
<前へ 1 2 .... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .... 19 20 次へ>
  • They granted certification as 'Kunaisho Kogeiin' (craftsperson of the Imperial Household Ministry) the following year, which is said to be the predecessor of Teishitsu Gigeiin, but unfortunately the true nature of it is unclear because of insufficient historical materials.
    翌年には帝室技芸員の前身とされる「宮内省工芸員」を認定しているが、残念ながら資料が不足しておりその実態は明らかとなってはいない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Its origin is unclear, but it is thought that it was probably brought by Kitamaebune (a trading ship in Edo and Meiji period) because Sakata flourished as a rice port in Edo period and had contacts with Kyoto via Kitamae route (traveling west).
    発祥は定かではないが、江戸時代において酒田は米の積み出し港として栄え、北前航路(西廻り)を通じて京都との交流があったことから、おそらく北前船によって伝えられたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although it is unclear what 'ichiretsu' refers to, some say that it is a corruption of the ichigatsu (January, when the last negotiation failed in January, 1904 immediately before the start of the Russo-Japanese War), or a corruption of 'nichiretsu' (referring to nichi (Japan) verses rekkyo (powerful countries).
    「一列」は意味不明だが、「一月」(日露開戦直前の1904年1月に最後の交渉が決裂したことを指す)の転訛とも、「日列」(=日本対列強)の転訛ともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that they were Shikigami (the spirit using magic or divination) used by EN no Ozunu, and they were sometimes regarded same as Gikaku and Gigen who were supposed to be En no Ozunu's disciples (their substantiality and the actual relation are unclear).
    役小角の式神であったともいい、役小角の弟子とされる(実在性および実際の関係は不明)義覚・義玄と同一視されることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Despite the fact that it is a seemingly unclear copy with no outpouring of vitality perceived from the writing and with many parts added with ink later, Yasushi NISHIKAWA evaluated it as the closest sokotenbokuhon (copy of handwriting) to Wang Xi-Zhi's Shinseki.
    墨気が抜けたうえに入墨も多く一見不鮮明であるが、西川寧は、王羲之の真跡に最も近い双鉤填墨本であると評価している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is unclear whether this is one of the reflection nebulas or some kind of so-called 'optical light echo' phenomenon caused by light from a past supernova explosion finally reaching the earth.
    反射星雲に類するものなのか、過去の超新星爆発の、遅れて届いた光であり俗にいわれる「光のこだま」現象に類するものなのか解っていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The rule contains many unclear points, for example, tomo otetsuki (unavoidable otetsuki that caused by touching opponent hand) is interpreted differently depending on players, or even some players do not know the rule.
    そのルールも曖昧な点が多く、例えば共お手つき(相手と手が接触し、自らの意思に拠らず不可抗力でお手つきが発生すること)などの解釈は人によって違うどころか、知らない競技者も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • While some question which shrines are meant by 'sansha' (three shrines), in some areas a fixture is clearly determined and, in other areas it is totally unclear and any three shrines you like can be visited.
    「三社」は具体的にどの三つの神社を詣でるべきか、という問題があるが、これは定番がはっきりと定まっている地域もあれば、まったく定まっておらず好きな三社を詣でる、という地域もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to an expository writing of the same book, it is a waiting woman serving a deity of face powder called "Shifunsenjo" (Goddess of White Powder); however, it is unclear whether this is the same one as the Oshiroibaba according to the legend in Nara.
    同書の解説文によれば、脂粉仙娘(しふんせんじょ)というおしろいの神に仕えている侍女とされているが、奈良の伝承における白粉婆と同一のものかは不明。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This is a result of the integration derived from Early Middle Japanese, but it is still unclear and remains to be further discussed how those vowels were pronounced when they followed consonants.
    これは中古日本語から受け継がれた統合の結果であるが、子音の後にこれらが続く場合にどのように発音されたのかはいまだ明らかでなく、更なる議論が待たれるところである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although privatization of rice fields was approved by kokuga (provincial government office compounds), the definition of rights was unclear; therefore, kaihatsu-ryoshu donated their reclaimed lands as shoen (private estates) to Juryoso (career provincial official class) as shoen (manors).
