



「a float」の共起表現一覧(1語右で並び替え)

該当件数 : 160

Desperate to stay afloat, Abner takes on a new partner, Osborn Tremain
Afloat after the tests but contaminated by radioactiv
Shikishima was still afloat after the Pacific War, somehow escaping Americ
r magazine as she assisted CSS Richmond to get afloat; all but two of her crew had reached safety be
ime and the only bark-rigged yacht of her size afloat, Aloha was scrapped in 1938.
incipal is struggling to keep the young school afloat amid budget cuts, No Child Left Behind Act dem
t 20 years, Bentley struggled to keep his firm afloat amidst increasing competition, legal problems
Various duties, afloat and ashore, on both coasts, Atlantic and Pacif
proudly displayed in the squadron's ready room afloat and ashore.
tended a $40,000 loan to the school to keep it afloat, and in 1996 they bought the school outright.
ured centre section of the ship would keep her afloat and upright.
ck by sea not only by the Russian war-vessels, afloat and sunken, but also by heavy granite forts on
f the postwar period a Rear Admiral, was based afloat, and tasked with keeping the fleet 'up to the
ation's ratings failed to keep the talk format afloat, and on the morning of December 22, 2006, afte
ling their Abbey Stadium home to keep the club afloat and closing the youth system.
The Titanic was the largest vessel afloat, and was widely believed to be unsinkable.
The Poseidon is still afloat, and the six survivors of Reverend Scott's tea
In 1879 Tizard resumed surveying duties afloat, and took charge of the Home survey.
Fleet Tactics Under Steam, The Naval Howitzer Afloat, and other valuable works.
Citrus pulled her afloat and the latter continued on under its own powe
At 1253, Plunger finds Kinai Maru still afloat and torpedoes her again, without sinking her.
ignia, Surfman Badge and the Officer in Charge Afloat and Ashore devices.
War, and after the war held high commands both afloat and ashore.
ncluded staff and operational assignments both afloat and ashore throughout the United States, and a
She remained afloat and ran aground near Salamaua at 7.01 N, 147.0
the plug allows the island of GreatLog to stay afloat and without it, it will sink.
e by a number of key individuals kept the club afloat and, by the end of the 1999/2000 season, Birst
th Yorktown and Hammann, the carrier remaining afloat another 16 hours before she succumbed.
entrepreneurs attempting to keep their company afloat as the stock market begins to collapse in Augu
highlights included serving as a deck officer afloat, as an aviator performing search and rescue pa
val Academy and at Keyport, Washington; served afloat as Executive Officer of USS Huron; and was Com
served additionally as Senior Officer Present Afloat at Inchon, Korea.
vented so that it would go underwater but keep afloat at a particular depth.
Empire Beaumont was still afloat at 16:45 although it was believed that she had
Her hull and reactor are currently laid up afloat at Devonport Dockyard, Plymouth until faciliti
Her hull and reactor are currently laid up afloat at Devonport Dockyard, Plymouth, Devon until f
ry 2008, Spartan's hulk was photographed still afloat at Donjon Marine Yard (formally Whitte Brother
U.S. Coast Guard Command Afloat Badge
uses an equivalent insignia called the Command Afloat Badge.
ed a 2nd-Team All-Star, helped the Flyers stay afloat, but they lost in the first round to the Buffa
of not only the Hood, the largest warship then afloat, but also another battlecruiser, HMS Repulse,
f went broke trying to keep his many interests afloat but turned down advice to declare bankruptcy.
, the Hudson's Bay Company heard she was still afloat, but was too far a-sea to salvage.
