



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > certifiedの意味・解説 > certifiedに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 1934

Billboard Top Pop Albums chart, and has been certified a platinum album by the RIAA.
96,000 in its first week and has since been certified a gold record.
n the Hot 100 chart in November 1974 and was certified a Gold Record by the RIAA.
the Billboard 200 album chart, and has been certified a platinum album by the RIAA.
The single was certified a gold record by the RIAA.
n December 2010, A U.S. district court judge certified a class action anti-trust lawsuit against El
2007 a federal district court in California certified a class action against the company.
e Highlights, released August 2001, has been certified a GOLD single, by the RIAA Recording Industr
It was certified a historic location on Thursday July 19, 198
She has been certified a true Albino American Bison.
"Let Me Think About It" has been certified a Platinum Award for more than 18,000 sold s
In August, he certified a class-action lawsuit on behalf of all of G
It has been certified a gold album by the RIAA.
Evans III, MD is board certified, a fellow in the American College of Surgeon
of the Parliament Feargus O'Connor was then certified a lunatic, and therefore, as not unusual in
ricon Weekly Album Charts and has since been certified a million seller by the Recording Industry A
remained in the Top 40 for 14 weeks and was certified a gold record by the RIAA.
copies in its first week, and has since been certified a platinum record.
The environmental management is certified according to ISO 14001:2004.
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Fellow of both the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and the Institute of Char
, Research Board of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
school include the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the Chartered Institute of Mana
is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
IATI, CIMA Certificate in Business and ACCA Certified Accounting Technician courses are also run a
een torn down and will be replaced by a LEED certified addition that will house the library and com
Other designations include: Certified Advanced Primary Stroke Center, One of the B
Each major release of MyFaces Core is certified against the Sun TCK to ensure compliance.
Newgen's Quality Systems are certified against ISO 9001:2008 and Information Securi
to its CALEA accreditation, ACCPD is a State Certified agency by the State of Georgia and the first
AirStar is a Fully FAA Certified Air Charter Airline to Serve The Bahamas, th
eum and Warbird Restoration Center and 3 FAA certified airframe and power plant mechanics.
pilot in the United States, and the youngest certified airplane mechanic.
"Black and Blue" features on the double gold certified album Toward The Blues which was released in
,000 units, becoming Pena's seventh Platinum certified album by the RIAA.
st recently the Sam Roberts Band, whose gold certified album Love at the End of the World garnered
e Will Rise Again" from Loverboy's 1987 gold certified album Wildside, both singles "Amnesia" and "
only includes contestants with at least one certified album.
She is also a certified alcohol and drug counselor and prevention sp
s of a California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified alternative diesel formulation that was appr
In 2008 the song has been certified an IMPALA Diamond Award for selling more tha
He is board certified and licensed to practice Pulmonary Medicine
by the Reformed Church in America, they are certified and credentialed for ministry in the Reforme
ter Boyz, Vol. 1, Mississippi: The Album and Certified, and Banner appeared on "AKA Mr. Sho-Nuff: F
Most cleaning products are Green Seal certified, and even used pizza boxes can be composted.
Parkview Baptist School is fully certified and praised by the National Football League
FARO Technologies is ISO 9001 certified and ISO-17025 laboratory registered.
The CJI is certified and approved by Florida Department of Law En
Pardot is AppExchange certified and integrates with salesforce.com,
nd Research Centre (AIMS) is a ISO 9001:2000 certified and NABH accredited private medical college
me of the members of the fire department are certified and trained in CPR, first aid, swiftwater re
The $43 million building aims to be LEED certified and will be completed in 2011.
After this is done, the registers will be certified and will be used for the election until a ne
, Information Technology which include Cisco Certified and Microsoft Certifications for networking
ng, designed by Lord, Aeck & Sargent is LEED Certified, and the exhibits, designed by AldrichPears
source software components which are tested, certified and productized distributions of Apache Soft
The fire crew is CAA Certified and provide 24 hour cover.
family housing project in the USA to be LEED Certified and has shifted thinking about "Sustainable
The course is USATF certified and is popular with runners seeking to quali
son that is neither trained in first aid nor certified, and who performs first aid incorrectly, can
ip in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified and includes programs like worm casting, wat
expert knowledge of more than 100 RVIA/RVDA certified and master certified technicians is pooled t
(also called as Bulk Drugs) and is ISO 9001 certified and has Therapeutic Goods Administration (TG
He is AMS Certified and one of the five (5) meteorologists that
with services being offered 24/7 by Florida certified and sworn law enforcement officers and non-s
f ServiceMix called FUSE ESB that is tested, certified and supported.
