



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Prospectiveの意味・解説 > Prospectiveに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 404

iane in Liane, Jungle Goddess out of 12,000 prospective actresses.
A Manual of Mathematics for Prospective Air Corps Cadets, Prentice-Hall (Englewood
rocess as well as a strong proponent of the prospective Alaska natural gas pipeline.
With each prospective alliance ending on auto-destruct, the frust
ain Turkic peoples, at one point considered prospective allies.
nary and daily interaction with hundreds of prospective and returned missionaries through his cours
This provides a reference source for prospective and current UK students on matters of insti
ble for the recruitment and training of all prospective and newly hired officers, and the in-servic
kept it this way because he felt that many prospective applicants were drawn to the Party more for
There were eleven prospective applicants, reflecting the fact that the 94
ch of the four modules were required of the prospective applicants; those who could not achieve req
m around the world but also invites new and prospective artists for performances in several venues
Prospective author's writing apart from these samples i
The mission of training prospective aviators and naval flight officers comes un
g the area preceding a Soviet escort to the prospective base location.
rly erred" in allowing the exclusion of two prospective black jurors.
while the RU had a policy of suggesting to prospective black members that they join the Black Pant
C.S. Dubey ... Father of prospective bride
to report on the physical qualities of the prospective bride.
is parents were about to see Meenakshi as a prospective bride.
Prospective brides, and their hovering mothers, sisters
travel to different Playboy Clubs to teach prospective Bunnies their duties.
British Airways was a prospective but not necessarily a sole tenant.
However, they made clear that any prospective buyer would have to invest heavily in the s
Plans by one prospective buyer to turn the main house into a hotel a
The prospective buyer of the books, however, calls the poli
n the mid 1970s in Australia, interest from prospective buyers was much higher than anticipated and
family (including a pregnant Linda Blair), prospective buyers of the property.
In order to drive away all prospective buyers the rich man and his nephew Maruthu
ld usually feature chipper Steven informing prospective buyers of all the perks of owning a Dell.
Prospective buyers were enticed with free train rides,
First, cameras are set up to record prospective buyers' reactions in a one-day open house,
nce the station license had no value to any prospective buyers, it was returned to the FCC for canc
in continued publishing while speaking with prospective buyers.
r UK heritage legislation, would discourage prospective buyers.
company bought the site and advertised for prospective buyers.
training to become a chartered accountant, prospective CA students must hold a UK degree (or overs
In addition prospective CA students must obtain a training contract
ntest the seat at the next election, and as prospective candidate he nursed the constituency during
y 1999, Ron Davies was selected as Labour's prospective candidate for the first elections to the Na
Party had already selected Austin Currie as prospective candidate for the seat before a by-election
Primary election rules require a prospective candidate to not only win the plurality, bu
on defeated Margaret Thatcher to be adopted prospective candidate for the local constituency.
eneral election, Lawrence was the Liberals' prospective candidate in Eye, but he was appointed to a
However, he resigned as prospective candidate just before the war started.
hich was favourably reviewed and became the prospective candidate for the North Herts division of H
tate Committee chair in the 1990s and was a prospective candidate for the U.S. Senate race in 2000,
He was shortlisted in 1957 as a prospective candidate for Warwick and Leamington, the s
Labour in 1938 and was adopted as Labour's prospective candidate for Hendon.
ver Fine Gael, which was confident that its prospective candidate, Tom O'Higgins, would win the 197
Another prospective candidate, Shediac mayor Michel Leger dropp
Senate district; neither of the other three prospective candidates had the required number of valid
nistrator, is accused of trying to keep two prospective candidates off the ballot.
y a wide margin over any of the other major prospective candidates (52.9% of the total votes).
Also, the IMBA program encourages prospective candidates to audit courses.
About half of prospective candidates actually make it to AST "A" Scho
Prospective candidates are individuals who are the subj
ably, as of 20 December 2008, as many as 35 prospective candidates were allowed by the High Court o
abled the Institute to offer assessments to prospective candidates.
ting petitions and those of the three other prospective candidates.
eduled primaries within the party, with two prospective candidates: former Rio de Janeiro governor
Spain, according to the Allies-entered his prospective capital.
process to the standard UCSB admission for prospective CCS students, and CCS accepts applications
gned wall during the Annapolis Area Complex prospective Chief Petty Officers' Heritage Run
request, he led an expedition to scout the prospective Choctaw lands in the Indian territory befor
Citizenship is open to anyone, as prospective citizens need only write a letter of intere
The prospective claimants have to make clear that no photog
Typically, the first step for a prospective client is to go to one of CAF's leasing cen
o be deceived, such as an attempt to fool a prospective client into thinking that one has capabilit
nsibility to place the interest of clients, prospective clients and employers ahead of his own.