Black kept his district afloat by rushing large quantities of cash to banks t
As part of the effort by some chapters to stay afloat by severing ties with the national organizatio
By February 2000, the team was being kept afloat by the league itself.
e knowledge of literature and kept the company afloat by publishing a number of non-literary books.
s to be in danger of capsizing, Chase was kept afloat by the skillful work of her crew and towed int
He held major posts ashore and afloat, chief of which were commanding the naval forc
his headquarters ashore to resume status as an afloat commander for the first time since World War I
9) When and Where We Met Each Other On Shore & Afloat: Data Concerning the Army Corps and Legends of
she continued to run the magazine and kept it afloat during Larry's brief return to religion in 197
of the Institute and helped keep the Institute afloat during the Depression.
cess Royal and remained there until his career afloat ended in 1802.
of the leaf water-repellent, keeping the plant afloat even after being pushed under.
sultant to help the district find ways to stay afloat financially until the homes could be built and
In 1904, the company was unable to remain afloat financially, and to add to the mill's problems
ns and 704 ft (215 m), she is the largest ship afloat, following scrapping of the SS Great Eastern a
edited with keeping the troubled Eaton's chain afloat for another two decades before it finally succ
The distance afloat for paddlers from the put-in at Wilbur Dam to
The ship was kept afloat for several hours, which allowed the crew to b
ip and skilled damage control work kept Neosho afloat for the next four days.
The bow remained afloat for a short time before sinking, during which
The Leopoldville stayed afloat for two and a half hours after the torpedo hit
While the acquisition kept Infocom afloat for a few more years, bad luck and poor manage
duced to junk although she stubbornly remained afloat for a short while.
Captain Edward F. Ney Memorial Award Submarine Afloat Galley competition for outstanding food servic
t attached to huge pumpkins as a means to stay afloat; German wenches, Venetian ladies and intimate
ennessee River of the last Confederate vessels afloat, giving Union warships complete control of the
In his first use of strength afloat, Grant countered a Confederate move into the S
85, and being then unable to obtain employment afloat he went, in October 1786, to France on a twelv
larreal's B-team, but the club managed to stay afloat in this case, also in the second level.
fitted beneath the wings to keep the aircraft afloat in the event of ditching into the sea, with a
e River, and the remains of a dredge are still afloat in a pond off the Swan River.
He served afloat in the battleship HMS Canada at the Battle of
's Trick and he used Gas to keep the Iron Bird afloat in the Iron Bird episode.
Although the project struggled to stay afloat in its first years of operation, it eventually
bark Arthur as well as the other Union forces afloat in the area, left his ship and entered Aransas
which helps the player keep the power-up bells afloat in the side-scrolling stages.
During the next 15 years, he served afloat in the Brazil Squadron and the China Squadron
Afloat in The Forest
By 11 April she was still afloat in the dock.
ne and Sullivan prisons keep the local economy afloat in the off-season.
scow schooners save Alma are known to survive afloat in the United States.
rly 1960s, Rona was the last of her kind still afloat in Australia.
nd World War and is the oldest submarine still afloat in the world today.
Corpses littered the streets and were seen afloat in rivers for weeks, and many structures in th
e that has deliberately or accidentally become afloat in a lake, sea, ocean or waterway.
on to Aadipperukku where lighted lamps are set afloat in the river.
, the erstwhile minecraft was reportedly still afloat in a back channel, in a "non-operable conditio
in Albany, New York, the only one of its kind afloat in the United States.
avits on Beacon Quay but from 1918 it was kept afloat in the harbour until 1928.
acing up to 14 ft (4.3 m) boats) and the Youth Afloat initiative, which provides sailing experience
The Command Afloat insignia is worn in the same manner as the Com
chapter 3.E., the command ashore and command afloat insignia are considered equivalent.
Thunder Afloat is a 1939 World War I naval film starring Wall
thousands of paying visitors who keep Kentwell afloat is owner Patrick Phillips, a distantly paterna
lready ruptured, Oceanic would not have stayed afloat long in open waters.
lets go of the line and Tom struggles to stay afloat, losing the string.
ire crew of the George Prince had duties while afloat; none of these duties were to serve as lookout
rrently operational World War II Liberty ships afloat of the 2,710 built during the war (the other b
hree enemy aircraft destroyed on the ground or afloat on the water.
His staff assignments were both afloat on a Carrier Battle Group staff and ashore on
Still afloat on 11 May at 0600, Plunger surfaces and sinks
ng stockpiled in the UK, Cyprus, Singapore and afloat on carriers.
