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  • "A virtuous man advises us not to drink water from a stolen well even if we are thirsty. The money obtained by killing your father-in-law cannot be used for our deceased master. What you did is a shame to our deceased master. You are possessed by an evil spirit."
    「喝しても盗泉の水を飲まずとは義者のいましめ、舅を殺し取ったる金、亡君の御用金となるべきか。亡君の御恥辱。いかなる天魔が見入れし。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Unlike ordinary illustrated origins of shrines and temples, this picture scroll does not describe anything about details of how Chogosonshi-ji Temple was founded, but its subject mater is a miraculous stories of a highly virtuous monk called Myoren (命蓮) who was practicing in Mt. Shigi.
    この絵巻は通常の社寺縁起絵とは異なって、朝護孫子寺の創建の経緯等については何も述べておらず、信貴山で修行していた命蓮(みょうれん)という聖(ひじり)の奇跡譚が中心主題となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • HONDA was virtuous, sincere and gentle. He worked hard for movies, lived life to the fullest, and his life ended quietly, typical of HONDA. February 28, Heisei 5, Akira KUROSAWA'
    「本多は誠に善良で誠実で温厚な人柄でした 映画のために力いっぱいに働き十分に生きて本多らしく静かに一生を終えました 平成五年二月二十八日 黒澤明」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, he installed an opinion box in front of the main gate of Wakayama-jo Castle to gain the views of the public, and tried to improve public morals by promoting studies and martial arts, granting rewards for virtuous acts, and so on.
    また、和歌山城大手門前に目安箱を設置して直接訴願を募り、文武の奨励や孝行への褒章など、風紀改革にも務めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kitashihime was given the honorific title of Kotaifujin (a title for the previously retired Emperor's wife) and under the leadership of Umako, the virtuous deeds of the Emperors were recited by ABE no Tori, the various princes, then by NAKATOMI no Omaro (representing the ministers) and lastly by SAKAIBE no Marise (the son of Iname) who recited the book of the clan titles.
    堅塩媛は皇太夫人と尊称され、馬子の主導のもと阿倍鳥が天皇の命を誄し、諸皇子が誄し、中臣烏摩侶が大臣の辞を誄し、境部摩理勢(稲目の子)が氏姓の本を誄した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the same time, the bakufu had political reforms led by Yasumori ADACHI, it is thought that there was a close relationship between virtuous governments in both Imperial and Military courts due to the fact that there were cultural exchanges at the individual level between Kameyama and Yasumori.
    同じころ幕府でも安達泰盛が主導する徳政が行われており、亀山と泰盛とのあいだには文化交流など個人的なつながりもあることから、公武両徳政には密接な連関があるものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The new shogun Yoshikatsu ASHIKAGA accepted the demand and issued Tokuseirei throughout the Yamashiro Province which ordered the return of things that had been pawned no more than 20 years prior (Order for the Acts of Virtuous Government in Kakitsu era).
    新将軍足利義勝は要求を受け入れ、差し押さえられてから20年未満の質物の返還など、山城一国平均での徳政令を発布(嘉吉の徳政令)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The 'Tokusei' (acts of Virtuous Government) was one of the policies that was promoted as part of this movement and it is necessary to understand that 'Tokusei' is not equivalent to the 'Tokuseirei' (ordering return of land sold and dissolution of debts).
    「徳政」はその路線の上に推進された政策であり、徳政令はそうした政策の一つである(徳政≠徳政令)という事を留意する必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even so, there were some who were unable to pay for their debts and when temples managing Shidosen sought Private Acts of Virtuous Government, they were sometimes targeted in Tokusei uprisings.
    それでも、やはり利用者がどうしても返せない場合もあり、祠堂銭を運営する寺院が私徳政を求める徳政一揆の攻撃対象となる場合もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The bakufu tried to mediate between both parties, suggesting that a principle of ryoto tetsuritsu (alternate accession from two ancestries of imperial families) be adopted; at the same time, the bakufu also urged the Imperial Court to undertake a political reform called "Tokusei " (virtuous rule) in order to deal with both the internal and external crises.
    幕府は両統迭立原則を示して仲裁にあたるとともに内外の危機に対応するために幕府は朝廷に対しても「徳政」と呼ばれる政治改革を要求した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For this purpose, he said that they should thoroughly repeat the virtuous phrases of "Shishogokyo" until they could recite them by heart, which were strongly reflected in the book as his approach to education.
