on the 16th, and the Hanagasa Junko parade on the 24th; since 2006, due to the above-described reason, the six elementary-age boys and girls dance on behalf of the adults dancing the Sagi mai.
    通常は、10日の、お迎え提灯、16日の宵宮神賑奉納神事と24日の花笠巡行に登場、2006年(平成18年)以降は上記の事情により大人の鷺舞の代役を務めるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Yamahoko Junko on 17th, the chigo appears in Kinran no Furisode (long-sleeved kimono with gold brocade), hakama (Japanese male pants) with figured textiles, and Ho-o no Tenkan (crown of Chinese phoenix), with the kamuro on both sides of him and performs Chigo mai (dance by children of festivity) in the center of the hoko float.
    17日の山鉾巡行では金襴の振袖に紋織りの袴、鳳凰の天冠で登場、禿を両脇に従え、鉾の中央で稚児舞を披露する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Heretofore, sake has usually been produced with a mixture of several varieties of shuzo koteki mai, but recently the number of breweries that use a single variety has increased.
    従来より数種類の酒造好適米を混ぜて日本酒を造ることが多いが、単一の米種を使う酒蔵が増えてきているのも最近の傾向である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the past, ordinary cooking rice was often used for nihonshumai, but since the start of the 2000s there has been an increasing tendency among breweries to use shuzo koteki mai for kakemai as well.
    従来、日本酒米には一般のうるち米が使用されることが多かったが、2000年代初めでは掛け米にも酒造好適米を使う酒蔵も増える傾向にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ie No Gei (literally, performance of a family) means performances or repertories of traditional performing arts such as Noh, Kyogen (farce played during a Noh play cycle), Joruri (Ballad drama), Kabuki, Kabuki Buyo (Kabuki Dance) and Kamigata mai dance, which have been passed down by the family recognized as the iemoto (the head family of a school) for generations, and especially the family has a good skill to perform them.
    家の芸(いえのげい)とは、能・狂言・浄瑠璃・歌舞伎・歌舞伎舞踊・上方舞などの伝統芸能において、家元とみなされる家に代々相伝する、その家が特に得意としている芸や演目。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Therefore, mai dances have been handed down in a patriarchal way; however after the Meiji Restoration many were lost when their lines of succession were broken and now the remnants of this traditional art only remain as an element of Noh.
    このため世襲的に伝えられてきたものであるが、明治維新後禄を失ったことにより多くは絶えてしまい伝統芸能としては能の要素として残される程度である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This matsuri refers to Miko no mai (shrine maidens dancing) such as Kagura (sacred music and dancing performed at shrines) and so on, or acrobatics and shishimai (lion dance) such as Daikagura (Street performances of a lion dance and jugglery) and so on, and a festival in honor of Ebisu and so on is popularized broadly.
    この祀りは神楽(かぐら)などの巫女の舞や太神楽などの曲芸や獅子舞などであり、広く親しまれるものとして恵比寿講などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kamigata uta has also been used in the world of "Kamigata mai" (dances born in the pleasure quarters of Kamigata) and in some parts of the world of "jiuta sokyoku" (songs accompanied with shamisen and koto [the long Japanese zither with 13 strings]), but this Kamigata uta seems to be a little different from the above-mentioned "Kamigata uta."
    しかし、特に上方舞の世界や関西の一部の地歌箏曲の世界で使われるこの名称がさすものはそれとは少し異なるジャンルの音楽のようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The name is said to have been derived from one of the Dengaku (style of dancing and music originally performed at agricultural festivals) pieces, "Takaashi-no-mai" (dance on high legs), since the shape of skewered foodstuffs looked like the dance performed on poles put up on the rice field.
    語源はその具を串刺しにした格好が、田楽のひとつである、田んぼに棒を突き立てその上で踊る「高足の舞」に似ている事から名づけられたと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In a broad sense, it indicates performances that include Shimai and Maibayashi (an abbreviated style of Noh); however, in contrast with Maibayashi, Shimai generally indicates a short dance without being accompanied by music, in which mai-goto (instrumental dances) and hataraki-goto (descriptive pieces) are abbreviated.
    広義にはいわゆる仕舞と舞囃子を含めたものを指すが、一般的には舞囃子とは異り、囃子を伴わず、舞事・働事などの部分を略した短い素舞を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to Tamotsu WATANABE who is following a theory by Kunio YANAGIDA, the term 'Odori' (dances in Classical Japanese dance, and so on) also refers to jumping, but, the term 'Mai' (dances in Noh) means 'revolving' which means a circular movement.
    柳田国男の論を受けた渡辺保によれば、「踊り」が飛躍や跳躍を含む語であるのに対し、「舞」は「まわる」つまり円運動を意味する語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mai-goto in Noh are largely classified into dai-sho mono (a type that uses big and small hand drums), which is accompanied on fue (Japanese flutes), Kotsuzumi (small hand drums) and otsuzumi (big hand drums); and taiko mono (a drum-using type), in which drums are included among the instruments for playing the music.
