
<前へ 1 2 .... 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 次へ>
  • They came to Jesus, and saw him who had been possessed by demons sitting, clothed, and in his right mind, even him who had the legion; and they were afraid.
    彼らはイエスのもとに来て,悪霊たちに取りつかれていた人,レギオンを宿していた人が服を着て,正気で座っているのを見た。それで彼らは恐れた。 - 電網聖書『マルコによる福音書 5:15』
  • for they all saw him, and were troubled. But he immediately spoke with them, and said to them, “Cheer up! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”
    というのは,みんなが彼を目にして,動転したからである。しかし,彼はすぐに彼らに語りかけ,彼らに言った,「しっかりしなさい。これはわたしだ! 恐れることはない」。 - 電網聖書『マルコによる福音書 6:50』
  • Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.
    体を殺しても,魂を殺すことのできない者たちを恐れてはいけない。むしろ,魂も体も共にゲヘナで滅ぼすことのできる方を恐れなさい。 - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 10:28』
  • But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in the place of his father, Herod, he was afraid to go there. Being warned in a dream, he withdrew into the region of Galilee,
    しかしアルケラオスがその父ヘロデの代わりにユダを治めていると聞き,そこに行くのを恐れた。夢の中で告げられて,ガリラヤ地方に退いた。 - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 2:22』
  • Meanwhile, in Kinai, the headquarters were Yamashina Hongan-ji Temple, which Rennyo, moving from Yoshizaki, had built in Kyoto in 1482, and Harumoto HOSOKAWA, being afraid of its influence, set fire to Yamashina Hongan-ji Temple in August in 1532 in conspiracy with Nichiren Shu followers (Shinshu calls this "Tenbun no Sakuran," and Nichiren Shu "tenbun Hokke no Ran").
    一方、畿内では、吉崎より移った蓮如が文明14年(1482年)に建立した、京都山科本願寺が本拠地であったが、その勢威を恐れた細川晴元は日蓮宗徒と結び、天文(元号)元年(1532年)8月に山科本願寺を焼き討ちした(真宗では「天文の錯乱」、日蓮宗では「天文法華の乱」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the Edo period, the performances of Kabuki Kyogen were under control of the authorities, so they obeyed the rules set down by the Tokugawa shogunate that all of the performances should be finished within the daytime; the shogunate was afraid that a gathering of a mob after sunset could develop into disorderly political activities, they say.
    江戸時代には歌舞伎狂言の公演は公許制度の下にあり、多くの時代において日の出から日没までにすべてを公演するという幕府によって定められた規則の下で公演された(理由は、日没後に大衆が集まることで不穏な政治行動に発展することを幕府が恐れたためとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At this time Yoshiaki was also arrested by Hisahide MATSUNAGA and confined at Kofuku-ji Temple (it is said that Hisahide did not kill Kakukei because he was afraid of having Kofuku-ji Temple for an enemy; Kakukei was Shogun's brother and promised to be Betto (director) of Kofuku-ji Temple in future).
    このとき、義昭も松永久秀らによって捕縛され、興福寺に幽閉された(久秀らは覚慶が将軍の弟で、なおかつ将来は興福寺別当の職を約束されていたことから、覚慶を殺すことで興福寺を敵に回すことを恐れて、幽閉にとどめたとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the capital, the people panicked, afraid that the cornered Yoshitsune would be violent like the warriors of the Taira family and Yoshinaka KISO, but on November 2, when he gained Inzen (the Cloistered Emperor's decree) to grant him authority to control manors in Shikoku and Kyushu, on November 3, he sent a mission to the Cloistered Emperor to convey his message as follows, and left the capital calmly.
    追いつめられた義経が平家や木曾義仲のように狼藉を働くのではと都中が大騒ぎになったが、義経は11月2日に四国・九州の荘園支配の権限を与える院宣を得ると、3日早朝に院に使者をたて、(次のように)挨拶して静かに都を去った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • England backed the new government and was against the all-out assault of Edo because she was afraid of disrupting trade in Edo Bay, and because of this Takamori SAIGO and the new government accepted England's demands and stopped the all-out surrender of Edo (bloodless surrender of Edo).
