



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > conduitsの意味・解説 > conduitsに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 25

utlets, a spillway and four power intakes and conduits, a stilling basin, headrace and tailrace chan
etnam) use of Laos and Cambodia as logistical conduits and base areas.
Water lines, electrical conduits, and steam pipes ruptured.
appear to be more like cyborgs, consisting of conduits and other connectors mated to, or in place of
However, owing to leakage in the conduits and breakdowns of the mechanism, the machine
dules that can be assembled include expansion conduits, docking bays, missile and laser turrets, fix
They serve as the major draining conduits for a major portion of the metro area.
The upgrades included a concrete stage, conduits for lighting and sound systems and better con
dership rules), the leaders (in Grunt) become conduits for information and control.
istribute the leaves efficiently and serve as conduits for resources (water, nutrients, photosynthat
The construction of the Yarra-Silvan conduits in the 1950s resulted in reduced requirements
ia and exhaustion of found materials into new conduits of meaning…the idea of a Bricolage image…depe
As such, he was one of the main conduits of Luzzatto's teachings from Padua to Eastern
t Hawk and Dove become beings that are direct conduits of the respective planes of Chaos and Order.
was enough to supply water for the irrigation conduits on both banks during the dry season.
'waterproofed' the beds of watercourses with conduits or channels, wherever water loss was thought
mission cables gently bent toward underground conduits running to the transmission towers in the nea
Outlet conduits size- 4x9 feet
ollateralized real estate mortgage investment conduits, sponsored by Lehman Brothers, in 1992 and 19
oped over many centuries from early mediaeval conduits, through major 19th century treatment works b
xposing magma which hardened in the volcano's conduits to form the numerous rock pinnacles now found
re such as telecommunications and power cable conduits, water lines, sewer lines, gas lines, oil lin
was being 'walled'; in other words the wooden conduits were being replaced by a considerably more du
Other conduits were constructed in the 15th Century.
Although underground pipes and conduits were specifically routed around this intended

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