    能においては、囃子に用いる楽器の構成から、笛・小鼓・大鼓から成る大小物と、太鼓の加わる太鼓物に大別することができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ryochukan no ji mono is used as the term to collectively call the mai-goto in which a standard score (Ryochukan no ji) is played repeatedly and is changed slightly at each break point, and then the slightly changed standard score is played repeatedly with the tempo gradually increased.
    呂中干ノ地ものは、定型的な譜(=呂中干ノ地)を繰り返しながら、段落で少し変化(オロシ)をつけながらも、さらに定型的な譜を繰り返し、少しづつ位(速度)を早めていく舞事の総称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The score of fue accompanied mai-goto other than Ryochukan no ji mono include Raku (literally, ease dance), Kagura ((sacred music and dancing performed at shrines), Kakko (double-headed barrel drum played with two sticks), Midare (literally, chaos dance), Shishi (lion dance) and Ranbyoshi (mad rhythm), each of which is danced in accompaniment to a different specific fue score.
    呂中干ノ地以外の笛の譜による舞事としては楽、神楽、鞨鼓、乱、獅子、乱拍子があり、これらはそれぞれ異なった固有の笛の譜によって舞われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ordinarily, the first half is composed of three kagura sections where fue and kotsuzumi play a special tune and the latter half is changed (fixed) into two kami mai sections (it is construed that the miko has been possessed by the goddess).
    前半では笛と小鼓が特殊な手を奏する神楽部分3段、後半は神舞2段に変化する(直り)のが普通(巫女に神が乗り移った解釈)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Kagura in Kyogen, as in "Daihannya" (Sutra of Great Wisdom), the mai-goto danced by a miko with a bell is enlivened by music with fue and kotsuzumi, imitating the section for bells in Sanbaso (a dance dedicated to the shrine and performed in a Japanese style with three dolls, Chitose, Okina and Sanbaso, manipulated by three doll handlers).
    「大般若」のように鈴を持って舞う巫女の舞事を笛と小鼓で囃すものであり、三番叟の鈴之段を模している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hondo (main hall), kaisan-do hall (temple where the statue of founder priest is placed), tahoto pagoda ("multi-treasure" pagoda), nio-mon gate (Deva temple date), bell tower, kyozo (sutra repository), kuri (the priest's living quarters or the kitchen of a temple), study, grand entrance, kara-mon gate (Chinese-style gate), hozo (treasure storehouse), stone bridge, muna-fuda jusan-mai (thirteen wooden tags commemorating the foundation of the temple) (all of the foregoing are tangible cultural properties in Kyoto Prefecture)
    -本堂、開山堂、多宝塔、仁王門、鐘楼、経蔵、庫裏、書院、大玄関、唐門、宝蔵、石橋、棟札十三枚(以上全て京都府指定有形文化財) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Though mai-goto is mostly performed by single performer such as the Noh shite (main role) or the tsure, hataraki-goto contains performances by many performers around the shite such as in 'kirikumi' (many samurai killing each other using a blade) and 'tachimawari' (a type of action piece, hataraki in Noh, in which the dancer circles the stage to the left to noncongruent instrumental music, the stick drum may be used in the accompaniment).
    また舞事は大半が能シテまたは能シテなどによって一人で行われるが、働事には「斬組」や「立廻り」のようにシテを中心とする多人数によって行われるものが含まれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It has no special ideographical implication and it is treated as an introduction to kuse or mai-goto Ryochukan no ji following it (therefore, it is usually omitted in Maibayashi [an abbreviated style of Noh]).
    特に表意的な内容はなく、その後に続くクセや舞事呂中干ノ地などの序奏的なものとして扱われる(したがって舞囃子などでは通常略される)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Unlike other mai-goto and hataraki-goto, there is no fixed pattern of movement but each music has its different movement and, virtually, for classification of hataraki-goto, those that do not fall other categories are gathered together and called collectively tachimawari.
    他の舞事・働事とちがって、固定した型があるのではなく、曲ごとに異なった型がついており、事実上、働事の分類のうえでほかの項目に入らないものをまとめて立廻りといっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During this period, the Konparu school was closely connected with Nara, and was unique in being granted land (the other schools were given Fuchi mai, an allowance in rice), and in performing takigi Noh (firelight Noh, performed by the light of torches or bonfires), while the other schools were reducing their ties to Kofuku-ji Temple.
    この時期、金春流は特に奈良と深い関係を持ち、領地を拝領し(他の流派は扶持米)、ほかの流儀が興福寺との関係をうすれさせゆくなかで薪能に謹仕するなど、独特の態度を見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The players wear shitagasane (long inner robe) embroidered with patterns of seigaiha pattern and haze, hanpi (sleeveless body wear) with peony patterns woven onto them, and ho (outer robe or vestment) embroidered with plover patterns while exposing their right shoulder through the ho as they carry a sword and wear betsukabuto (headpiece for mai, a formal, traditional Japanese dance).
    青海波と霞の模様が刺繍された下襲に、牡丹などが織られた半臂をまとい、チドリ科が刺繍された袍の右肩を袒ぎ、太刀を佩き、別甲をかぶる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the same time, the pivot of a mai-ogi has a lead weight so that a dancer can easily handle the fan when he or she throws it or does 'kaname-gaeshi,' a technique in which a dancer holds a fan with his or her fingers and turns it.