*Talend Integration Factory that is tested, certified and supported.
called Fuse Mediation Router that is tested, certified and supported.
rom Brandeis University and is MySQL 5.0 DBA Certified and MySQL Core Certified.
By 2004, the building was certified and listed with the National Register of His
n sold within the European Community must be certified and labeled with the CE mark.
ent Technologies is ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485 certified and ITAR registered.
A board certified anesthesiologist, he holds a Bachelor of Sci
It specialized in certified Angus beef entrees.
The RIAA certified Animal Magnetism as Gold on 8 March 1984, an
arketing, thus they cannot be considered THX certified anymore.
ide in unlabeled containers, and not being a certified applicator.
-90, a member of the American Association of Certified Appraisers, and a director of the Bank of Ma
Lichterman Nature Center, a certified arboretum located in Memphis, Tennessee off
Dunn is a certified arborist.
Learning Computer Lab Media Retrieval System Certified Art Specialist Certified P. E. Specialist Ce
remaining on them for 16 weeks, and had been certified as a double platinum record by the Recording
as "open source", as of July 2007 it was not certified as such by the OSI.
In 2010 the Polytechnic was certified as an ISO 9001 2000 institute.
ussian Empire (today in Poland), Goldrat was certified as a rabbi following his studies.
Thompson was certified as the winner by the Iowa Secretary of State
salem and at the University of London, being certified as a lawyer in 1951.
of the Zionist Students Association, and was certified as a lawyer.
In August 2009, it was certified as a CMMi Level 3 software development cente
In 1991 she certified as a Space Shuttle Test Project Engineer (TP
Raleigh's bid was certified as the winner with 241 votes out of 276 cast
EGMME had been certified as a pesticide by the EPA, but as the requir
ptain Leo Goss, several police officers were certified as Emergency Medical Technicians and the tra
for nearly a year before more officers were certified as paramedics and placed into active service
a movement passed the Observatory, it became certified as an Observatory Chronometer and received a
st is the first step toward getting the area certified as part of the Oklahoma Main Street program,
He was also certified as a Mediator by the North Carolina Courts i
Simpson is certified as a school principal, supervisor of student
ed the Law School of Jerusalem, where he was certified as a lawyer, and from 1934 onwards practiced
It was certified as a gold record by the RIAA.
In June 2009, Lawlers has been certified as fully compliant with the International Cy
She was restored in 1991 and is certified as a training and working museum ship.
tor (CHA) diploma, which means the person is certified as a member of the industrial elite in hospi
ies of highly secure firewalls and gateways, certified as 'fit for purpose' by the Defence Signals
ve qualified electors requesting that she be certified as a candidate.
Among the site's top critics, the film was certified as "Fresh", with 60% of the 10 reviews being
-selling jazz album of all time, having been certified as quadruple platinum (4 million copies sold
It reportedly sold 410,103 copies and was certified as the 13th best-selling song of 2006 with t
ease of her fiftieth single L. The single is certified as a gold album by the RIAJ, for a shipment
Her self-titled debut album was certified as a gold album in the United States.
ermine whether a wool yarn or product can be certified as organic.
not all of the Burger Ranch restaurants are certified as kosher.
Wine was first certified as KwaZulu-Natal Wine Of Origin by The Stabl
Dorfman was certified as a shochet (ritual slaughterer) by the Rab
It was certified as a national laboratory on May 7, 2004.
month after the primary election, AuCoin was certified as having won by 330 votes.
Punjabi was given to him by 3HO when he was certified as a Kundalini Yoga teacher.
Album sales were certified as double platinum in 2002 by the Recording
The album was certified as 2x Platinum in the UK.
tain is the only winery in the state that is certified as biodynamic.
ucated in the Slabodka yeshiva, before being certified as a rabbi.
ubernatorial race in U.S. history; Rossi was certified as Governor-elect before losing a hand recou
The Company is certified as ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 complian
#3 on the Billboard 200 music chart, and was certified as triple platinum, becoming the best-sellin
hen at the School for Jurisprudence, and was certified as a lawyer.
He was eventually certified as an international athletics judge, a role
t is sometimes asserted, these delis are not certified as kosher.
