





該当件数 : 542

predators by scraping dust over their dorsal abdomen, a behavior also observed in T. phyllosoma, T
and (occasionally) adjacent joints, distended abdomen, a brownish tint to the skin, anemia, low blo
ing of gray pruinescence near the base of the abdomen; a few develop the same color pattern as the
of the head pile, the mostly black thorax and abdomen, a single yellow thoracic stripe on the lower
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen above dark brownish black, the thorax and bas
Antennae black; head, thorax and abdomen above black; the head and thorax beneath, the
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen above up to the preanal segment black; the he
ine, and covers the whole of the front of the abdomen; above, it is covered by and gives origin to
The ant has an oddly shaped abdomen, adapted for hunting its exclusive meal of sp
June 2010 due to an abscess infection in her abdomen, almost similar to the same illness that kill
It is the abdomen alone which is visible from above, providing
is one of the nine anatomical regions of the abdomen, along with the right and left hypochondria,
, orange, or yellow patch near the tip of the abdomen along with a crescent shaped band near the fr
The abdomen also has a pale central band, interrupted by
The thorax is densely hairy, while the abdomen alternate black and white stripes.
The genitalia is located on the end of the abdomen and in the males is a bright red color.
The males do not have any red coloring on the abdomen and possess a noticeably long ovipositor, cha
e extraperitoneal space is the portion of the abdomen and pelvis which does not lie within peritone
A few species have blue metallic bands on the abdomen, and are referred to as "Blue banded bees".
blue wings, head and tail with white breast, abdomen and nape.
about the size of a shilling, with a speckled abdomen and legs of enormous length" which appeared t
ostly dark-coloured insect with shining-black abdomen and brownish-black thorax and legs.
The abdomen and legs are covered in long hairs, dense on
It is a speckled brown insect with a broad abdomen, and is common in most parts of Europe.
and are characterized by a pointed end of the abdomen and a well-developed genital apparatus visibl
hen develops massive internal bleeding in her abdomen, and tests show she has acute liver failure a
March 25th from gunshot wounds to his chest, abdomen and liver.
an ant due to its small size and its ant-like abdomen and small bumpy thorax.
high rock and grooming its brood pouch on its abdomen and releasing the fertilized eggs in the wate
e known for their habit of raising their long abdomen and opening their jaws, like a threatened sco
species by the long, dense hairs covering the abdomen and legs.
The abdomen and wings are brown to dark brown but with fe
In addition to its bright orange abdomen and prominent, heavy black setae, this specie
small slender black insects with a compressed abdomen and the clypeus is confluent with the rest of
-old boy, Benjamin Kadish, who was hit in the abdomen and leg, losing 50 percent of his blood; two
The antennae, abdomen and legs are ochreous-whitish, the anterior l
a coat-like carapace; a muscular, cylindrical abdomen; and a tail fan featuring a telson with a v-s
were put between plates that pressed against abdomen and their back.
emales usually present two white spots at the abdomen and males are usually darker with a more unif
spots along the side of the body (between the abdomen and tail-base), white markings on the edge of
bright yellow coloration on their head, legs, abdomen, and elsewhere.
be easily told apart by the scaled crabs soft abdomen and characteristic pattern of scales.
finale of the first season, TJ is shot in her abdomen, and although she survives, her very prematur
is a dark wasp with some yellow bands on the abdomen, and very fine, slightly shining golden-brown
The male has a swollen tip to his abdomen, and the female has a pointed ovipositor whic
The throat, breast, abdomen and under-wing coverts are greyish blue to la
have limited wing musculature with a rounded abdomen and thorax, similar in appearance to a number
s (about 0.6 mm long) are black with a yellow abdomen and opalescent wings.
k and wing cases (elytra) and yellow on their abdomen and legs.
as indigestion (dyspepsia), distention of the abdomen and ulceration (peptic ulcer)
ecially abundant on the posterior wall of the abdomen, and particularly around the kidneys, where i
ots on the pelvis, the tail root, the ventral abdomen and on the udder.
al named Steven Carson was shot in the chest, abdomen and leg in Crescent Beach, Florida.
re green, with short spikes at the tip of the abdomen, and a pair of barbed spikes projecting forwa
ays on the roach, then chews its way into its abdomen and proceeds to live as an endoparasitoid.
The abdomen and legs are ochreous-whitish.
hester, Smith sent a bullet into Reid's lower abdomen and groin.
Freeborn, Ward was struck by a bullet in his abdomen and fell to the deck, mortally wounded.
It was small in size, and its abdomen and appendages are unknown.
