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該当件数 : 114

beam supporting a rood cross crucifix, often life-size, above.
toys are products such as masks, gloves, and life-size accessories.
7, Gormley's Event Horizon, consisting of 31 life-size and anatomically-correct casts of his body,
"My Sweet Lord" is a life-size and anatomically correct depiction of Jesus
ection comprises over 3,000 models including life-size and enlarged parts for over 840 species.
a trophy which is topped with a larger than life-size boll weevil.
The head from a life-size bronze statue of Claudius, found in the Rive
A set of life-size bronze statues of the "Clinton 12," the 12 A
eing pushed in different directions by three life-size bronze figures which were cast from local pe
A life-size bronze statue of Sri Veturi was installed be
The memorial also includes a series of life-size bronze statues depicting five firefighters.
Life-size bronze sculptures at Blair School of Music a
trains with renewed zeal on a sophisticated life-size bronze dummy fitted with grooves representin
A larger than life-size bronze statue of Peter Snell was erected in
A life-size bronze statue of Daniel Carter Beard and a B
Dance Door consists of an ornamented life-size bronze door, hinged on a bronze frame and lo
In 2000, he created a life-size bronze sculpture of the fictional Paddington
culptor Doreen Kern realized Miss Bluebell's life-size bronze portrait bust, it was placed on her t
A life-size bronze statue was erected to his memory in B
e California Vietnam Veterans Memorial, with life-size bronze figures of service men and women depi
raise £200,000 in subscriptions to pay for a life-size bronze sculpture of George Best.
borhood's Clark Park; it is the world's only life-size bronze of the author.
In 2004 a life-size bronze statue of Mrs. Chippy was placed on t
e festival concluded with the unveiling of a life-size bronze statue at Hull Paragon Interchange by
ony held in his honor, and the zoo now has a life-size bronze statue of him on permanent display ou
Saly also sculpted around this same time a life-size bust of the king, of which seven bronze cast
rrived on time only to discover that it is a life-size cardboard cut-out.
Among the Museum's permanent residents are a life-size cast of an African elephant; the Egyptian mu
Althea was Hustler's first life-size centerfold, and she was involved with the ma
Made by German artist Ingo Koblischek, a life-size commemorative bronze statue of him stands in
A larger than life-size cooper that Ron made can be seen working at
sney Channel Original Movies Smart House and Life-Size, Dawson's Creek (as background music) and Ho
Dinosaur Walk - outdoor trail with life-size dinosaurs and explanatory signs
ctive work which opened in 2006 and includes life-size dinosaurs; and Science of Hockey, which open
Other exhibits included life-size dioramas of the traditional methods of fishi
retends to have hung himself by hanging up a life-size doll dressed in his clothes.
n Sherborne Abbey: an "impressive" tomb with life-size effigies of the two in medieval armour is to
e tomb for both himself and his father, with life-size effigies of the two in medieval armour is to
repositioned arch, crowned by a copy of the life-size equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius.
"Archimedes", a fancy portrait, half-length life-size, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1832 (eng
The displays include life-size figures of soldiers of past centuries, as we
They are on 16 panels with 31 life-size figures, many based on local people.
The Globe Theater in Second Life is life-size from the viewpoint of a Second Life user.
t was toppled by windstorm and replaced by a life-size gilt copper statue.
A life-size half-length in oils, painted by John Jackson
Her first exhibited work was a life-size head, which appeared at the Royal Academy in
the opportunity to show large or life-size images.
s on a gallery (Empore) below a window and a life-size, kneeling statue of the duke.
museum and art gallery, with collections of life-size look-alike wax statues depicting Indian hist
tatues of Marsyas in Hellenistic style and a life-size marble sculpture of Neptune dating, from its
the spot on which he was killed now houses a life-size memorial statue.