    彼らは国衙から田地の私有が認められたものの、その権利は危ういものであったため、開発した土地を荘園として受領層に寄進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the Nara period, the current site of Kozan-ji Temple has been home to temples including 'Togao-ji' and 'Togao-bo,' and it is said that it was constructed in the year 774 by the imperial decree of Emperor Konin, but the accuracy of these claims remains unclear.
    今の高山寺の地には、奈良時代から「度賀尾寺」「都賀尾坊」などと称される寺院があり、宝亀5年(774年)、光仁天皇の勅願で建立されたとの伝えもあるが、当時の実態は明らかでない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It can be determined from the presence of WAKE no Kiyomaro's tomb within the Jingo-ji Temple precinct that this temple is also connected to the Wake clan, but the time and circumstances of its founding are unclear.
    和気清麻呂の墓所が今の神護寺境内にあるところから、ここも和気氏ゆかりの寺院であることは確かだが、創立の時期や事情については明確でない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, the actual events that took place when Myoho-in Temple was moved to its current site from Ayanokojikosaka after it had been relocated to the center of Kyoto are unclear and the pre-modern history of the temple contains conflicting accounts.
    また、妙法院が比叡山から洛中に移転した時期、綾小路小坂から現在地に移転した時期についても正確なことは不明で、近世以前の寺史は錯綜している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The precise date of the construction of the kuri is unclear but it is clear from diaries and books of the time that Myoho-in Temple was involved in Hideyoshi's Senso Kuyo, allowing the latest date of the relocation of the temple to its current site to be placed at the end of the 16th century.
    庫裏自体の正確な建立年代は不明だが、秀吉の千僧供養に妙法院が関与していたことは当時の日記や文書から明らかであり、妙法院は遅くとも16世紀末には現在地へ移転していたことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The principal image is a statue of Amida Nyorai (created by Tankei according to temple legend but the actual creator is unclear) and the main hall was reconstructed by Jakudo in 1712 during the Edo period.
    本尊は阿弥陀如来像(寺伝に湛慶作というが実際の作者は不明)、本堂は江戸時代の正徳(日本)2年(1712年)に寂道により再建されたもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The precise time and circumstances of the temple's founding are unclear but roof tiles excavated within the precinct have led to estimates placing its founding to the Nara period prior to the establishment of the capital city of Nagaoka-kyo.
    創建の正確な事情や時期は未詳であるが、境内出土の瓦の年代から、長岡京造営以前、奈良時代の創建と推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Thereafter, the history of Ishiyama-dera Temple up to the early Heian period remains unclear but, according to temple legend, some prominent monks such as Shobo and Kangen came to the temple as its head priest.
    以降、平安時代前期にかけての寺史はあまりはっきりしていないが、寺伝によれば、聖宝(しょうぼう)、観賢などの当時高名な僧が座主(ざす、「住職」とほぼ同義)として入寺している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since there is no description about the temple's founding in the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) nor in the "Horyu-ji Garan Engi narabini Ruki Shizai Cho" (The origin of Horyu-ji Temple and record of construction materials), many details remain unclear.
    当寺の創建については、『日本書紀』や『法隆寺伽藍縁起并流記資材帳』(ほうりゅうじがらんえんぎならびにるきしざいちょう)には記載がなく、不明な点が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that 'Sumi-dera' Temple was founded for a priest called Genbo in accordance with the wish of the Empress Komyo, but the exact timing of its foundation and its background are unclear since they are not written in historiography.
    「隅寺」の創建について、伝承では天平7年(735年)、光明皇后の発願で僧・玄ボウのために建立したというが、このことは正史に記載がなく、創建時期や事情について正確なところはわかっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that Kangen (854-925), a disciple of Shobo (a monk of Shingon sect, the founder of Daigo-ji Temple) restored it at the beginning of the 10th century in the Heian period, but the history between this and the end of the Heian period remains unclear.