"It looks as if the ship will stay afloat only for a very short time.
st of its first 40 years on the air, it stayed afloat only because of the revenues from CFCM (long t
ho performs twenty one days of cumulative duty afloat or ashore north of the Arctic Circle.
Officer-in-Charge Afloat Pin
Then NTPF became the Afloat Prepositioning Force (AFP) and eventually Comp
the West Island College International's Class Afloat program, was abandoned approximately 300 nauti
ast Guard cutter to participate in Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT 97) held in Sout
d around an annual exercise called Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) 2004.
Ford completed a Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) deployment star
f Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the afloat recovery teams for Gemini 6 and Gemini 7. It i
To stay afloat, several loans were made, which eventually acc
Primrose Hill remained afloat so at 2246 hrs UD-5 fired her 88 mm (3.5 in) d
iami in actions that kept the Jamaican economy afloat that decade.
The next morning, when Onward was again afloat, the expedition once more headed for deep wate
alibre were perfectly able to destroy any ship afloat, the larger guns were chosen, and mounted sing
It kept us afloat the whole time we were down working on the new
ships up to and including the largest warships afloat, the Nimitz class aircraft carriers.
hout running aground at low tide and to remain afloat, the "Float" was constructed: the Tawe was div
the tanuki was failing in its struggle to stay afloat, the rabbit proclaimed its friendship with the
time, and although extremely damaged, remained afloat, the diminishing number of survivors continuin
Keeping Tito Afloat: The United States, Yugoslavia, and the Cold W
ter the release and tour supporting The Family Afloat the band separated.
In order to stay afloat, the player must constantly watch Tails' fligh
iver to attack the weakened Union forces there afloat, the monitor dropped downstream to a position
and more fire from guns than any other cruiser afloat, they were virtually defenseless against torpe
After days afloat, they arrive and are stranded on a lush tropic
Once both boats were safely afloat, they made for the St. Mark's blockade where t
tunity" and that his main task was to "keep us afloat this year and get us in a position where we ca
rving Gerstein, Easton kept the party finances afloat through the 2000 election campaign and left th
primarily credited with keeping the Syndicate afloat through the Great Depression, and with revisin
one in 1979, when she became the first warship afloat to hold a Court Martial in over 10 years, duri
972, HMS Eastbourne replaced HMS Rapid as the ' afloat' training ship for the Artificer Apprentices a
second Hispanic-American female to command an afloat unit.
he too jumped overboard and helped keep Robey afloat until all three men were picked up by the ship
ween Taranto and Piraeus, she was able to stay afloat until temporary repairs could be made in Greec
some publishers tried to keeping the subgenre afloat until the next upturn in the popularity of Reg
nlon maintained that, as Republic had remained afloat until the day after the collision, she could h
Her crew kept her afloat until rescue came next morning.
Salvage efforts kept her afloat until she could be towed to Ulithi for repairs
Low jumped into the water and kept the man afloat until they were both picked up by a boat.
led authorities to strive for days to keep her afloat, until the attempts failed and the ship was ab
n John Handran, jumped overboard and kept Neil afloat until a boat could be sent to their assistance
opened by Shell in 1924, whilst BP were still afloat using a converted passenger liner as a fuel te
Murder Afloat was named to the 2011-2012 Dorothy Canfield Fi
The Young Teazer, gutted but still partially afloat, was surrounded by floating bodies and wreckag
compartments, actually meant to keep the ship afloat, were meant to shelter passengers.
Many incomplete ships which were afloat were evacuated to harbors in Georgia which pro
in the fund-raising campaign to keep the club afloat when it was forced into administration in the
Still afloat when the Japanese invasion force landed on Gua
f several imperialisms, and are now being kept afloat with a lot of distortive intellectual and prop
particularly profitable and struggled to stay afloat with as few as 300 carloads of freight being s
war, he alternated tours of command ashore and afloat with tours of ordnance duty, including a missi
The family home was set afloat with his parents and 15 refugees from the stor
e more torpedo, the Atik still remained mostly afloat with her bow slowly settling.
Enough troops from each of the units afloat would be left at a land base to maintain equip

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