His life-size memorial, in marble, to the young Earl of Be
le was built on the estate together with two life-size memorials which still remain.
tt tries to cheer George up by showing him a life-size model (measuring seventeen square feet) of l
Life-size model of a scene from The Adventures of Tint
A life-size model of it and other vehicles created later
The exhibit also displays life-size models of various species of dinosaurs.
ics and their history is examined, including life-size models of characters and sets from Tintin's
The site is notable for its life-size models of the vertebrates that might have ro
of the pterosaurs in Gwangi were provided by life-size models.
n artist Sharon Baker asked to bake bread in life-size moulds she had had made by lifecast artists
Roeder had been the donor of the life-size Mount of Olives group of sculptures (1498) n
The life-size Nathan Hale was the first major commission g
Greccio on Christmas Eve 1223 in front of a life-size nativity scene (crib or creche) built by Gio
The figure is of a life-size nude male.
One of his most celebrated works was the life-size nude, Maggie Reading.
clude various oversized animals and insects, life-size nudes (men and women), or sets such as castl
life is my message" gallery, consisting of 8 life-size painting and more than 250 photo-enlargement
They usually have life-size pictures of anime characters or porn actress
, the Prehistoric Trail featured a number of life-size plaster amphibians, reptiles and dinosaurs s
As late as 2002, a marble bust and life-size portrait of Hardy were on display in the Gul
n exclusive art book (GameStop, EB Games), a life-size poster of T-elos (Game Crazy) and a limited
s are greeted outside the building by large, life-size recreations of dinosaurs, which are based on
(In fact, a life-size replica of the museum was built for this sce
Christmas Historical Park, which includes a life-size replica of the fort.
Exhibits include life-size replicas of the Best Friend of Charleston, t
On this tree the artist placed twelve life-size robotic replicas of himself, and programmed
s Nailea Norvind, won a bronze medal for her life-size sculpture of 'Mother and Child' at the exhib
The life-size sculpture is made of cast bronze, with a whi
Fits and Starts was a life-size sculpture of a deer in mid-leap that was ent
A life-size sculpture of an Ornithomimus, the species of
on Veterans Day, November 11, 2005, a bronze life-size sculpture of Smoky sitting in a GI helmet, a
He often uses his own image in life-size sculptures of famous people.
seum is a series of attractions that feature life-size sculptures of dinosaurs and replicas of foss
nstructed Worship Space features twelve near life-size sculptures of saints by Jay Hall Carpenter.
y of the band are photographs of bigger than life-size sculptures of the band members, made by Kore
cres (260,000 m2), which contained a hundred life-size sculptures of dinosaurs, cavemen, and other
theme park covering 65 acres, which has 100 life-size sculptures of dinosaurs and cavemen.
stone-carver, best known for several sets of life-size sculptures of cows on display at various pub
lgian Costume Division VZW: AT-AT 1/3 scale, life-size snowspeeder, Jabba the Hutt palace set, Outr
The sculpture is somewhat larger than life-size, standing 75 cm high and 114 cm long.
re is an impressive and amazingly beautiful, life-size standing Bodhisattva and a delicate image of
equestrian sculptures, most notably the 1934 life-size statue of the thoroughbred race horse Man o'
In 1760 a life-size statue of Hercules was found at the site.
Life-size statue of the Protestant duke on entering th
Life-size statue of Jack Daniel, located at the distil
He was honored with a life-size statue at City Hall in October, 2008.
Within the park is a life-size statue of Bradley behind a piano.
customed to wrap decorative paper around the life-size statue of John Cartwright (political reforme
Her memorial garden features a life-size statue and a large electronic keyboard set i
In 2007, a life-size statue of Bill Grigsby was erected at the Na
A life-size statue of Sakay was unveiled at Plaza Morga
the little person, whose monument includes a life-size statue of himself at the top of a 40-foot ob
Their life-size statues face each other.
The museum also has big life-size statues of famous and eminent personalities
The life-size statues of four British Queens above the mai
s who have died in the line of duty and five life-size statues of firefighters.
cing the market square and adorned with five life-size statues, was added in the 16th century.
ilded wood, 18th century, there are only two life-size statues: St. Helena (mother of Constantine)
He took the form of a life-size stuffed toy wombat with a lazy, cheerful exp
Madame Tussauds in London has a life-size waxwork tableau of the scene, faithfully rep
He is best recognized for his life-size wood and bronze sculptures.
His throne rested upon a probably similar life-size wooden tiger, covered in gold; like other va

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