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elatively high genetic diversity for a narrow endemic, a measure that will decrease with the habita
In the 1970s, the endemic alcohol and poverty problems in the area were
Bufo atukoralei, and Fejervarya pulla are endemic among amphibians found in the forest.
Chlamydophila felis is a bacterium endemic among house cats worldwide, primarily causing
It marks the first discovery of an endemic amphibian genus from the United States since
M. montezuma consists almost entirely of the endemic amphipod Hyalella montezuma.
predator that feeds almost exclusively on the endemic amphipod Hyalella montezuma, which it detects
The extensive gardens feature native, endemic and "canoe plants" brought by the Polynesians
Over 100 bird species are endemic and 49 of these are restricted-range endemics
re drawn together in the Centre for Emerging, Endemic and Exotic Diseases (CEEED Centre), opened in
The CCPL houses many of Cebu's endemic and indigenous species.The CCPL is also home
plant species, some of which are very rare or endemic, and others which are widespread and have bec
The butterfly is endemic and restricted to the Andaman Islands in the
found, while the Minyon Quandong is virtually endemic and is only known from a single tree outside
sizable range in central myanmar, where it is endemic, and is estimated to have a global Extent of
These include endemic and vulnerable species.
This is an Australian endemic and one of the rarest dragonflies in the coun
It is endemic and found only in Mexico.
species of cicada in New Zealand where it is endemic and found in most areas.
e is a short-lived, polycarpic perennial herb endemic and found exclusively in Mt.
Hawaiian endemic and native plants including Abutilon menziesi
There is a population of the endemic and endangered Nilgiri Laughing-thrush at the
The terms endemic and indigenous do not imply that an organism
In the affected area, endemic and other species were almost completely dest
ngue infection among those who return from an endemic area with a fever is 2.9-8.0%, and it is the
In endemic areas the morbidity rate is 70-90% and the mo
Wearing shoes in endemic areas can reduce the prevalence of infection
tification of the mosquito species from rural endemic areas are of paramount importance.
70% of the total 2.5 billion people living in endemic areas from Asia and the Pacific.
Clonorchiasis has been reported in non endemic areas (including the United States).
t, but the disease still remains a problem in endemic areas.
(3) the chronic phase which occurs mainly in endemic areas.
Palearctic black-and-white flycatchers; it is endemic as a breeding species to North-west Africa.
Madagascar Buttonquail is endemic as a native species to Madagascar, but has be
Twelve of its forty-seven native fish are endemic, as are twelve of its forty-six native herpet
rubripes, the giant centipede, is the largest endemic Australasian centipede.
ck palms in the genus Linospadix include five endemic Australian Species.
as selected over Bermuda's national bird, the endemic Bermuda Petrel, and the native White-tailed T
oa Finch (Telespiza ultima) is one of the two endemic bird species of the tiny Hawaiian island Niho
With other endemic bird species this ground-nesting bird became
24th (according to some authorities the 27th) endemic bird species for Sri Lanka.
Three Trans-Fly endemic bird species have been recorded, including th
ands and hills of New Britain and New Ireland Endemic Bird Areas at elevations up to 1200 meters ab
He described the Trocaz Pigeon, a Madeiran endemic bird species.
the Flame Robin and of at least ten Tasmanian endemic bird species, for which it is a representativ
visitors who want to see some of Madagascar's endemic bird species, which include Owls and Couas.
netsinger, her son, specializes in threatened endemic bird species in Hawaii.
Within two years 40% of Lord Howe's endemic bird species were extinct, including the Lord
irdlife International has defined a number of Endemic Bird Areas and Secondary Areas in Madagascar
All endemic bird species have been placed on the critical
antail was only one of a suite of Lord Howe's endemic birds and other fauna exterminated by rat pre
-faced Malkoha and Sri Lanka Spurfowl are two endemic birds that reside in the park.
The Nihoa Millerbird is one of the two endemic birds remaining on Nihoa, the other being the
Although there are no endemic birds, there are internationally important se
There is also an endemic Bogadek's legless lizard (Dibamus bogadeki) l
It is an endemic breeder of New Zealand, with breeding restric
ession seems to have eliminated Shaftesbury's endemic bribery and converted it to a more secure poc
n because at the time it was thought to be an endemic British species (it is now considered a sub-s
An Indonesian endemic, Bruijn's Brush-turkey occurs in mountain for
Endemic Bufo atukoralei, Fejervarya limnocharis, Poly
It is an important endemic butterfly of South India.
This endemic cat is found, near water, all over the island
nax gundlachii (yuraguana) is a palm which is endemic central and eastern Cuba.
his article need some reference to the area's endemic chav culture?