While at rest, it is retracted under the abdomen and held there by a structure variously calle
It is a dark honey bee with yellow abdomen, and is a small subspecies like the races Sou
riction behind the head, a strongly petiolate abdomen, and deep grooves on the thorax.
uccessfully removed the round from McCarthy's abdomen, and he fully recovered.
bee, the group continually stung the spider's abdomen, and the spider runs off.
ld during pregnancy, The Boss was shot in the abdomen, and Ocelot was born through a messy C-sectio
The pose strengthens the abdomen and the legs.
pots in the middle of the ventral side of the abdomen, and by the presence of black rings around th
The face, chin, chest, abdomen and thighs were orange.
is recognisable by the yellow markings on the abdomen and hind legs which are absent on the male.
Mature male with blue-white abdomen and thorax.
bluish-white pruinescence on the back of the abdomen and, in western individuals, on the thorax.
The head, thorax and abdomen are black-brown glossed with greenish blue, t
The head, thorax and abdomen are black-brown with a slight bluish gloss, t
margins; the legs and the roughly cylindrical abdomen are greyish-black, the latter marked dorsally
The elongated spots on the abdomen are possibly pointed on one end, this forms a
hich ranges from the throat to the top of the abdomen) are not gray-based.
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen are the same as in the male.
band across the upper chest together with its abdomen are either yellow or orange.
The head, thorax, legs and abdomen are dusky gray with bright bronze reflections
The terminal segments of its abdomen are white-yellow and glow when the insect man
The head, thorax, and abdomen are white and slightly tinged with rufous.
The first two segments of the abdomen are translucently yellow with a dark-brown ba
sterior portion of the thorax and base of the abdomen are pale brown with a prominent dark brown do
aliinae (which have a more yellowish and dull abdomen) are usually included herein, as are in older
The head, thorax and abdomen are black-brown glossed with blue-green, the
her clubtails, the segments at the tip of its abdomen are wider than the rest.
n from the trunk and the posterior, while the abdomen area gradually merges with the anterior of th
at cramps are associated with cramping in the abdomen, arms and calves.
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in P. palinurus.
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the typical form.
After Yin Wang stabbed her in the abdomen as she tried to escape, she gave birth to two
ed and the elytrae are quite shorter than the abdomen, as in other Meloinae species
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in M. adolphei.
arger than the male and has a sharply pointed abdomen as compared to the male's blunt one.
emale is receptive, it will often vibrate its abdomen as well.
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in doubledayi, but the head entirely vermi
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the male.
On March 5, 1892, he was shot in the abdomen at his home by a beggar named Jose Mizrachee.
tance from the small of the back to the upper abdomen at the point midway between the top of the pe
hat which would objectively scald an infant's abdomen because the temperature at which people will
thorax in front and beneath, legs, middle of abdomen beneath, and anal tuft bright orange yellow.
terspaces 6 and 7. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black, paler beneath.
tennae black, white at apex; head, thorax and abdomen black, with some white hairs; beneath: whitis
Abdomen black, clothed above and on sides with irides
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black; two spots on the head, the thorax and
Antennae, thorax posteriorly and abdomen black; head and thorax in front red; beneath:
brown, speckled with white; head, thorax and abdomen black; head and thorax anteriorly clothed wit
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black; thorax and abdomen on the sides and be
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen blackish brown; beneath, palpi, thorax and ab
Antenna, head, thorax and abdomen blackish, the antenna ringed with white, the
, firing a Hadoken right through the cyborg's abdomen, blasting Shun out of its body.
estinal Canal, Liver and other Viscera of the Abdomen, both published in 1828.
Busby was shot in the arm, and Wren in the abdomen; both were taken to The Regional Medical Cent
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen bright ochraceous.
ic copper highlights and the underside of the abdomen brown and the upper side brown with metallic
t in interspace 5. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown above; antennae excepted, ochraceous ye
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown.
Antennas, head, thorax and abdomen brown; the antennae spotted with white on the
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown; antennae sometimes cinereous white on
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown; club of the antennae ochraceous, marke
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen brown; the club of the antennae with black an
Antenna:, head, thorax and abdomen brown; antennae annulated with white, ochrace
k ; head and thorax black spotted with white; abdomen brownish above, dusky white below.
ack, the thorax with dark greyish pubescence, abdomen brownish-black; beneath and the abdomen later
ilar with the thorax and anterior part of the abdomen brownish-orange.