    そのためには徳目の大意や四書五経の語句を暗誦出来るまでに徹底した反復させる必要があるとして、その考え方を強く反映させた内容となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The act was originally intended not to provide for the cancellation of debts and obligations as a tokuseirei, but to facilitate the grant of honors for the contribution in the Genko War as a 'virtuous rule' in a wider sense.
    本来は元弘の乱による論功行賞の円滑化を図ることを目的とした広義の「徳政」の法令で債権債務の無効を定めた徳政令を意図した法令ではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The lesson that we learned from the Asian Currency Crisis is that in order to establish a virtuous circle of savings in the region flowing into intra-region investment, it is essential to develop regional bond markets.
    地域の貯蓄が、域内の投資に向かい、好循環のシステムを確立するため、域内の債券市場の育成が必要であるというのが、アジア通貨危機から我々が得た教訓です。 - 財務省
  • One of the lessons we learned from the Asian currency crisis is the need to develop a regional bond market with the aim of realizing a virtuous circle of financing investment in Asia by abundant savings within the region.
    アジア域内の豊富な貯蓄を域内の投資に活用する好循環のシステムを確立するため、域内の債券市場の育成が必要であるというのが、アジア通貨危機から我々が得た教訓です。 - 財務省
  • In particular, as a result that consumption and investment in emerging countries have sequentially expanded through the interconnection between them and achieved a virtuous cycle, the new market has actually begun to act as a driving force for new development.
    特に、新興国の消費や投資が相互の連関の中で連鎖的に拡大し、好循環につながった結果、新たな発展のための原動力となり始めている。 - 経済産業省
  • As a result, a virtuous cycle is formed: the capacity of households to borrow increases through rises in their asset-backed values, and spending increases even more (positive financial accelerator).
    その結果、資産担保価値の上昇を通じて家計の借入能力が高まり、消費はますます拡大する好循環を形成することになる(正のフィナンシャル・アクセラレータ)。 - 経済産業省
  • As a result, a virtuous cycle was formed, wherein fiscal deficit reduction spurred the revival of budgetary discipline, which in turn positively created economic activities, and the fiscal balance recovered rapidly.
    その結果、財政赤字削減が財政規律の回復をもたらし、それが経済活動を前向きに推し進める、という好循環が形成され、財政赤字が急速に回復していったのである。 - 経済産業省
  • Their presence has prompted Delphi and other US parts manufacturers to flood into the region, where they are working to lift their competitiveness. A virtuous cycle has therefore been established whereby agglomeration breeds agglomeration.
    このためデルファイ社をはじめ米国系部品メーカーも進出を本格化させており、競争力強化へ向けた動きが活発化し、集積が集積を呼ぶ好循環が生じている。 - 経済産業省
  • If Japan can deepen linkages with the developing East Asian economic agglomerations and channel their growth, Japan is in the position to create a virtuous cycle which will benefit both Japan and East Asia.
    したがって、我が国は発展する東アジアの経済集積との連携を深め、その成長を取り込むことができれば、我が国及び東アジア双方に利益をもたらす好循環を実現することが可能な地位にあると言える。 - 経済産業省
  • This will lead to the realization of a virtuous cycle, where consumption will increase, triggering new investment, creating spillovers for communities and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
    そうすれば、消費が増え、新たな投資を誘発するという好循環が実現し、地域や中小企業・小規模事業者にも波及していくこととなる。 - 経済産業省
  • For a Japan that has long experienced low growth, the creation of such a virtuous cycle generating greater opportunities for women to put their abilities to use is pivotal to generating fresh demand and restoring the country’s economic vitality.
    長期にわたって低成長が続いている我が国においては、かかる好循環を発生させることが、女性の能力を発揮させることにより、新たな需要を掘り起こし、元気な日本を取り戻すための重要な鍵となるであろう。 - 経済産業省
  • Following an analysis of trends in startups by women at present and the challenges faced, this section described the virtuous cycle created by startups by women in the field of personal services.
    以上、本節では、現状における女性の起業の傾向や課題を分析した後、個人向けサービスの分野における女性の起業が生み出す好循環について言及した。 - 経済産業省
  • The effective use of labor is thought to lead to a virtuous circle of increased productivity through qualitative improvements in the labor force, and further increases in latent growth potential.