    勝海舟との降伏交渉に当たっては、新政府の後ろ盾となっていたイギリスが、江戸湾を拠点とした貿易に支障がでることを恐れて江戸総攻撃に反対したため、西郷隆盛をはじめとする新政府はイギリスの求めに応じ、江戸総攻撃を中止した(江戸無血開城)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the rumor emerged that the shogunate viewed the sale of Kazan's works to support his life as a problem (one theory says this was a scheme attempted by an anti-Kazan group in the Tahara Domain), and since Kazan was afraid it would damage the domain, he killed himself by seppuku in the barn of the Ikenohara residence, having left the farewell words 'Fuchu Fuko Watanabe Nobori' (Disloyal, Unfilial, Watanabe Nobori).
    ところが、生活のために絵を売っていたことが幕府で問題視されたとの風聞が立ち(一説には藩内の反崋山派による策動とされている)、藩に迷惑が及ぶことを恐れた崋山は「不忠不孝渡辺登」の絶筆の書を遺して、池ノ原屋敷の納屋にて切腹した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He then aided Sadayo (Ryoshun) IMAGAWA, who was sent as a Kyushu Tandai (commissioner) by Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, in stabilizing Kyushu and uprooting the Nancho forces; but gradually became afraid of Ryoshun's increasing power, and worked with Shogun Yoshimitsu, and his own stepfather, Yoshihiro, to bring Ryoshun down.
    その後、足利義満の命を受けて九州探題として赴任してきた今川貞世(了俊)の九州平定に協力して南朝勢力の排除に努めたが、次第に了俊の勢力が拡大してきたことを恐れ、将軍の義満や義父の義弘と共謀して了俊の失脚に一役を買った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, most roads except major Kando (roads that were improved, managed, and maintained by the Japanese nation) were not improved because the government was afraid that improving the traffic connecting among local regions might help farmers flee from the region, and thus the government believed that it should be enough to prepare a bridge of boats on rivers in the local regions only when nengu (land tax) needed to be transported to the capital (Kinoeinu-jo in May 801 of "Nihongi Ryaku" (Summary of Japanese Chronologies)).
    しかし、地方間同士の交通は農民の逃亡を助けることになるとして主要官道を除いてはほとんど整備されず、地方の川には年貢を都へ運ぶ時だけ舟橋をかければ良いと考えられていた(『日本紀略』の延暦20年5月甲戌条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This was because the conditions of the pacification between Tokugawa and Hojo included an article that Tokugawa should rule Shinano and Hojo should rule Kozuke, and it is also said to be because Masayuki--who had territories in Numata City, in Kozuke, in addition to Shinano--was afraid of losing his own territory there.
    これは、先に徳川・北条間で結ばれた和議の条件に、信濃は徳川が、上野は北条がそれぞれ支配するという内容が盛り込まれていたことによるが、信濃の他に上野の沼田市にも領地を持つ昌幸が、自領が失われることを恐れたためといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The cabinet meeting held on from October 14 to 15 got complicated, but chairman SANJO who was afraid of SAIGO's remark that he will resign when his idea couldn't put through as a result of a tie (there is a possibility that numerous bureaucracies and military men from Satsuma will leave from central government in case of Saigo's resignation), determined immediate dispatch.
    10月14日-15日に開かれた閣議は紛糾したが、採決で同数になった結果、この意見が通らないなら辞任する(西郷が辞任した場合、薩摩出身の官僚、軍人の多数が中央政府から抜けてしまう恐れがある)とした西郷の言に恐怖した議長の三条が即時派遣を決定。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Being afraid of the breakdown of the negotiations, Jutaro KOMURA, a plenary power of the Japanese side, signed, on August 29, the Treaty of Portsmouth, a peace treaty, by accepting several conditions including the cession of the southern half of Sakhalin and the Japan's priority for taking a leadership toward Korean Empire.
