



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > distinguishの意味・解説 > distinguishに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 1015

relatively shallow set of differences that distinguish a core Big Trout Lake sub-group (itself fur
e used in The House of Commons 1509-1558 to distinguish a member from another politician of the sam
It is important to distinguish a self-defeating prophecy from a self-fulfi
likely arose from the evolutionary need to distinguish a camouflaged predator from its background.
rstand these things is not in a position to distinguish a real physician from a quack (171c).
ation is the temporary, normal inability to distinguish a particular odor after a prolonged exposur
The term "pea picker" is used to distinguish a group as a lower social class from some o
Eventually the artist loses the ability to distinguish a good idea from a poor one.
h quisqualate, it is used in experiments to distinguish a receptor from the other ionotropic recept
onsequently it is generally not possible to distinguish a Christian use of a given image on an obje
judges against machines to see if they can distinguish a computer from a real human.
eceptors on different olfactory neurons can distinguish a new odor from the background environmenta
ft does not preserve a number's sign bit or distinguish a number's exponent from its mantissa; ever
A web browser may not be able to distinguish a page coded in EUC-JP and another in Shift
0, so that the average human trichromat can distinguish about one million different hues.
s prediction, with human subjects unable to distinguish acetophenone and its deuterated counterpart
al studies identifying unique features that distinguish Aetosauroides from Stagonolepis.
Distinguish also the Buqei'a plain, south of Qumran
oted that the PFS was not precise enough to distinguish ammonia from carbon dioxide anyway.
Muscle biopsies can also help to distinguish among various types of myopathies, by micro
The book goes on to distinguish among four possible types of socialism: Sov
A goal of the LHC experiments is to distinguish among these models and determine if the Hig
tly under development, this credential will distinguish an extraordinary class of leading professio
It serves to distinguish anarcho-capitalists from the rest of the an
f its outer surface makes it much harder to distinguish and find unlike some of the others in the C
ables generally use one of three methods to distinguish and return the cue ball to the front of the
s from signs which relate to features which distinguish and characterize people; of lines which the
k color of the spores is the easiest way to distinguish Anthoceros from the related genus Phaeocero
horn, sitar and vocals, it's pretty hard to distinguish any of these..." Earthstar's style on Frenc
has therefore become a sensitive method to distinguish apoptosis from ischemic or toxic cell death
untview, Sruthan, Sceith and Baile Thiar to distinguish areas of the townland.
nly comes up in evolutionary computation to distinguish artificial life type systems from conventio
nited States Coast Guard Auxiliary serve to distinguish Auxiliarists from members of other civilian
Procalcitonin levels may be useful to distinguish bacterial infections from nonbacterial infe
nclusion notes that the workers are able to distinguish BB queens from Bb queens based on an odor c
d Pickles, during World War II (in order to distinguish BBC broadcasts from German propaganda) is a
Canyon Live Oak, and the two may be hard to distinguish because their spinose leaves are superficia
hese species are usually relatively easy to distinguish, being pale grey with different amounts of
The Guard did not distinguish between any non-socialist political views a
th the Irving Street club, being careful to distinguish between the two currently existing manifest
e also noted that since there was no way to distinguish between media and other corporations, these
rity to be vital national need, and did not distinguish between a German attack on France vs. Franc
st Donald Hebb (1904-1985) was the first to distinguish between short-term memory and long-term mem
d under the commission of Christ, and so to distinguish between their several duties and obligation
e basis for moral nature; it can be used to distinguish between good and evil and to perfect onesel
It can be used to distinguish between similar populations of honeybees an
They can thus distinguish between violet, blue, green and yellow, but
er's assertion that, because they could not distinguish between infringing and non-infringing files
This criterion is sometimes used to distinguish between brown dwarfs, which lie above the l
That way, one needed not distinguish between types of craft.
nd the Kennedy-Thorndike experiment can not distinguish between the two transformations.
Monoclonal antibodies can distinguish between type A and type B.
Spell checker (Spell checker doesn't distinguish between text and code)
ts was the fact that most tasters could not distinguish between red wine and white wine.
n who lives in London that that is how they distinguish between foreigners and the natives.
Supposedly no experiment can distinguish between the two cosmologies.
Fortunato was the first to distinguish between tissues and organs.
difference in expression levels can be used distinguish between cancerous and healthy tissues and t
f the pectoral fin, another feature used to distinguish between sillaginid species.