Symptoms include enlargement of abdomen, bursa, weight loss, weakness and emaciation,
imilar in color to the male on the thorax and abdomen but is not as bright.
ighter, yellowish banding on the sides of the abdomen, but this is often difficult.
m with a knife, revealing a stab wound on his abdomen, but disposes of the weapon when Fatboy leave
Mayor Patrick Kombayi, who was shot in lower abdomen but survived the shooting, were pardoned imme
and Schensnovich was severely wounded in the abdomen by shrapnel.
gallant officer was seriously wounded in the abdomen by a sniper, but before permitting himself to
The sympathetic chain enters the abdomen by passing deep to this ligament.
injury sustained after a gunshot wound to the abdomen by Bianca Montgomery in August 2003.
en required is supplied through a tube in the abdomen called the abdominal trachea.
These types of openings in the abdomen can usually be detected by AFP screening or a
The striped abdomen can confuse them with some Hymenoptera for pr
surgery, increased pressure in the stretched abdomen can compromise the function of the organs ins
n the second and third segments of the male's abdomen can be noticed; these are absent in female.
pa of a Halictid bee; the entire hind leg and abdomen carry pollen
g longer hind tarsi than the females with the abdomen channelled beneath allowing them to mount fem
Gomphus vulgatissimus, showing the "clubbed" abdomen characteristic of the family.
he trunk and upper body, in areas such as the abdomen, chest, shoulder and nape of neck.
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen chocolate-brown above, ochraceous beneath.
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen chocolate-brown.
bird, being different by the lower breast and abdomen coloration, male's distinctive growling song
rge, with the thorax and anterior part of the abdomen coloured orange, followed by a black band.
ansparency under the membrane the back of the abdomen completely black.
ch of which bears one pair of legs, while the abdomen comprises six segments.
s in interspace 5. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen concolorous with the wings above, paler below
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen concolorous with the upperside of the wings.
Abdomen conical.
bly refers to way the cerci at the end of the abdomen curve outward like a dog wagging its tail one
Antennae black; head, thorax and abdomen dark indigo-blue: beneath, the palpi, thorax
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown ; beneath, palpi, thorax and abdom
kings are similar, Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown in both sexes ; beneath in the mal
Antennae very dark brown; head, thorax and abdomen dark brown, the former two speckled sparsely
Abdomen dark grey, beneath and on sides whitish, with
Abdomen dark greyish-fuscous.
Abdomen dark fuscous.
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown; beneath: the palpi and thorax whi
Antenna), head, thorax and abdomen dark brown ; beneath : the palpi, thorax and
Antennae, head, thorax, and abdomen dark velvety brown, the abdomen glossed with
Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen dark brown, a little purplish on the thorax;
te; apex of club also white; head, thorax and abdomen dark brown, the thorax in fresh specimens wit
Males typically have a slender abdomen, darker anterior appendages and the embolus i
ore colourful than the male, has a bright red abdomen decorated with many deep black pits.
udal appendages (structures at the tip of the abdomen) differ between the species and can be compar
Instead they rub their abdomen directly on their perceived attacker.
When a bee consumes honey the bee's abdomen distends, making it difficult to make the nec
Abdomen dorsally shining pale golden brown, laterally
Abdomen dorsally shining dark brown with reddish glos
Abdomen dorsally yellowish with golden and reddish gl
Abdomen dorsally shining dark brown, ventrally shinin
Abdomen dorsally dark brown, ventrally paler, anal tu
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown, segments whitish ed
Abdomen dorsally shining brown with some reddish glos
Abdomen dorsally dark greyish brown with greenish and
Abdomen dorsally dark greyish brown with reddish glos
Abdomen dorsally shining brown, seventh segment bande
own: palpi with the 2nd joint brown at sides; abdomen dorsally dark brown, ventrally ochreous tinge
Abdomen dorsally shining pale yellow, segments banded
Abdomen dorsally dark brownish grey, segment six band
Abdomen dorsally shining brown, ventrally lighter, se
Abdomen dorsally shining golden yellow, laterally and
Abdomen dorsally pale ochreous-yellow, ventrally shin
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown with reddish gloss,
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown with reddish reflect
Abdomen dorsally dark brown with reddish gloss, later
Abdomen dorsally shining brown, segments banded shini
Abdomen dorsally pale greyish brown with greenish and
Abdomen dorsally ochreous brown, ventrally shining da
Abdomen dorsally shining ochreous-yellow, segment sev
Abdomen dorsally dark brown, segments posteriorly ban
Abdomen dorsally yellow, first segment yellowish whit
Abdomen dorsally from shining pale ochreous to pale b
Abdomen dorsally ochreous, laterally shining pale gol
Abdomen dorsally shining dark brown with greenish and
Abdomen dorsally bronze brown with reddish gloss, ven
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown, ventrally brownish

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