    日本側の全権・小村寿太郎はロシアとの交渉決裂を恐れて8月29日、樺太の南半分の割譲と日本の大韓帝国に対する指導権の優位などを認めることで講和条約であるポーツマス条約に調印したのであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Afraid of public sentiment, Yamamoto tried to avoid making the same mistake as Katsura by working to stabilize the political situation; he attempted to do this by taking his appeasement policy to the public—which included principles such as the relaxation of the requirement that ministers of the army and navy should be active duty officers by allowing first reservists or second reservists to hold the positions—and seeking to reach compromising deals with the other political parties.
    山本は世論を怖れて、桂の二の舞を踏むことを避け、軍部大臣現役武官制を緩和して予備役・後備役でも可とし、政党勢力に譲歩するなど、国民に対して融和的な政治をとることで政局の安定化を図った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Imperial Court, afraid that Masakado would make an attack on Kyoto, posted soldiers at the 14 gates of the Imperial Palace and, to tighten security, they sent FUJIWARA no Yoshiyuki to the gate of Yamashiro Province in Yamazaki on February 22, but Yamazaki was burned down in an anonymous arson attack on February 26.
    朝廷は純友が京を襲撃するのではないかと恐れて宮廷の14門に兵を配備して2月22日には藤原慶幸が山城国の入り口である山崎に派遣して警備を強化するが、26日には山崎が謎の放火によって焼き払われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1611 a meeting was held in Nijo-jo Castle's palace (present-day Ninomaru Palace) between Ieyasu and Hideyori TOYOTOMI; it is said that at this time Ieyasu was surprised at Hideyori's growth, became afraid that the TOKUGAWA family might be overthrown and he decided to destroy the Toyotomi family.
    慶長16年(1611年)に、二条城の御殿(現在の二の丸御殿)において家康と豊臣秀頼の会見が行われるが、このとき家康は秀頼の成長ぶりに驚き徳川家の天下が覆されるかもしれないとの危機感を抱き、豊臣家を滅ぼすことを決意したとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although they used to continue their business as they had such expectations, the atmosphere now is such that they can no longer expect improvement and have chosen to quit their business before things get worse. They might even be afraid that a moratorium would only delay the inevitable
    そういう期待感の中で仕事を続けていたのが、そういう期待感がどうも持てない、というような空気が出てきてしまって、傷がでかくならないうちに「早目に店閉めちゃえ」という、「返済猶予してもらったって、もうそれは先延ばしだ」という - 金融庁
  • Saito Aki, one of the contest judges, said, "We judge not only the dancers' current skills. We also try to evaluate their future potential. The participants in this contest shouldn't be afraid to show themselves in their performances."
    同コンクールの審査員の1人である齊(さい)藤(とう)亜(あ)紀(き)さんは「私たちはダンサーの現在の技術だけを審査するのではない。彼らの将来性も評価するようにしている。このコンクールの出場者は演技の中で自分を表現することを恐れないでほしい。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Although scattering and diffraction of the beam flux by the shielding plate 18c is afraid therein, scattered light and diffraction light are regulated not to be image-focused on a photoreception face, by combination with the objective lens in an embodiment of the present invention, so as to solve the anxiety.
    ここで遮光板(18c)によるビーム光束の散乱、回折が懸念されるが、本実施例では対物レンズとの組合せにより、そうした散乱光や回折光が受光面に結像しない調整とすることで、解消することができる。 - 特許庁
  • It is often said that “a company needs to breathe in and out to grow.” Start-ups should also acquire such types of people and develop the appropriate internal organization needed at each stage of development. Some are afraid, however, that Japanese companies lack a culture where people in management are replaced by those relevant at a specific phase of growth.
    「企業は呼吸しながら伸びていく。」と言われる。ベンチャー企業も、成長ステージに応じて必要な人材、内部組織体制を構築していく必要があるが、日本の企業は、成長ステージに応じて経営人材を交代させていく文化を十分に持っていないとも言われる。 - 経済産業省
  • The Lion, although he was certainly afraid, turned to face the Kalidahs, and then he gave so loud and terrible a roar that Dorothy screamed and the Scarecrow fell over backward, while even the fierce beasts stopped short and looked at him in surprise.