She was certified as an international brevet judge in 2004, an
the next year, and on February 15, 2005, was certified as a diamond record by the RIAA.
Partaking growers can get their vineyards certified as producing sustainability grown wine grape
n the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and was certified as a lawyer.
In 2008 after being certified as a kundalini yoga teacher he founded BLU Y
rs Transfer Program: the only honors program certified as part of the UCLA Transfer Alliance
mbership, including children and adults, are certified as having learning disabilities.
He made aliyah to Israel in 1949, and was certified as a rabbi.
He attended a yeshiva and was certified as a rabbi.
e Ewers is an industrial engineer, and he is certified as Class 1 status.
The farm was certified as organic in 1997, following a three year c
Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he was certified as a lawyer.
accessible areas of the structure have been certified as having radiation levels equivalent to bac
lists food products and ingredients that are certified as Halal.
He is also state certified as firefighter and paramedic.
In 2008, after being certified as a personal trainer by the National Academ
In 1940, the entire alignment became certified as OH 18.
Enlarged to Show Detail was certified as a Platinum selling video by the RIAA.
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and was certified as a lawyer.
The album was certified as double platinum in the US in 2001 by the
inspected on several occasions and had been certified as being safe and that "I do not consider th
O) Special Publication S-57 before it can be certified as an ENC.
The album was certified as 3x Platinum in the UK.
The album was certified as Platinum in the UK.
n, and Switzerland among others but has been certified as a safe food additive in the EU and is tod
the gardens has changed, they continue to be certified as organic.
By 1980, smallpox was certified as being eradicated from the world.
The election was certified as free and fair.
Bergman was certified as a swimming instructor, social worker and
before studying law in Warsaw, where he was certified as a lawyer.
track also managed to sell very well; it was certified as double platinum less than two months afte
Piraiki products are certified as organic by the Organisation for the Contr
ique of locational astrology in which he was certified as an interpreter by Jim Lewis.
The song was certified as a gold record by the RIAJ in Japan for a
Cypress Ridge has been certified as a Signature Sanctuary by Audubon Internat
i battalion that can be properly trained and certified as combat-ready.
ected by Indian officials to be fake and was certified as a forgery by the British High Commission
ating system with open source BSD code to be certified as fully UNIX compliant.
The album was certified as gold in the US in 2002 by the Recording I
Top 25 Big Companies To Work For 2010 and is certified as one of Britain's Top Employers 2010.
As of 2003 the album has been certified as Gold by the RIAA.
onaut Training Centre near Moscow and became certified as a Flight Engineer for the Soyuz spacecraf
"Everything (It's You)" was certified as a million-selling single by the Recording
Certified as an European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
The song has been certified as being downloaded as a ringtone one millio
Mom" are all certified as gold singles by the RIAA.
best selling of 1996 in the UK, and has been certified as 3x Platinum in the UK.
The album was certified as Gold in the UK, and has sold over 500,000
QHSE Management System has been audited and certified as complying with the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, O
It was first certified as an industrial school in 1881.
SRAP remediation work, Gillman Hall has been certified as safe to current radiologic standards.
The prison warden, Burl Cain, certified as to Bickham's good behavior during his 37
Beyond Measure was certified as Gold by the RIAA.
In 1960 he was certified as a lawyer.
It was certified as Silver in the UK March 13, 2009 for sales
The album has been certified as 2x platinum by the RIAA.
It is certified as an "A" grade engineering college and is I
o vote for the party's nominees before being certified as electors.
He was also certified as a rabbi.
The department is certified as ISO class 7. The community is located on
0 a building within Goldenbridge convent was certified as an industrial school and named St Vincent
"ASAP" has certified as Gold by RIAA on June 14, 2006.
In the same year, he was certified as a Professional Engineer.
Basic Training program in April 1999 and was certified as an astronaut in January 2001.
ase, Local 212 learned that the property was certified as a "green" redevelopment which they claim
120 hp (89 kW) Jabiru 3300 engine and it is certified as a Light Sport Aircraft.
studied law at Tel Aviv University, and was certified as a lawyer.
The emergency department at CHMC is certified as a level II trauma center for adults.
The factory's products were also never certified as safe for use in pharmaceutical products b
He was certified as a rabbi, and was awarded a doctorate in l
uccess continued into 1996 when "for..." was certified as selling 10,000 copies in the United State
ontinues in the watershed, but the forest is certified as well-managed "in an environmentally sensi

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