igh rollers" and "big players" and screened prospective clients with P411, a prostitution screening
Stanford showed the movie to prospective clients at private screenings and according
jury lawyer is responsible for interviewing prospective clients and evaluating their cases to deter
web content, noting that "some clients and prospective clients would like us to get news articles
aundry room and promptly began cold-calling prospective clients.
the previous cabinet with two of the three prospective coalition partners already in it had been i
ms and present their college experiences to prospective college students.
e mode in which a player takes control of a prospective collegiate athlete and must practice, study
, he went to sea in USS Sculpin (SS-191) as prospective commander of a mid-Pacific submarine wolf p
ponsored by Mrs. R.H. Bass, the wife of the prospective commanding officer, and commissioned on 6 F
-238) between November 8 and December 26 as prospective commanding officer, a supernumerary positio
conducting fleet liaison and directing the prospective commanding officer's course for Admiral Hym
y, Florida Property Appraiser could require prospective commercial users of the records created in
of Schubert, and also to permit the use, if prospective completers wished, of Schubert's own sketch
charges Ling Ling Fat with investigating a prospective concubine, the beautiful prostitute Gum Tso
pring and began in the year 1997 to prepare prospective consultants.
Thompson in a boxing ring were taken for a prospective cover, though never used.
Fleet to serve as school ship for training prospective crews of destroyer escorts still under cons
as a training ship for student officers and prospective crews of destroyer escorts.
veloping coulure which can greatly reduce a prospective crop.
uild it because it provided easy access for prospective customers to get to their businesses in the
alogues, brochures and new-title updates to prospective customers in both urban and rural parts of
but a move to Arianespace was motivated by prospective customers' concerns about launch risks asso
earned that a treaty had forced half of his prospective customers, Native Americans, out of North T
as being most often associated with serious prospective customers.
The prospective dangers and humiliations of such a journey,
d by going to Spain in 1253 to bring back a prospective daughter-in-law for the king.
Prospective DBD users can download DBD implementations
The U.S. government estimated the prospective death toll to be about 4,000 if the plot ha
t where the nature of the case precludes, a prospective defendant or respondent should be notified
colony were in great disorder, there was a prospective deficiency of over £1,000,000, and a bad sy
AfSL), got the idea from thinking about the prospective demolition of the Moss Side Stagecoach bus
The prospective design, although yet to fly, was mentioned
pent 3 weeks at Norfolk, Virginia, training prospective destroyer escort crews.
to stop a redevelopment proposal unless the prospective developer gave a piece of the project to a
whilst the eastern half was kept vacant for prospective development and used as allotments.
st century in the post-Kyoto era and make a prospective diagnosis for Paris and its suburbs that wi
or for their 2008 Summer season, using four prospective directors, as well as three guest conductor
Prospective disciples are asked after some time followi
ts to how his film might have turned out if prospective distributor Warner Bros. had been allowed t
and rock - proved to be too challenging for prospective distributors and commercial record labels.
Draft, which provides in-depth analysis on prospective draft choices and a look at each NFL team's
anner acceptable, or course, to themselves) prospective dream-guides of the fact of this being a dr
have endeavored to secure the agreement, by prospective dream-guides, of the fact of this being a d
ness under these laws by legislation having prospective effect.
on had been sponsored in 1843 by a group of prospective emigrants and financiers to tour the United
At the time, a prospective employee had to be a card-carrying member o
ing section is responsible for interviewing prospective employees, conducting all necessary backgro
ess an Impresario, Make Mary Merry, Annoy a prospective employer) and opportunities to interview ce
raining for the unique needs of current and prospective employers.
Prospective employment is estimated at 110 people.
The City refused, the prospective engineers resigned the contract as the slab
essional, scientific and human education of prospective engineers.
mission of the Danube, especially given the prospective enlargement of the EU.
as been rendering need based support to the prospective entrepreneurs for the past many years.
broadcaster was vague in its criteria for a prospective entry and questioned why ERT did not give h
Korkolis was to be the author of Ioanidis' prospective entry, while he blamed politics for playing
After a period as training ship for prospective escort vessel crews, Chambers cleared Norfo
anadian Land and Townsite Company attracted prospective farmers and businessmen to the community.
at promoted the area's mild climate and the prospective farming lands.
on, Larry Meistrich met with filmmakers and prospective filmmakers, directly resulting in four deve
FA named Shishkin among Europe's eight most prospective footballers.