    ライオンは、こわがってはいましたが、ふりむいてカリダと対決し、ものすごく大きくておっかない吠え声をたてましたので、ドロシーは悲鳴をあげて、かかしも背中からひっくりかえってしまいましたが、おそろしい獣たちもその場で立ち止まり、びっくりしてライオンを見ています。 - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』
  • Our natural distress, the visits of the neighbours, the arranging of the funeral, and all the work of the inn to be carried on in the meanwhile kept me so busy that I had scarcely time to think of the captain, far less to be afraid of him.
    僕ら家族は涙にくれ、近所の人がお悔やみにきて、葬儀屋が手配され、その間すべての宿の仕事が僕の両肩にかかってきたのでとてもいそがしくて、船長のことを考えてる時間もましてや恐がったりする時間なんてこれっぽっちもなかった。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • But when he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take to yourself Mary, your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
    しかし彼がこうした事について考えていると,見よ,主のみ使いが夢の中で彼に現われて,こう言った。「ダビデの子ヨセフよ,あなたの妻マリアを迎え入れることを恐れてはいけない。彼女の内に宿っているのは聖霊によるものだからだ。 - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 1:20』
  • You say that you're afraid of being disliked by other people, but you have some people that you dislike yourself, don't you? Arithmetically speaking, there are an equal number of people who you don't like that don't like you back. I'm not saying that if you end your dislike of someone, someone else will stop disliking you as well; it's just that you can't change the fact that if you dislike someone, then someone else dislikes you as well. Your life will go much smoother if you just give up and accept that truth.
    人に嫌われるのが怖いって言うけどさ、君も苦手な人いるでしょ。数学的に言って、同じ数の人が君のこと苦手なんだよ。これは別に、嫌いな人をなくせば誰からも嫌われなくなるって言いたいんじゃなくて、単純に君に嫌いな人がいるように誰かに嫌われることがあっても仕方ないってこと。そこを諦めればもっと気楽に生きられるんじゃないかな。 - Tatoeba例文
  • He was known as a 'stubborn' director and it is said that when shooting "Koroshita no wa dareda" working with Akira IFUKUBE, who was a 'stubborn' composer like him, people in the studio were afraid that they would conflict with one another and that the film might not be completed ("Akira IFUKUBE's unpublished collected works of film music of Nikkatsu" VPCD-81189 published by Vap Inc.).
    妥協を許さぬ「うるさ型」の監督として知られ、『殺したのは誰だ』の時は同じうるさ型の作曲家・伊福部昭と組むことになり、両者の衝突は避けられぬと撮影所内には作品の完成を危ぶむ声まであったと伝えられる((株)バップ『伊福部昭未発表映画音楽全集日活編』VPCD-81189)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, in addition, the mainstream engineering staff including Kiich ASAKURA and Hideo SHIMA, who played leading roles in designing motor vehicles from the 1920s to the1930s, were extremely afraid of taking risks on a fundamental technical level and stuck fast to German technology, in particular to a rather old-fashioned Prussian approach of driving slow, large-diameter drive wheels.
    だがそれに加えて、鉄道省で1920年代から1930年代にかけて動力車設計を主導した朝倉希一や島秀雄ら主流派技術陣は、根本的な技術面での冒険を過度に恐れ、ドイツ系の技術、それも大径動輪をゆっくり駆動する、プロイセン流のやや旧式化した手法に専ら固執し続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In fact, according to "Mikawa Monogatari," the group of Nobukimi ANAYAMA, who accompanied Ieyasu but kept a certain distance because he had a considerable amount of money and goods and was afraid of being robbed of them by Ieyasu's valets was caught up and killed by natives who were looking for fleeing defeated warriors at the ferry on the bank of the present Kizu River (in the vicinity of the present Yamashiro-Ohashi in Kyotanabe City, Kyoto Province) in Tsuzuki County, Yamashiro Province.
