




該当件数 : 25

de in the will of Robert May who left a mere 50 quid, a local mercer, and the first school premises
Quis, quid, cur, quomodo, ubi, quando, quibus auxiliis.
Quid de natura et origine mali senserit Kantius (the
Quid e Azam public high school HASSU WALI
I 21), Epistolae ad studentes Coligii Navarrae, quid et qualiter studere debeat novus ideologiae aud
Quid expectamus nunc."
Usual reading: quid expectamus nunc.
owe, a gangster to whom he owes several hundred quid for a gambling debt.
Jackie's remark about asking Rose to put in a quid for the lottery money indicates that it's very
parked near the restrooms of a service station, Quid investigates.
Quid Non Pro Patria by John H. Gray (2007, Christchu
Later that night, Quid notices the van parked off the side of the road
Quid picks up a hitchhiker, Pamela Rushworth (Jamie
Each had agreed to participate because of a quid pro quo: Oceans Eleven, their film being releas
In what some saw as a quid pro quo, she was placed first on the party's li
ot a sufficient ground for an assumpsit without quid pro quo (3) the contract should have been plead
He had a quid pro quo relationship with Rain.
Quid pro quo: Studies in the History of Drugs (Alder
How to Rob a Bank (2007), Sleepwalking (2008), Quid Pro Quo (2008).
Videant Consules: Ne Quid Respublica Detrimenti Capiat (1890) (Let the co
city of Belfast has the Latin motto "Pro tanto quid retribuamus."
Quid takes pursuit of the van, and notices that the
Missa Quid vobis videtur (1670)
d is literally "For (Pro) so much (tanto) what ( quid) we shall repay (retribuamus)" The verse has be
arettes, in the saliva of people who chew betel quid with tobacco, and in the saliva of oral-snuff u

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