    労働力の有効活用は、労働力の質的向上を通じて生産性を上昇させ、さらに潜在的な成長力を向上させる好循環につながると考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • It is important to create a virtuous circle in which companies will utilize business resources obtained from their overseas operations to enhance the competitiveness of their domestic operations, which will in turn lead to increasing profitability in overseas operations.
    海外展開で得られた経営資源について、国内の競争力強化につなげ、更にそれらを海外の稼ぎにつなげる好循環の創出が重要である。 - 経済産業省
  • To this end, a virtuous cycle needs to be set in motion so that medium to large stores and small and medium retailers generate synergies as a single commercial cluster, and commercial facilities generate synergies with other urban functions located in central areas.
    そのためには、中・大型店と中小小売店が1つの商業集積として相乗効果を上げるとともに、商業施設が市街地に立地する他の都市機能との相乗効果を上げるような好循環を仕組んでいく必要がある。 - 経済産業省
  • Nurturing of the budding of new growth (compact cities, energy saving, new energy, transforming the agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors to be the 6th industry, and so on), and creating a virtuous cycle of fund-demand expansion.
    新たな成長の芽(コンパクトシティ、省エネ・ 新エネ、農林水産業の6 次産業化等)の育成と 資金需要拡大の好循環の形成 - 経済産業省
  • This requires the formation of a new economic structure to create a virtuous circle of the nation's economy while positively using the dynamism of the globalizing world economy.
    そのためには、グローバル化する世界経済の活力をプラスの方向で活用しながら、国民経済の好循環を構築する新たな経済構造の構築が求められる。 - 経済産業省
  • With these issues in mind, this section discusses both the negative and positive impacts of globalization on the nation's economy and the possibility of creating a virtuous circle of the nation's economy in the midst of globalization.
    こうした問題意識に基づき、本節では、グローバル化が国民経済に及ぼすプラスとマイナスそれぞれの影響を整理しつつ、グローバル化の進展の中での国民経済の好循環の構築の可能性について論じることとする。 - 経済産業省
  • Both facts suggest that Japan should create a virtuous circle in which the government pursues a larger pie rather than merely focuses on how to slice up the current pie, and eventually prompts the rise in personal income.
    いずれの事実も、「単なる再分配ではなく、全体のパイを増やし、それを所得の拡大につなげていく、という好循環を作り出さなければならない」ということを示しています。 - 経済産業省
  • Hello Tokyo has succeeded in creating a virtuous cycle in which it upgrades hardware and emphasizes software, making employees happy and enabling them to provide high added value service, which raises customer satisfaction and leads to better earnings.
    同社は、ハードウェアの整備とともに、ソフトウェアを重視することで社員の幸せが付加価値の高いサービスに結びつき、顧客満足を高め、収益に結びつくという好循環を作り出すことに成功している。 - 経済産業省
  • The rapid decrease in country risk in developing countries including East Asia has promoted the flow of funds into these countries and thus has brought about a virtuous cycle in which the conditions for further growth are created.
    東アジア等発展途上国におけるカントリーリスクの急速な低下が、これら諸国への資金流入を促し、更なる成長の条件を整えるという好循環をもたらしている。 - 経済産業省
  • In principle, the company enjoys a virtuous circle in which it brings back earnings of overseas operations to domestic operations as dividends, spends such dividend fund on state-of-the-art R&D projects, and further utilizes R&D outcomes for overseas operations.
    原則として海外拠点で稼いだ収益は配当として国内に還元し、海外から環流された資金を使って国内で最先端の研究を行い、その成果を再び海外に展開していくという好循環を生み出している。 - 経済産業省
  • It is important to promote globalization in all directions whilst responding to the changing demand structure of the world economy, and to utilize the energies of foreign countries (including emerging countries), thus starting to spin the virtuous circle, converting it to energies within our country.
    世界経済の需要構造の変化に対応し、新興国をはじめとして海外の活力を取り込むとともに、それを我が国の活力に転換する好循環を紡ぎ出すべく、全方位でグローバル化を推進することが重要である。 - 経済産業省
  • This five-billion-people market is becoming the driving force of a new virtuous circle of the global economy, and the Japanese economy is strengthening its ties with this new "trade area."
    そして「50億人」市場が、世界経済の新たな好循環の原動力になりつつあり、我が国経済がこの新しい「商圏」との連関を強めていることを確認した。 - 経済産業省
  • Jobs should be created in the fields of medical/long-term care and child support, because the field of health is a growing industry. It can achieve a virtuous circle of economic growth and social security.