In recent years it has been shown to be prospective for hydrocarbons, hosting Royal Dutch Shell
he failed to identify the project as being prospective for gold.
ystems and Matrices (or SMIC) in France for prospective forecasting studies.
s-Cuba, an official information service for prospective foreign investors.
According to prospective Forensic Geologist, Ray Murray, Forensic Ge
ncaster Borough Council on the strategy for prospective future rail corridors and stations in the a
the afterlife with Death in preference for prospective future adventures with Paine.
In the original act, Robin's prospective girlfriend asks him to take her and her son
ster, an authority on insolvency law, and a prospective Governor of Delta State in Nigeria.
Stopes reasoned that prospective grandchildren might inherit the condition.
Marriages are arranged by the prospective groom offering cattle to the bride's family
arry her to a wrestling match, in which the prospective groom would have to forfeit 100 horses if h
across the countryside to the house for the prospective groom to meet her so that a possible allian
th and get to know current members of their prospective groups.
d addressed concerns of the U.S. Navy about prospective hazards to navigation to and from the Norfo
dier General Ira Eaker was made head of the prospective heavy bomber force slated to be stationed i
etends to be dying to obtain money from his prospective heirs.
a with a high concentration of existing and prospective high-rise buildings - is not shown.
the Civil War are attractive incentives to prospective history majors who desire in-depth study of
e area, refusing to grant 100% mortgages to prospective home-owners in the area, most of whom were
The prospective homeowner is expected to pay a portion of t
Another bill of Apuan's would provide prospective homeowners with information about future en
Once these refugees returned to their prospective homes and villages, residents of Dawodiya b
revenge by refusing to grant a patent to a prospective homesteader, insisting that the Ministry of
the spore on to the intestinal wall of the prospective host, and to help separate the valves of th
ogram MuchMusic VJ Search, a competition of prospective hosts for MuchMusic.
de a fair share of its region's present and prospective housing needs for low and moderate income f
siness Leaders (HABL) program is to provide prospective Hungarian students with the opportunity to
patriarchal culture in which her uncle and prospective husband arrange her future.
Dubhtach was in a later tradition made a prospective husband for Saint Brigit.
woman in the world, cannot marry unless her prospective husband is able to turn £500 into £15,000 w
Lady Holyrood, with no prospective husbands in sight, decides that Gilfain wil
Prospective image presentation of King Cross Leopolis
A prospective immigrant worker will not be granted a perm
vernment, Hanotea would take money from the prospective immigrants, and then use this money to buy
Ladies' Agreement closed this loophole for prospective immigrants.
Wanniski not only recognized the prospective importance of the Iraqi WMD question before
tta after tensions between Schicchi and his prospective in-laws have reached a breaking point that
ddition to the architectural history of its prospective inhabitants.
Camp: An Informative and Helpful Guide for Prospective Inmates, which was published in February 20
Many of the prospective interviewees slammed the phone down on them
1, partly due to Williams' decision to back prospective investor Mo Chaudry over existing chairman
California's governor and prospective investors from Silicon Valley are in Russia
stry through the attraction of vacationers, prospective investors, and new residents.
vers visible marketing campaigns to attract prospective investors; has established a Skills Vision
tudents to establish contacts and determine prospective jobs that coincide with their needs.
Following interest shown by prospective junior sides at the letter stages of the 20
as the loyal Royalist chief adviser to the prospective King Charles II of England, James's elder b
They released this demo to prospective labels and producers; the track "Spit It Ou
Rathbun), the band recorded a new demo for prospective labels.
o that, a further complication was that the prospective Labour candidate for Peckham was John Becke
l vote system used for the selection of the prospective Labour candidate for Erith and Thamesmead.
ur Rahman announced his intention to be the prospective Labour Party candidate for Bethnal Green an
bour Party and is standing in Earcroft as a prospective Labour candidate.
A headhunter may entice the prospective labourer with promises of a work permit, an
by H.G. Wells, the film involves a group of prospective land buyers led by a land developer, pitted
Following the election he was adopted as Prospective Liberal candidate, first for Islington East
He was re-selected as prospective Liberal candidate, but in 1903 he resigned
dvised Congress to move the location of the prospective light to the mouth of the Thunder Bay River
natural resources, particularly in terms of prospective lithium reserves".
located on the East Coast, Price considered prospective locations in Florida, New York City and Was
client data for licence in the World's most prospective locations.
cultural and political differences to keep prospective lovers from marrying.
a fixed permanent dome was necessary for a prospective major league team to be viable in the area,
For example, there are contests which prospective mangaka may enter, sponsored by manga edito
chool has been offering pre-sea training to prospective mariners since 1787.
l in small Jewish communities where meeting prospective marriage partners is limited, and this give

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