    平安時代に入って、10世紀初め頃には聖宝(しょうぼう、真言宗の僧、醍醐寺の開山)の弟子の観賢(854年-925年)が中興したというが、その後平安時代末頃までの歴史はあまり明らかでない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A great part of the history of Shorin-ji Temple up until the modern times remains unclear, but it is thought that it had close relations with Omiwa-jinja Shirine along with Myoraku-ji Temple.
    聖林寺の近世までの歴史は不明の部分が多いが、妙楽寺とともに、大神神社(おおみわじんじゃ)とも関連が深い寺院であったと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Modern works such as "Yamato Meishoki (Washu Kyuseki Yuko)" (Yamato Guide to Notable Places) relate that Jurin-in Temple was established by Kobo Daishi (Kukai), but the accurate time and circumstances surrounding its establishment are unclear.
    十輪院については、『大和名所記(和州旧跡幽考)』のような近世の地誌類には弘法大師(空海)の創建とも伝え、創建の正確な時期や事情については不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This temple is said to have been founded in 771 by Shitaku Risshi, the disciple of Ganjin Wajo, but the exact time and circumstances of its foundation, as well as its subsequent history until medieval times remain unclear.
    鑑真和上の弟子である思託(したく)律師により宝亀2年(771年)に開創されたと伝わるが、創建の正確な時期・事情は定かでなく、以後中世までの沿革も定かでない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later, although the background is unclear, it seems that only the residence, Itsutsuji no yakata (house) was returned to Imperial Prince Moriyoshi, and the prince of Imperial Prince Moriyoshi Sokaku later donated the residence to Daikaku-ji Temple.
    その後、経緯不詳ながら五辻の館のみは守良親王に返却されたらしく、守良親王皇子・宗覚は後にこの屋敷を大徳寺に寄進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sumidahachiman-jinja Shrine was established in 859 but the findspot and the date of excavation of the mirror remain unclear, and there is a controversy over the interpretation of 'year of Yin Water Sheep' between 443 and 503.
    隅田八幡神社は859年の設立であるが、人物画像鏡の出土場所、出土年代はあきらかにされておらず、「癸未」については443年説と503年説など争いがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Masakado was busy dealing with the enemy forces and he was avenged the following year so the political aim is unclear but he established the ruling organization by assigning Bunbu Hyakkan such as Zuryo (the head of the provincial governors) in various districts in his own accord.
    しかし将門は、敵対勢力への対応に忙殺されて翌年には討たれているためその政治目的は不明瞭であるが、独自に諸国受領などの文武百官を任命するなど支配機構の確立も行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is unclear when the custom of Japanese Court caps began, but it is confirmed that people already used kanbo (cap-shaped crowns) made of metals such as gold, silver, and gilt bronze in the Kofun (tumulus) period.
    日本の冠の起源がいつかは明らかではないが、古墳時代には、すでに金、銀、金銅などから成る冠や冠帽(帽子状の冠)が着用されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "From now on, work should start before 6:00 am and finish after 10:00 am, and a bell should be rung at the start and end of work" (since the working hours of government officials were unclear, the sound of a bell let them know the start and finish time)
    『今より以後、卯の始めに朝りて、巳の後に退でむ。因りて鐘を以て節とせよ』(官人たちの出士・退出時間があいまいなので、鐘で勤務時間をはっきりとさせよう) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is unclear whether the phrase 'make a decision' was meant to refer to raising an army in the country, or to the Russia problem with which Saigo was concerned most at that time.
    この「起つと決する」が国内での決起を意味するのか、西郷がこの時期に一番気にかけていた対ロシア問題での決起を意味していたのかは判然としない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Regarding Sanetomo's assassination, the suspicion that Yoshitoki had masterminded it and the view that those hostile to the Hojo clan, such as Yoshimura MIURA, might have had a motive to assassinate Sanetomo makes the truth of the event unclear.