    健康分野を成長産業と位置付け、医療・介護・子育て分野で雇用を創出し、社会保障と経済成長の好循環を実現する。 - 厚生労働省
  • both out of respect to his guests and because Romeo had borne himself like a gentleman and all tongues in Verona bragged of him to be a virtuous and well-governed youth.
    宴会に来ていたお客に対する配慮もあったし、ロミオは紳士らしく振る舞っていたし、ヴェロナ中の人がみなロミオのことを立派な落ち着いた青年として誇りに思っていたからだ。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』
  • Born in an age and country abounding in individual greatness, this man has been handed down to us by those who best knew both him and the age, as the most virtuous man in it;
    ソクラテスは、個人の偉大さが満ちあふれていた時代と国に生まれあわせたのですが、彼のこともその時代をも知り抜いた人たちによって、その偉人の中でも最も徳のある人として、私たちに伝えられました。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • In the three Hokuriku Prefectures (Fukui Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture and Toyama Prefecture) where dual income and total fertility rates both exceed the national average, value-added management by enterprises contributes to permanent employee’s employment in households and households contribute to high quality labor at companies, with a virtuous cycle improving both. Additionally, the government and local government bodies support research and development by enterprises and child raising by households, further accelerating the virtuous cycle (Column Fig. 2-2-10(3))
    共働き率、合計特殊出生率のいずれもが全国平均を上回っている北陸3県(福井県、石川県、富山県)では、企業は付加価値を高めた経営により家計に正社員雇用を提供し、家計は企業に質の高い労働を提供し、双方を高め合う好循環を構築している。また、行政・自治体は、企業の研究開発、家計の子育てをサポートし、好循環を更に加速させている(コラム2-2-10図③)。 - 経済産業省
  • Mitsukuni TOKUGAWA, however, rated Chikafusa's opinions very highly in his 'Dainihonshi' (History of Greater Japan), and argued in places for the view that even from Chikafusa's perspective, who would likely have criticized the fundamental existence of the Edo bakufu, it was nevertheless possible to achieve a 'virtuous governmental administration under the warrior class,' citing contemporary examples of Yasutoki-like figures within the bakufu.
    だが、徳川光圀が「大日本史」で親房の主張を高く評価し、また親房からすれば、本来否定されるべき存在である筈の江戸幕府の中にも泰時の例などを引用して「武家による徳治政治」の正当性を導く意見が現れるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a result, it was decided that, as Daijo-daijin was ultimately the Emperor's teacher, a virtuous person who had rendered distinguished service should be appointed, and he would not have political power, and would not get involved in political affairs of Daijokan (however, when also serving as Regent or Kanpaku,chief adviser to the Emperor), he would have political power consequent to that position).
    その結果、太政大臣は、あくまでも天皇の師範として有徳の功労者が任命される職であって政治的権力を有さず、太政官の公事には関与しないこととされた(ただし、摂政・関白を兼ねる場合にはその権限に由来する政治的権限を持つことになる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Feeling grateful for Sanesuke's virtuous behavior, Emperor Sanjo told Sukehira, Sanesuke's son, that he grew up as the Crown Prince without understanding worldly affairs and that although he had thought he would be able to control everything as he wished once he succeeded to the throne, he found himself powerless before his men, who did not obey his order to attend the investiture ceremony in fear of Sadaijin (Michinaga).
    三条天皇は実資の態度を徳として感謝し、実資の子の資平に「朕は長く東宮にあって物情を知らず、一旦登極すれば全て意のままになると思っていたのに、后を立てるにも皆左大臣(道長)を憚り、勅命に応じようともしない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Japanese kanji for Kashitaro (甲子太郎) can also be read as 'Kinetaro', but the former reading is correct because the first two kanji of his given name were taken from 'Kasshi' (written as '甲子', meaning the first year in the Japanese 60-year calendar cycle, which is a year of 'Kakurei' when the will of heaven is renewed and heaven's decree is revealed to the virtuous); further evidence that Kashitaro is the correct reading is the fact that his name was sometimes written as '樫太郎' (pronounced 'Kashitaro') in historical records of that time.
    甲子太郎は「きねたろう」とも読まれるが、天意が革まって徳を備えた人に天命が下される「革令」の年とされる「甲子」にあやかったこと、同時代史料に「樫太郎」という表記も見られることから、「かしたろう」が正しい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the political turmoil after the assassination of Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA in the Kakitsu War, the farming population lead by bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) in Omi Sakamoto in Kyoto rose up in rebellion to demand 'daihajime-no-tokusei (acts of virtuous government requested at shogun replacement)' (Tenkaichido no Tokuseirei (a debt cancellation order for all throughout the country)), which was directed by jizamurai (local samurai) and lead to an uprising by tens of thousands of people.