    しかし舞踊では扇を投げたり、指で挟んで回す「要返し」などの動作を行ったりするため、扱いやすいよう要の部分に鉛の重りが仕込まれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Answering the poem "A long time has passed, even from my perspective; how many generations has that princess pine on the banks of Suminoe been" (Ise Monogatari [The Tales of Ise]), the deity of Sumiyoshi Myojin appears in an assumed form and gallantly dances the Kami mai (god dance) under the beautiful moonlight.
    『われ見ても 久しくなりぬ住吉の、岸の姫松いく代経ぬらん』(伊勢物語)の歌に返して、なんと住吉明神の御本体が影向(ようごう)され、美しい月光の下、颯爽と神舞を舞う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In terms of considering how Noh relates to other performing arts Ama is a valuable play, due to the commonalities that can be seen with the Kowaka-mai (story-telling with a simple dance) "Taishokukan" and the shi-sho (context of a poem or a book with musical components) at the end which is seen in historical stories.
    幸若舞『大職冠』とも共通性がみられ、結末に縁起物語にみられるような詞章があるなど、能と他の芸能の関連性を考えるうえでも、貴重な作である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soon it becomes 'mai-goto' (instrumental dance) and she gives thanks for her jobutsu (die peacefully) through 'the merit of the sutra,' and with the dance to the Jiutai singing, 'Ryunyo has died peacefully.
    やがて「舞事」になり、「今この経の功徳にて」成仏した礼をのべ、地謡の「龍女成仏、さてこそ讃州志度寺と号し、毎年八講、朝暮の勤行、仏法繁昌の霊地となるも、この孝養と承る(龍女は成仏しました。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He choreographed the new work emphasizing the story and tried to make a comprehensible Kamigata mai and sublimated Yoshimura school which was just an accomplishment in a local karyukai (world of the geisha) to the level of nationwide traditional dance.
    ストーリー性を重視した新作を振り付けて、わかりやすい上方舞をめざし、一地方の花柳界の芸事だった吉村流の舞を全国的な伝統舞踊の域にまで昇華させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This is because the topic on the stupidity of a person of power, which is common now and in the old days, a simple and clear story outline, the interesting Tengu Mai (dance), and a well-kown dialogue, ` Hojo kyudai menmen taru' (the Hojo clan lasted for nine generations), are loved by audiences.
    これは、昔も今も変わらぬ権力者の愚かさというテーマ、単純明快な筋と天狗舞の面白さ、「北条九代綿綿たる」などの名セリフなどが観客に受けるからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Rensho is chanting sutra at night, the ghost of Atsumori appears to tell about the ups and downs of the Taira clan, performs a chu-no-mai dance with nostalgia for the final feast of the Taira clan, and reproduces the scene of his own death in the Battle of Ichinotani.
    夜、蓮生が読経していると敦盛の霊が現れて平家一門の栄枯盛衰を語り、平家最後の宴を懐かしんで中之舞を舞い、一ノ谷合戦での討ち死にの模様を再現して見せる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During her performance, Mai, who was a student of a university in Kyoto at that time, talked enthusiastically rapped about the beauty of Kyoto, especially the changing of the four seasons, and the crowd were fascinated by her and her passion.
    ライブ中のMCでは、自身が当時在籍していた大学のある京都の美しさ、特に四季の移り変わりの美を熱く語り、観客は彼女とその思いに魅了された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Initially, the western army was dominant and Mitsunari's army of 6,900 could hold out against more than twice that number led by Tadaoki HOSOKAWA, Nagamasa KURODA, Yoshiaki KATO and Yoshimasa TANAKA, because Sakon SHIMA, Satoie GAMO and Hyogo MAI fought so bravely.
    当初は西軍優勢であり、石田隊は6900人であったが、細川忠興・黒田長政・加藤嘉明・田中吉政ら兵力では倍以上の敵に攻められたものの、島左近・蒲生郷舎・舞兵庫らの奮戦もあって持ちこたえた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Miyao's "Jo no mai" was also filmed, and the movie vividly depicts the lives of Shoen as she tries to make her way in the unsympathetic art world of the Meiji period and her supportive mother, Sei (1984, Toei, starring Yuko NATORI).
    宮尾の作品『序の舞』はさらに映像化もされており、明治期の周囲の無理解に屈することなく画業を貫いた松園とそれを支えた母勢以の生き方が活写されている(1984年、東映、主演名取裕子) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Toyoakari no sechi-e (a seasonal court banquet, which took place the day after Niiname-sai festival in November) in 1024, he paid a tribute of Maihime (dancing girl) for Gosechi no mai Dance (dance performance as part of a harvest festival) as his duty; however, he created an incident where he confined himself in the anteroom for the Maihime on the excuse of his illness ("Shoyuki") (The Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke).
    万寿元年(1024年)の豊明節会においては、任務として五節舞の舞姫を貢進するも、病を口実にその舞姫の控え室に籠もってしまうという事件を引き起こしている(『小右記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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