    実際、『三河物語』によると、同行しながらかなりの金品を持っていて家康従者に強奪されるのではと恐れて距離を置いていた穴山信君一行は、山城国綴喜郡の現在の木津川河畔(現在の京都府京田辺市の山城大橋近く)の渡しで、落ち武者狩りの土民に追いつかれ襲撃されて死んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, since the Korean Dynasty was afraid that the information about their defensive preparation along the territory might be leaked to the wako pirates, they limited the entry of koriwasen (ships used to deliver daily necessities such as rice, fish and salt) in 1407, so that these ships were allowed to use only the Pusanpo (port of Busan) and the Seiho (port of Sei, and this port was also called Naijiho), which both were located in Jinhae City, South Gyeongsang Province. The Dynasty also applied the same policy to shisosen (ships used to dispatch envoys) in 1410.
    しかし各地の防備の状況が倭寇に漏れるのを恐れ、交易統制のためもあり、1407年、朝鮮王朝は興利倭船(米、魚、塩など日常品の交易をする船)の入港場を釜山浦・薺浦(乃而浦とも、慶尚南道の鎮海市)に制限し、1410年には使送船(使節による通交船)についても同様の措置が取られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mori attempted to convince Muneharu by sending Ekei ANKOKUJI over into Takamatsu-jo Castle, but Muneharu said he was not afraid to lose his life as long as he could save the Mori clan, his master, and the lives of his troops, leaving a petition to Ekei ANKOKUJI, which was to save the lives of the besieged in exchange for the lives of the four people: his brother Seigetsu, his vassals Denbe NANBA and Saemon SUECHIKA, and himself.
    毛利方は安国寺恵瓊を高松城に送り込んで説得を試みたが、宗治は主家である毛利家と城内の兵の命が助かるなら自分の首はいとも安いと述べ、自らと兄である清月と家臣の難波伝兵衛、末近左衛門の4人の首を差し出す代わりに籠城者の命を助けるようにという嘆願書を書き、安国寺恵瓊に託した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kinmochi SAIONJI, the president of Rikken Seiyukai (Friends of Constitutional Government Party), became Prime Minister, succeeding to Taro KATSURA, based on the promise made between them during the Russo-Japanese War (since Katsura was afraid of Genro [elder statesmen]'s interference, he didn't assemble Council of Genro: he only got the approval from Hirobumi ITO and Kaoru INOUE, both of whom were Saionji's guardians, for that transfer of power).
    日露戦争中に桂太郎との間で交わされた約束によって立憲政友会総裁である西園寺公望が後継に就任した(なお、この禅譲は元老の干渉を恐れた桂が事前に西園寺の後見人である伊藤博文と井上馨の許可を取ったのみで、元老会議は召集されなかった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This is said to have occurred because the government was afraid that the social influence of Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine, which was said to be a shrine that originally worshipped a local god of Kyushu region, grew so much that it would become a threat to the religious order centered on the Imperial family, Imperial household religious rites formed by the Ritsuryo system and the nation protection thought, and Buddhism.
    これは本来は九州地方固有の神を祀った神社であったとも言われている宇佐八幡宮の社会的影響力の増大が、皇室と律令制・鎮護国家が形成する皇室祭祀と仏教を基軸とする宗教的秩序に対する脅威になる事を危惧したからだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1551, Taketo was afraid of being blamed for this series of troubles by Yoshitaka, and made a totally unfounded false charge in Taketo SAGARA's declaration that "Shigenori SUGI made a false charge about the rebellion of Takafusa SUE but it was not accepted. So he told that the false charge was made by me and changed the side to Takafusa who was originally opposed to".