    六月の嘉吉の乱で将軍足利義教が殺されると政治的混乱の中「代初めの徳政」を求めて(天下一同の徳政令)京都近江坂本の馬借を中心に農民が蜂起、地侍が指導し、数万人の一揆にふくれあがった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Tokusei' (acts of Virtuous Government), also called 'Shinsei' (new system), are social policies that the Emperor initiated upon ascending to the throne or when the name of the era was changed because of natural disasters, etc. and were based on the theory of correlation between heaven and man and entailed activities to save the poor, "Shinryo-kogyo" (conducting ceremonies and securing property for revenue) and court case processing.
    「徳政(とくせい)」とは天人相関思想に基づき、代替わり或いは災害などに伴い改元が行われた際に天皇が行う貧民救済活動や神領興行(儀式遂行とその財源たる所領等の保障)、訴訟処理などの社会政策のことであり、「新制」とも呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When the Edo period began, the practice was more frequently carried out -- In 1720, Yoshimune TOKUGAWA laid down a provision for awarding those who practiced tokugyo (virtuous conduct); and in 1798, Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA conducted a large-scale survey of koshi and kitokusha (commendable person) and published 'Kogiroku' (the collection of documents about awards given by the bakufu and the daimyo) and 'Kogiroku zokuhen' (Kogiroku, continued).
    江戸時代になるとさらにさかんにおこなわれ、享保5年、徳川吉宗は篤行者旌表の規定をもうけ、寛政10年、松平定信は孝子、奇特者のおおがかりな調査をおこない、「孝義録」、「孝義録続編」を刊行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because there is an account that the Eastern barbarians brought a tribute to the Chinese court in the same year and made preparations for Zenjo (one of the forms of the emperor replacement whereby the emperor was not decided by succession but instead the throne moved to the most virtuous person) according to 三少帝紀 in Wei chih, this queen must have been Iyo and her envoys apparently brought a tribute to the emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty (Sima Yan) which was established after Wei.
    魏志の魏書三少帝紀によれば、同じ年に東夷が朝貢して禅譲革命の準備がなされたという記事があるので、この女王は壹与で、魏に代って成立した西晋の皇帝(司馬炎)に朝貢したと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The FSA will make active efforts to meticulously grasp the actual state of regional finance and to create a virtuous cycle in which the maintenance of sound financial conditions of financial institutions leads to smooth provisions of funds to SMEs.
    金融庁としては積極的、かつ、きめ細かい実態把握を行い、金融機関の財務の健全性の維持と、地域の中小企業に対する円滑な資金供給の確保、これがよい循環をもって相互に補完していく、そういった状況の実現を目指していきたいと思っております。 - 金融庁
  • For this reason, it is important for regional financial institutions to seek the situation in which smooth provision of funds for the SMEs3 and the maintenance of the soundness of the regional financial institutions’ own financial positions may work in a virtuous cycle under proper corporate governance.
    このため、地域金融機関においては、適切な経営管理の下、中小企業3に対する円滑な資金供給の確保と財務の健全性の維持とが、好循環をもって実現していく状況を目指していくことが重要となっている。 - 金融庁
  • These new developments in the telecommunications industry are an example of regulatory reform acting as a catalyst in creating innovation and spurring demand, with increasing demand leading to further innovation and more demand, producing a virtuous circle which has served as a locomotive force in the domestic economy.
    通信分野の新たな展開は、規制の改革が1つの契機となってイノベーションを生み出し、需要を喚起し、増大する需要の中で更なるイノベーションと次の需要が生まれるという好循環が経済を牽引した一例と言うことができる。 - 経済産業省
  • Silicon Valley has seen a succession of start ups underpinned by the depth of these systems,culture and networks, while the virtuous cycle of success stories created as a result has encouraged the emergence of the next generation of ventures, supporting vigorous innovation.
    シリコンバレーでは、こうした制度の厚み、文化、ネットワーク等に支えられ創業が相次ぎ、またそこで生み出される成功物語の好循環がさらに次のベンチャー企業の誕生を促すことで、活発なイノベーションを支えてきたのである。 - 経済産業省
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  • 原題:”On Liberty”

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