    実朝の暗殺は義時が裏で操ったと言う疑惑もあるが、また北条氏に対抗する三浦氏の義村などにも動機はあり、真相は明らかではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In fact, many of them are classic examples of the Prince's much-loved Heian Period calligraphy and it is unclear which are Imperial Prince Munetaka's authentic calligraphy.
    だがその多くは、宗尊親王が愛玩あるいは愛好した平安時代の名筆と思われるものが多く含まれ、宗尊親王真跡であるか不明であるものが多いとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yoriyuki was referred to as 'Chugoku Taisho' (General of the Chugoku region) for being the military commander and 'Chugoku Kanrei' (the shogunal deputy for the Chugoku region) for being the regional administrator, though it remains unclear whether these were official positions under the bakufu.
    正式な幕職であるかは不明だが、頼之は軍事指揮者として「中国大将」と呼ばれているほか、地方統轄者としては「中国管領」と呼ばれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Just before he was exiled, he revealed to his adopted father, grandfather Tadazane that he would go through becoming a priest but was persuaded to change his decision by being told, 'it is always unclear about what happens in this world.'
    流される直前、養父にあたる祖父・忠実に出家を打ち明けた際に「世の中何が起こるか分からない」と説得されて翻意されたと言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The cause for the false charge claimed by KO no Moronao is rumored to be that Moronao had feelings for the wife of Takasada ENYA and made Kenko YOSHIDA write and send love letters to her but became angry in the face of rejection, but the truth remains unclear.
    高師直の讒言の原因については、師直が塩冶高貞の妻に恋心を抱き、恋文を吉田兼好に書かせて彼女に送ったが拒絶され逆上したためとも言われているが、真相は不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nevertheless, "Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's diary) proclaims that it was only Korenaka who handled verything at the funeral of Teishi following her death, so his intention was totally unclear.
    もっとも、藤原行成の『権記』には、定子の死後にその葬儀を仕切ったのは専ら惟仲であったと記されており、その意図は不明であるとしか言いようが無い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His mother is believed to be MINAMOTO no Shoshi (the daughter of MINAMOTO no Yoshiari) due to Moroyasu's name being similar to FUJIWARA no Morosuke, FUJIWARA no Morouji, and FUJIWARA no Morotada, but this is unclear.
    母は、藤原師輔・藤原師氏・藤原師尹と名前が類似しているところから、源昭子(源能有の女)と考えられるが、明瞭ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Regarding the family history before this, some theories assert that it could have been a small local clan based in Sanomiyajo, Tanba Province (Sannomiya, Kyotanba-cho, Funai-gun, Kyoto Prefecture), but this is unclear (certain historical documents hint at this possibility).
    それ以前については丹波国三宮城(京都府船井郡京丹波町三ノ宮)あたりを拠点としていた小豪族がそれに当たるとも考えられるが、定かではない(その可能性をにおわせる史料は残っている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He attained public notoriety with "Ogon no Hibi" (The Golden Days), based on the novel by Saburo SHIROYAMA and dramatized in 1978 as one of the series of Taiga Drama (NHK's annual year-long historical dramas), but the historical truth about his life is unclear.
    城山三郎の小説で、昭和53年(1978年)に大河ドラマ化された『黄金の日日』などで知名度が上がるが、歴史的人物としての事跡は不明。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A story says that his father, mother, wife and son came to see him, and Motoni NOMURA, Aritomo YAMAGATA and Kensuke TANAKA also witnessed his death, although its details are unclear, as Tanaka's diary says that he was in Kyoto on that day.
    臨終には、父・母・妻と倅がかけつけ、野村望東尼と山縣有朋、田中顕助が立ち会ったとされるが、田中の残した日記によれば、彼はその日京におり、詳細は定かではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The details about the incident is unclear, but according to one theory, Nobunaga told Kazumasa to transfer the head of family to Nobusumi, Kazumasa's adopted son, but he refused.