Of Individual Therapy groups, researchers distinguish between Behavior Control groups (such as Al
Many activists distinguish between anti-war movements and peace moveme
“Operator” was first used by Delta Force to distinguish between “Operational” and “Non-Operational”
Rats can distinguish between languages with very different inton
on stairs, which in turn allows visitors to distinguish between the original structural components
Mr. Karzai did not distinguish between Afghan and international security c
yment within an economy, however economists distinguish between the two concepts for a number of re
e and hazardous use (of drugs), in order to distinguish between the health effects of drug abuse ra
t counterfeit DVDs, they have no ability to distinguish between counterfeit DVDs and any other poly
spatial distribution information it cannot distinguish between plaque located in high risk areas v
in the Minimalist Program also attempts to distinguish between dominance and ordering.
To distinguish between natives and non-natives, the terms
In spite of that, a Wari' warrior did not distinguish between an enemy and an animal, thus felt n
r, like most people of the time, he did not distinguish between Hungarian folk music and gypsy musi
as academics and movement leaders tried to distinguish between one's sex-e.g.
Care must be taken to distinguish between electrical arcing and copper that m
A template in the chromosome and is used to distinguish between the two untranslated regions (grey)
Testicular size can help distinguish between different types of precocious puber
m to show that human beings and animals can distinguish between isotopes by smell, despite their id
The controls can therefore distinguish between normal operation torque switch trip
/wo, o/ are still used to distinguish between high and low accent.
es the muscle biopsy alone is inadequate to distinguish between certain myopathies.
inst oomycetes and may allow A. thaliana to distinguish between different pathogens.
The term can also be used to distinguish between color and pattern; patterns are unp
It is important to distinguish between unelected rebels, elected leaders f
this article is the only one which does not distinguish between the wife of a peer and a Baroness i
ached to when such information is needed to distinguish between structural isomers.
y of search engine users cannot effectively distinguish between them.
to as the Eastern Yar if it is necessary to distinguish between them.
ne, however, careful analyses are needed to distinguish between bulges and bar structures.
The technique can be used to distinguish between (deterministic) chaotic and truly r
to as the Western Yar if it is necessary to distinguish between them.
, who was shunned by Chadians who could not distinguish between film and reality after appearing in
Usually, however, it is possible to distinguish between sedimentary and igneous schists and
Litmus milk is a milk-based medium used to distinguish between different species of bacteria.
sual Basic .NET, Pascal , Fortran, and Ada, distinguish between "functions" or "function subprogram
To distinguish between the different individuals named Bis
aning that the designs do not permit one to distinguish between certain main effects and certain in
Some publishers distinguish between "romantic fantasy" where the romanc
aptured Union uniforms, making it harder to distinguish between them and real Union soldiers.
his team were interested in finding ways to distinguish between the motives.
particularly Pentecostals and charismatics, distinguish between the "office of prophet" and the "gi
as in practice it can be quite difficult to distinguish between primary and secondary contact (Endl
s it is not possible, within the system, to distinguish between the two terms.
A damage theory of aging it is important to distinguish between DNA damage and mutation, the two ma
He wanted to clearly distinguish between essential and non-essential aspects
Some people distinguish between liqueurs and cordials, but the word
thermore, the HNC/HCN line ratio is used to distinguish between photon-dissociation regions (PDRs)
Strictly one should distinguish between the marginal oscillator and the Rob
Many lindy hop competitions distinguish between professional and amateur dancers, i
unctionally equivalent), it was possible to distinguish between registered and unregistered version
In this work, he refuses to distinguish between philosophy and theology.
ur are terms coined by Chinese linguists to distinguish between the Turkic and Mongolic Yugur langu
eral stable differences that can be used to distinguish between them.
evidence that the ability to reproduce and distinguish between notes may be a learned skill, but m
Luck egalitarians therefore distinguish between outcomes that are the result of bru
ely that it was difficult for the people to distinguish between the two.
It must be able to distinguish between orthographic rules and morphologica
Modern Balboa dancers sometimes distinguish between two types of Balboa, "Pure Balboa"
Arundel, and old sources sometimes fail to distinguish between the three settlements.
himosis is over-diagnosed due to failure to distinguish between normal developmental non-retractabi
The point is to distinguish between grandiosity and true human greatnes
,” writes Veenhoven, “….is that they do not distinguish between means and ends, nor between societa
This will help distinguish between various theories of what causes ele
Hence it is important to distinguish between a bounded complete poset and a boun
Since urine tests do not distinguish between (legal) corticoid applied as creams
nts, lines, planes, etc. by allowing one to distinguish between objects of intermediate size betwee
OMI can distinguish between aerosol types, such as smoke, dust,
Although the Mysterons could not distinguish between the human Gravener and their recons
ote that in practical terms, our ability to distinguish between hard and soft polytomies is limited
ich is a characteristic that can be used to distinguish between flesh fly and blow fly larvae.
ed at the time and since for his failure to distinguish between fact and rumour as well as his part
e noted that although it is not possible to distinguish between the subspecies from the flowers, fr
ember, Rose Macaulay, found it difficult to distinguish between the propaganda of the PPU and that
(There is apparently no intention to distinguish between The Netherlands and Holland in this
It is used as a tool to distinguish between acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase.
ite and employ a simple URL-based system to distinguish between affiliates, so that commissions wil
logy and few ligands are available that can distinguish between them as yet, however there are a nu
vation, desmopressin may be administered to distinguish between the two types of diabetes insipidus
The unofficial subtitle is used to distinguish between this album and Uzi.