The five endemic cisco species of the Laurentian Great Lakes,
g dams and other sources of drinking water in endemic communities to ensure that infected people di
onized the island after the extinction of the endemic coot.
he Great Meteor Seamount is shown by the many endemic copepod and nematode species.
potential, Nigeria continues to struggle with endemic corruption, instability and high unemployment
to reducing the burden of malaria in disease endemic countries and Africa Matters Limited, an inde
en 50 and 70 percent in basically the 10 most endemic countries of sub-Saharan Africa in the last t
countries, Pakistan, of course, also being an endemic country," Rosenbauer said.
On Laysan, nests were built in tussocks of endemic Cyperus pennatiformis subsp.
Except for the narrow endemic D. yucundaa, restricted to the Mexican state
Livingstone's Fruit Bat : a very large endemic daytime bat, which eats fruit.
Epipsocus, Epipsocopsis, and the New Guinean endemic Dicropsocus.
re buried in Jamaica during this period, from endemic diseases.
at a phantom interstate menace: the presumed endemic dishonesty of nonresidents who wish to travel
estinus is the only species described, and is endemic do South Africa.
Its summit is home to the Trinidad endemic El Tucuche Golden Tree Frog (Phyllodytes aura
f.) P. F. Hunt is an endemic endangered orchid reported from the Andaman I
nd amino acids, including some types that are endemic endangered species.
e IUCN Red List, because it was thought to be endemic endemic to [[List of marine molluscs of Malta
Some apple varieties are said to be endemic, especially the "esperiega" or "espedriega".
It was one of the endemic Eurasian infectious diseases to which Native
The Holarctic has four endemic families: divers (Gaviidae), grouse (Tetraoni
tropod mollusk in the family Endodontidae, an endemic family of land snails from the Hawaiian islan
ropod mollusks in the family Endodontidae, an endemic family of land snails from the Hawaiian islan
songbirds should be grouped together in a new endemic family: the Malagasy warblers.
Endemic family: Ixerbaceae an endemic monogeneric fam
ion has played a role in the evolution of the endemic fauna of the lake.
ecognised the potential for research into its endemic fauna, including the Soay Sheep, the St Kilda
rld, and often contain highly specialised and endemic faunas.
ea for its importance as a cultural route and endemic flora and fauna species.
ow to higher level elevations, at least three endemic flora exist: Hesperocallis undulata (desert l
me sub-regions of the Colorado Desert contain endemic flora.
retii plant, as a homage to Tenerife's unique endemic flora.
Half of Sri Lanka's endemic flowering plants and 51 percent of the endemi
uri district has the highest concentration of endemic fluoride in the State.
It is endemic forest, mangrove and other wooded habitats on
hat the dinosaurs of the Aguja Formation were endemic forms.
Liparis latifolia is a species of orchid endemic found from Hainan Island and Thailand to New
sonia suarezensis distinguishes this regional endemic from other baobab species
related to Chorizanthe pungens, another rare endemic from the area.
ith the neighboring provinces and has but few endemic genera.
us faced quick extinction together with other endemic genera.
y, California, where it is a local serpentine endemic generally found in moist areas.
currently a geographically restricted island endemic genus containing one species with two subspec
sia begoniifolia (Saint Helena Boxwood) is an endemic genus from the island of Saint Helena in the
extinction of elephant birds (Aepyornis), an endemic giant ratite that was formerly the world's la
idism, typically presenting in a patient with endemic goiter who then relocates to an iodine-abunda
Endemic goitre is a type of goitre that is associated
Treatment of endemic goitre is medical with iodine and thyroxine p
rom India to two other nations suffering from endemic government bribery problems, Mexico and Nepal
s is currently the only representative of the endemic grasshopper genera found in the North Island.
The taxonomy of New Zealand endemic grasshoppers was substantially revised by Big
that contaminated areas were also sheltering endemic hearths of Florida keratopathy.
The area is an important habitat for the endemic Hector's Dolphins and a winter breeding groun
The area is home to the endemic Hector's Dolphin, and Southern Right Whales h
The strategy is largely a response to the endemic HIV and hepatitis C among injection drug user
fic Interest (SSSI) for the protection of the endemic Hong Kong croton.
pathogen of the family Geminiviridae that is endemic in sub-Saharan Africa.
It "is endemic in tropical and sub-tropical regions with hig
but these succumbed to the poaching which was endemic in Alice Holt and neighbouring Woolmer Forest
ubspecies of the butterfly is found as a Rare endemic in the Andaman islands.
o the southeastern United States, where it is endemic in central Florida.
d by recurrent floods and epidemics that were endemic in that region.
Chamaedorea metallica is endemic in Southern Mexico.
minthornii - Santa Susana tarweed: California endemic in Simi Hills and nearby ranges, State and CN
including brucellosis and tuberculosis remain endemic in the free-ranging herds in and around Wood
ied in the later 1990's and is believed to be endemic in east Africa, especially Kenya, Tanzania an
s created in the 1974 to deal with corruption endemic in Hong Kong's government departments and dis
It is endemic in Inyo County, California, where it is known
k section, Quercus section Quercus, found and endemic in central and southern Mexico.