    天文20年(1551年)、武任はこのような一連の騒動で義隆から責任を追及されることを恐れて、相良武任申状において、「杉重矩は陶隆房の謀反を讒訴したが受け入れられなかったので、讒訴を自分がしたことにして、対立していたはずの隆房に寝返った」という根も葉もない讒訴を行なった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Meanwhile, it is believed that the reason why Yorimichi fulfilled his duty as Ichi no kami (the head of high court officials) jointly with Sanesuke without leaving the position of Kanpaku against the court custom of the time and declined to be promoted to the office of Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state), which had remained vacant after the death of FUJIWARA no Kinsue, until after the death of Sanesuke, was that he was afraid of the possibility that Sanesuke, promoted to the office of Sadaijin after Yorimichi, might come into conflict with Yorimichi and lead all ministers as Ichi no kami (the office of Ichi no kami was normally assumed by the Sadaijin, while Kanpaku and Daijo-daijin did not perform the duty as Ichi no kami, and if the Sadaijin also served as Kanpaku, Udaijin was normally appointed as Ichi no kami).
    その一方で、当時の慣例に反して頼通が関白のまま実資と共同で一上の職務を行い、藤原公季の死去により空席になった太政大臣への昇進を頼通が実資の死後まで控えたのは、実資が頼通の後任の左大臣に昇進することで、一上として太政官を率いて頼通と対抗することを恐れたからだとも言われている(一上には通常左大臣が就任して、関白及び太政大臣はその職務には携わらず、左大臣が関白を兼ねる場合には右大臣が一上となる慣例であった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The idea of the independence of the supreme command came originally from the facts that the leaders at that time were afraid of the revival of the government by the shogunate if statesmen acquired the supreme command, despite the contradiction to that, as the statesmen who contributed in Meiji Restoration and domain cliques had control over the both politics and military, the problems that occurred later due to the independence of the supreme command did not come to the surface, the anecdote of Masashige KUSUNOKI who died at Minatogawa River because his strategy of the war was denied by the ignorant court nobles in the Northern and Southern Court Period (Japan), and it led to the decline of the Southern Court (Japan).
    なお、統帥権独立の考えが生まれた源流としては、当時の指導者が、政治家が統帥権をも握ることにより幕府政治が再興される可能性をおそれたこと、それといささか矛盾するが、元勲・藩閥が政治・軍事両面を掌握していたことから、後世に統帥権独立をめぐって起きたような問題が顕在化しなかったこと、南北朝時代(日本)に楠木正成が軍事に無知な公家によって作戦を退けられて湊川で戦死し、南朝(日本)の衰退につながった逸話が広く知られていたことなどがあげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Meanwhile, the Mikawa Goho (the defense of Buddhism) Association of Otani sect of Shinshu was afraid of spreading those movements into the other domains, therefore, the association held a meeting of Buddhist monks of Shinshu sect in Yahagi Village, Aomi County by Hotaku HOSHIKAWA, a Senju-bo (specialized monk) and a general office director, from Takatori Village, Aomi County and Tairei ISHIKAWA, a manager, from Rensen-ji Temple in Ogawa Village, Aomi County on March 8, 1871 in order to examine Saiho-ji Temple and Korin-ji Temple closely which submitted the letter of acknowledgement with the violation of the religious regulations after a series of conferences.
    その様な中真宗大谷派の三河護法会はこの様な動きが他藩に波及することを恐れ、何度か協議を重ねた後まず宗規を破って請書を提出した西方寺と光輪寺を詰問するため、総監の碧海郡高取村専修坊星川法沢と幹事である同郡小川村(安城市)の蓮泉寺石川台嶺を中心に同年3月8日同郡矢作村暮戸に真宗僧侶の会合を開いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Regarding stock prices, I am afraid that I must repeat my usual answer. Stock prices are not determined by any single factor but determined by a variety of factors through market forces, which makes it difficult to identify in a moment why prices are going up or down, so I would like to refrain from making comments. Indeed, the New York Dow dropped sharply yesterday and the Tokyo market is also sliding this morning. In any case, we will keep a close watch on stock market developments.
    株価については、恐縮なのですがどうしても同じような形の答弁になってしまうのですが、1つの要因で決まるわけではなく、様々な要因を背景にして市場で決まっていくものであり、なかなか変動要因というものを1つのタイミングで特定するというのは困難でありますし、当局としてのコメントを差し控えたいと思っておりますが、確かに昨日ニューヨークのダウも相当下げておりますし、それから、今日の午前中も東京市場は下げているようであり、いずれにしても株式市場の動向は引き続き注視をしていきたいと思っています。 - 金融庁
  • I am afraid that discussing this matter based only on the size of exposures would be misleading.