Observations that may distinguish between the ekpyrotic and inflationary mode
ealthcare professional is often required to distinguish between the two.
They are used to distinguish between two types of quantities being consi
of the action of a verb; Mongolian does not distinguish between the two.
Oncologists use this property to distinguish between normal and cancerous cells.
d low muscle tone, a muscle biopsy can help distinguish between myopathies (where the pathology is
stituents, and that it is impossible not to distinguish between the rulers and the ruled in a repre
For D*, it is important to distinguish between current and minimum costs.
n with the term cosmotheology, "in order to distinguish between two competing types of 'transcenden
Another way to distinguish between composition and aggregation in mode
n of approximately 300 ps it can be used to distinguish between positrons and electrons in the mome
lack of relative pitch, or the inability to distinguish between musical notes.
ahmi, unlike Asokan Brahmi, had a system to distinguish between pure consonants and consonants with
ve paintings where it is often difficult to distinguish between nature and culture.
ose that, as a rule, it is only possible to distinguish between them by chemical tests.
Spanish neuroscientists trained rats to distinguish between Dutch and Japanese speech.
te the law of acceleration of a body and to distinguish between mass and weight.
peninsula by the gospel, it is necessary to distinguish between the marauding Bedouin nomads of the
Some authors distinguish between a natural experiment and a "quasi-e
It is easy to distinguish between the two saxophonists, as Coltrane h
fine-grained, it is much more difficult to distinguish between the different types of extrusive ig
Yet another way to distinguish between therapy and enhancement might rely
he other dark, to allow the photographer to distinguish between film which has been exposed and tha
to as Miles Davis' 'First Great Quintet' to distinguish between Davis' other notable quintet aptly
s, and most manufacturers of safranin don't distinguish between the two.
Parmenides attempted to distinguish between the unity of nature and its variety
bic writers of his time, he does not always distinguish between his own and other people's work.
rabic numerals as well as Roman numerals to distinguish between the different units, sub-units and
s, age and condition of the orchards and to distinguish between traditional and non-traditional orc
Clothing is used to distinguish between age groups, development stages, occ
It is often difficult to distinguish between these two, and between Christ at th
this term is a misnomer because it does not distinguish between class Bacilli, order Bacillales, fa
A total war that does not distinguish between civilian and military targets is co
Early fur traders named it Lower Post to distinguish between the upper and lower Liard trading p
ine terrorism, as it "does not sufficiently distinguish between unlawful acts and legitimate, non-v
Muslims distinguish between the two different individuals as 'I
goal of the code is to enable the public to distinguish between public-interest carsharing services
There is need to distinguish between a tempting political manoeuvre and
A convenient way to distinguish between a largemouth bass and a spotted bas
under the age of 18. Patients are unable to distinguish between what is possibly real and what may
he group uses the older Vampyre spelling to distinguish between what they believe are real vampires
rvalometer products that many people do not distinguish between the sensing of the event and the me
of all peoples to resist occupation, and to distinguish between that and armed crimes which target
les, i.e. the first level the player had to distinguish between criminals in the park and men just
the thermal Hall conducitivity are used to distinguish between the electronic and lattice contribu
istorical records (where it is important to distinguish between the old and new systems), the old a
The compound must be able to distinguish between destroying those microtubules that
We have to distinguish between the spectra of di-atomic molecules,
The lyrics of the song distinguish between a dealer in drugs such as marijuana
hould drink on Purim until he can no longer distinguish between the phrases arur Haman ("Cursed is
Where his grandfather began to distinguish between true and supposed knowledge, Zisi p
the Tribunals the military usually uses to distinguish between captives who were civilian refugees
toxins, so this is not a reliable method to distinguish between edible and poisonous species.
both of which he also coined, "in order to distinguish between two competing types of 'transcenden
Some sources distinguish between a "wider period between the 5th and
It is somewhat difficult to distinguish between male and female ducks since they lo
It neglects to distinguish between words where the 1 / 2 distinction i
After separation, the easiest way to distinguish between these ions is by testing flame colo
Cartographers distinguish between over 200 neighborhoods and 77 commu
n particular comet hunters such as himself, distinguish between permanent and transient objects in
eature" in her reporting of test results to distinguish between undocumented actions of delivered s

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