    この間の経緯は不明であるが、一説には信澄は員昌の養子となっており、信長は員昌に家督を譲るよう迫ったものの、拒まれたためともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, her identity is unclear, and there are various theories about it such as a relative of TAIRA no Kunitae who was a maternal relative of his father Tsunekiyo, the Jo clan (Taira clan) in Echigo Province, the Iwaki clan (Kaido-Taira clan), the Daijo clan in Hitachi Province, or a member of the Taira clan in Kyoto, but none of them is decisive.
    しかし出自に関しては明らかではなく、父経清の母方である平国妙の縁者、越後国城氏(平氏)、海道平氏岩城氏、常陸国大掾氏、都の平氏の誰かなど諸説があるがどれも決め手には欠ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although the exact year is unclear, he took the family name of Kamei after he married a daughter of Yukimori (her mother was a daughter of Hidetsuna KAMEI, the head of the chief retainers of the Amago clan) since he had a close relationship with Yukimori.
    年代は定かではないが、幸盛との緊密な関係から、幸盛の娘(生母は尼子氏家老職筆頭・亀井秀綱の娘)を娶り、亀井姓を名乗るようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The origin of Hidemitsu is unclear in many aspects, but in history books and war chronicles, he was often described as Mitsuharu AKECHI (Mitsuyasu AKECHI's son) who was a cousin of Mitsuhide AKECHI.
    秀満の出自は不明瞭な点が多いが、歴史書や軍記物の記述では明智光秀の従弟にあたる明智光春(明智光安の子)と同一視される事が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is unclear when and where the epitaph was dug up because it fell into other's hands after it was dug up from under the ground at the construction site, not by scientific research.
    発見が科学的調査によるものではなく、建設工事現場で地下から掘り出され人から人の手に渡ったため、いつ、どこで掘り出されたものか不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The date and the place of the execution of Tadamune and his attitude at that time are unclear because there are several stories about them, but according to "Horyakukanki" (A History Book of the 14th century in Japan), Tadamune was beheaded in Mino Province in October 1190 when Yoritomo went to the capital (Kyoto).
    処刑の年代や場所、最期の様子については諸説があって判然としないが、『保暦間記』によると建久元年10月の頼朝の上洛の際に、美濃で斬首されたことになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, there should have been a report by Miyake if he was supposedly the Provincial Governor of Mino and was responsible for bringing the troops, making it unclear as to why the Nihonshoki decided to omit this fact but instead citing Oyori's reporting.
    もし三宅が美濃守で美濃の兵を連れてきたのだとしたら、三宅の報告があったはずで、そちらを記さず男依の報を書紀が取り上げた意図が解りにくい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (It can be guessed that this bleeding of tears showed her read face swollen with crying as if she bled tears, but some documents describe that she actually shed tears with blood, therefore, the truth is unclear.)
    (ここで記述する血の涙とは、恐らくは血を流しているかのように見えるほど赤く泣き腫らした顔を指しているものと想われるが、実際に血の混じった涙を流したと記す文献もあり、真偽は不明である。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although his behavior afterwards remains unclear, it is said that his grave (Tomomori-zuka) is in Koenbo, Hatsuse Town, Miura City in the Miura Peninsula, where the place name is said to have been taken from Tomomori's homyo (a Buddhist name given to a person who has died or has entered the priesthood).
    その後の動向ははっきりしないが、三浦半島の三浦市初声(はつせ)町の高円坊に墓(朝盛塚)があり、その地名も朝盛の法名から取ったものと伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The exact time of excommunication is unclear; it is said to be just after the death of Senzo in 1845 or around October 1847 because it is recorded that he choreographed under the name of Yoshijiro NISHIKAWA until October 1847.
    破門の正確な時期は明らかになっておらず、1845年の扇藏が没した直後ともされるが、1847年8月まで歌舞伎の振付を西川芳次郎の名で行っていた記録もあり、破門はこの頃ともされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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