There are about 7 species altogether, 2 endemic in Australia, and 5 in New Caledonia.
lvana is a species of orchid, exclusively and endemic in the eastern Brazilian Serra do Mar mountai
Debbie maintains that postnatal depression is endemic in the impoverished areas of South Africa, bu
overflows and other vulnerabilities that are endemic in C programs, without losing the power and c
seven towns investigated and that bribery was endemic in all elections in the city.
This species of nerite is endemic in Hawaii: Maui.
It is endemic in the island of Tenerife mainly in Macizo de
ting in the factional activities and disputes endemic in Ottoman governmental life."
l Extent of Occurrence of 430,000 square km., endemic in Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiop
Brown, 1810) is a small genus of 9 species, 8 endemic in Australia and 1 in New Zealand, from the o
a combination of different influenza viruses endemic in pigs.
demics in parts of Asia and Africa, and it is endemic in China.
Clonorchiasis is endemic in the Far East, especially in Korea, Japan,
en associated with dissolved solids naturally endemic in the aquifer environment.
They are endemic in northern Madagascar.
ple of the much criticised ribbon development endemic in Ireland with dwellings strung along the ma
Of the 90 species of birds present, 10 are endemic, including the Ocellated Thrasher (Toxostoma
stalline) and calcium oxide (CaO), both being endemic ingredients in many coal-bearing rock strata.
The novel also explores the endemic inter- and intrasectarian political and milit
These springs supported a variety of endemic invertebrates (molluscs, for example), and su
immediately to protect this endangered island endemic is imperative.
e published in 1976, saying ""Cheating is not endemic, it's epidemic.
This beetle is an endemic Italian species, present in Italian mainland.
It is also host to the endemic jewel beetle Prasinalia imperialis.
Euphorbia labatii is a rare endemic known only from a single locality in Antsiran
It is used for the endemic language Kodava, also known sometimes as Coor
es of Flycatchers on the Galapagos Isles, the endemic Large-billed Flycatcher and the resident Verm
hen they spent a month on Laysan studying the endemic Laysan ʻApapane, a violent and sudden storm r
It is the only food of the endemic leech Motobdella montezuma.
as the Zayante sandhills, as other local rare endemic life forms such as the Ben Lomond wallflower
Taiwan, endemic; listed as Vulnerable.
appreciation among island residents for this endemic lizard.
lbigularis), snakes and lizards including the endemic Makgadikgadi spiny agama (Agama hispida makga
Recent research indicates it is part of an endemic Malagasy radiation currently known as the Mal
Recent research indicates it is part of an endemic Malagasy radiation currently known as the Mal
Endemic malaria in the United States, 1934-35.
in a very limited land mammal fauna, and the endemic mammal lineages, in particular the lemurs, ad
Island in South Australia, the island's only endemic mammal.
Pilea trilobata is an endemic Mauritian plant from the genus Pilea within t
Of these, 6.7% are endemic, meaning they exist in no other country, and
In biology and ecology, endemic means exclusively native to the biota of a sp
neglecta, neglected tuft sedge locally, is an endemic member of the Cyperaceae of Saint Helena in t
It is endemic Mexico, where it is found only on Tortuga Isl
n manifest in the alteration of metabolism of endemic microorganisms and arthropods resident in a g
It was an island endemic native to Saint Helena in the South Atlantic
la Odinga, which they said is a clear case of endemic nepotism.
Some members of the endemic North American canines survived to the presen
us keilii, a rare and poorly known California endemic not described until 2004.
revention, treatment and control of epidemic, endemic, occupational, and other diseases; and the cr
It is considered an endemic of the west-central coast of the state in the
This plant is endemic of the Baja California peninsula, Mexico.
in the very west of it, but the plant is not endemic of Cuba.
ocactus is a genus of cacti with five species endemic of southern South America, in Argentina and C
It is probably endemic of the geologically isolated region of the Ma
The Giant Lizard of El Hierro, endemic of this island
cies of Hoverfly, one (volucellinus) a unique endemic of the Caucasus region and the other characte
It is an endemic of western and central Ukraine.
aʻi cave wolf spider Adelocosa anops, another endemic of the Kauaʻi cave.
Fear and doubt for the Moravians were endemic of a lack of faith and thus pointed to a need
en Racket-tail (Prioniturus luconensis) is an endemic of the Philippines where it is found on Luzon
It is an endangered endemic of the island of Saint Helena in the South At
It is endemic of the Levant and known only from some locali
The species is a California endemic of limited distribution.
It is a local endemic of the Roggeveld Escarpment in the western Ka
It is endemic of the Levant.
of the botanical family Asteraceae, which is endemic of Madagascar.
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