    要するに、リーマン・ブラザーズに対してどれだけ与信を与えているか、という問題も確かに重要でありますけれども、与信の額だけではなくて担保等によってどれくらい取得出来るのか、また引当金の状況がどうなっているのか、そういったことは債務者の破綻処理の結果によって相当異なってくるのではないか、というふうに考えておりまして、このエクスポージャーだけを引き出して数字を挙げるということは、かえって誤解を招くのではないかと思っております。 - 金融庁
  • As for the International Finance Facility (IFF), a concept of frontloading aid funds, while some believe that this is a feasible option and that we should further our work on this concept, we are afraid that delving into this matter and having further discussions might not reach productive outcomes.To begin with, it is difficult for Japan to join this facility because our legal and budgetary systems do not allow our government to make long-term political commitments.Besides, once aid funds are frontloaded, the aid flows in the future will decline drastically.There will be overlaps with existing international organizations.
    翻って、援助資金を前倒しで調達するInternational Finance Facility構想については、実現可能なオプションであり更に作業を進めることが重要との意見が見られますが、我が国としては法制上及び予算制度上参加が困難であることに加え、援助資金の前倒し調達を行う結果、将来の援助資金が急減すること、既存の国際機関との重複が生ずることなどの問題があり、この構想を更に掘り下げて議論することが有益だとは考えておりません。 - 財務省
  • Well, I will not dispute with you; but please to tell me, Socrates, whether you are not acting out of regard to me and your other friends: are you not afraid that if you escape from prison we may get into trouble with the informers for having stolen you away, and lose either the whole or a great part of our property; or that even a worse evil may happen to us? Now, if you fear on our account, be at ease; for in order to save you, we ought surely to run this, or even a greater risk; be persuaded, then, and do as I say.
    分かった、そういうことにしておくよ。だがこれだけは言わせてくれ、ソクラテス。まさか君は、僕や他の知人たちに、いらぬ心配をかけたくないだなんて思ってないだろうね。そんなことは心配しなくていいんだ。君が脱獄したあとに、僕たちがそのことで告発を受けて、財産の一部、あるいは全部を没収されたりしないか、それよりもっとひどいことが僕たちにふりかかってこないか、なんてことは考えなくてもいいんだよ。君を救うためなら、僕たちはもっと危険なところにでも飛びこんでみせるからね。だから、僕のいうことを聞いて、従ってくれないか。 - Plato『クリトン』
  • The old woman testified that she had gone directly to the house of her son, and later had discovered that she had forgotten some articles of clothing which she needed; that thereupon she had returned to the house and had gone up the back way to her room,— this was about eight o'clock; that while there she had heard Nina San Croix's voice in great passion and remembered that she had used the words stated by the policemen; that these sudden, violent cries had frightened her greatly and she had bolted the door and been afraid to leave the room; shortly thereafter, she had heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs, slowly and with great difficulty, as though some one were carrying a heavy burden; that therefore her fear had increased and that she had put out the light and hidden under the bed.
    老家政婦はこう証言した。自分は息子の家に身を寄せたが、その後で当面必要な衣服を何着か屋敷に忘れてきたことに気づき、屋敷に戻って今まで自分がいた部屋に入った。大体八時頃だった。その時、ニーナ・サン・クロワのけたたましい怒鳴り声が聞こえてきた。警官が述べたような言葉を使っていたことを覚えている。突然そんな罵声が聞こえてきたからとても驚き、出ていくのが怖くなったから、ドアにカギをかけて部屋に閉じこもった。少ししたら、誰かが階段を上る音が聞こえてきた。一歩一歩がゆっくりで、何か重いものを持っているみたいな感じだった。それを聞くとますます怖くなり、部屋の明かりを消してベッドの下に身を隠した。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』
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